Chapter 111: The Four Great Monarchs of the Dragon Clan Have Officially Entered the War!

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“Oh my God! Check it out! What’s going on? ”

“On the surface of the sea in front of Malin Fando, a huge whirlpool appeared!”

“Those are… Neptune class! ”

“So many sea kings are constantly drilling out of that whirlpool!”

“Those Neptunes are too big, aren’t they?!”

“Ordinary sea kings are not so big at all, they should be from the deep sea!”

“But why do deep-sea sea kings run to the surface???”

Looking at the sudden change on the surface of the sea in front of Malin Fando, everyone couldn’t help but exclaim.

Everyone’s face was filled with shock and doubt.

With so many huge sea kings from the deep sea appearing on the surface of the sea at the same time, everyone present at this scene can be said to be the first time to see it. It’s a bit of an anomaly!

And, not only that!

Soon the crowd had new discoveries. The crowd shouted again, “It’s not just the Neptune!” Look closely! ”

“On the backs of those sea kings, there are many mermaids and mermaids!”

“It’s those guys from Fishman Island, even King Neptune of the Dragon Palace of Fishman Island and a few princes are among them!”

“Why? Why are they here? ”

“On top of the first sea king, there seems to be a pink-haired mermaid, who is that?”

“Don’t you know? That’s the mermaid princess White Star of Fishman Island! ”

“What?! Is that the legendary mermaid princess?! ”

“I heard that the beauty of the mermaid princess is not inferior even to that of the pirate goddess Boyahanku, and now it is really worthy of the name!”

“Moreover, the beauty of the mermaid princess and the pirate emperor Han Cook are completely different styles, I didn’t expect to see these two great beauties appear in Marin Fando at the same time today, it is really worth it!”

“But what is the purpose of these guys from Fishman Island appearing in Marin Fando with so many sea kings?”


The crowd of people were filled with exclamations, exclamations, arguments, and doubts.

The whole Malin Fando suddenly became chaotic again because of the arrival of the Sea King and the people of Fishman Island. For the arrival of the Golden Lion, Kaido and Big Mama, everyone actually had some psychological preparations in advance.

After all, Malin Fando had already arrived too many forces before, and it was not surprising that Kaido, Big Mama, and the Golden Lion wanted to take this opportunity to make a big fuss. But the arrival of these fishmen and mermaids on Fishman Island made everyone a little incomprehensible.

Fishman Island belongs neither to pirates nor to the navy, and it should have nothing to do with this war. And before that, the Dragon Palace Kingdom of Fishman Island had never seen so many fishmen and mermaids leave the seabed at the same time. Why would the other person suddenly appear at such a time?

This question has left everyone wondering.


And at the same time. Pirate camp on this side.

Even Ping looked at the sea in front of Marin Fando with great shock and doubt.

“What’s going on?”

“King Neptune, how did they suddenly come to the surface of the sea?”

“And even the White Star Princess came, why?”

“Is it true that… Are they trying to help Whitebeard Daddy? ”

Shi Ping vaguely guessed in his heart.

For the situation in front of him, he could only think of one possibility.

That is, Neptune and the others had come to help the Whitebeard Pirates.

Fishman Island serves as a necessary place to travel from the first half of the Great Passage to the New World. All year round, various forces pass through the island.

And this also makes the Fishman Island become extremely chaotic, and the fish and dragons are mixed.

In addition, many greedy humans have the idea of kidnapping fishmen and mermaids. Therefore, when the era of the sea thief was just beginning, Fishman Island could be said to be a complete mess.

And the mermaids and the fishmen on the island are also living in the water all the time. Later, it was Whitebeard who announced that Fishman Island would be included in his sphere of influence.

In the name of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, Fishman Island has always been sheltered, which has made Fishman Island much more peaceful.

Therefore, it is clear to him that Neptune, as the king of Fishman Island, is still very grateful to Whitebeard. Whitebeard has a great favor for Fishman Island.

Therefore, Shi Ping would guess that at this moment, Neptune and the others came with the Fishman Island army and so many sea kings, perhaps to repay Whitebeard’s kindness and come to help the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment. Thinking of this, the expression on Shi Ping’s face couldn’t help but change from the original shock and doubt to worry. As a member of Fishman Island, Shihei knows very well how strong the Fishman Island army is.

Compared with these forces on the battlefield at this moment, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The arrival of the Fishman Island army did not have any impact on the situation on the field at all. It will even plunge the entire Fishman Island into crisis.

In this regard, Shi Ping was deeply worried. At the same time, there was one thing he was very concerned about.

“Even if King Neptune had come to help the Whitebeard Pirates, why did they even bring Princess Whitestar with them?”

“Moreover, Princess White Star actually appeared at the forefront of the army?”

“Also, how can these sea kings obey the command so much?”

Shi Ping’s brow furrowed tightly, and he always felt that there was something wrong with this matter. In his understanding, Princess White Star did not have any fighting ability at all.

And to prevent the attack of van der Dyken IX, the White Star Princess has always been protected by King Neptune and others in the Hardshell Tower. Never stepped half a step out of a hard shell tower in all these years.

How could Princess Neptune, who was protected by such a key point, bring each other out of the hard-shell tower and bring them to this extremely dangerous sea, Marin Fando? In addition, those sea kings from the deep sea also made Shi Ping feel very confused.

The Fishmen and Mermaids do possess the ability to communicate with marine life, and can even command and direct some marine creatures for their own use.

Just like Shi Ping, you can directly summon some sharks and whales from the sea for your own use. But the Neptunes, especially the huge Neptunes like the one that should be living in the deep sea, are not at all at the disposal of these fishmen and mermaids!

Even Neptune, the king of Fishman Island, had absolutely no such ability. Therefore, Shi Ping was very curious, what happened to these huge sea kings from the deep sea? Looking at the scene on the sea in the distance, Shi Ping’s mind was filled with all kinds of doubts for a while.


And just when everyone was shocked and confused about the arrival of the Fishman Island army.

The Flying Sky, which was high in the sky, did not stop its pace towards Malin Fando. At the front of the deck of the Flying Sky, the Golden Lion looked at the Fishman Island army that appeared below, and smiled slightly: “At this time, the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan can all arrive!” ”

When Kaido and his aunt heard his words, a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

“Oh? You mean that the King of the Sea and the Water is in the midst of this army of Fishman Island? ”

Immediately, Kaido and Big Mama both focused their attention on the Fishman Island army below. Find the ocean and the king of the water.

Soon, they were locked on the White Star, which was at the forefront of the Fishman Island army.

“I didn’t expect that the king of the ocean and the water was actually this fishman princess.”

“In her body, in addition to the power of the ocean and the king of water, there seems to be another force.”

“This feeling is somewhat similar to the Black Dragon King Uranos in front of you.”

“Is it true that… Is this mermaid princess herself or Poseidon, the king of the sea, one of the three ancient weapons? ”

Kaido and Big Mama were originally the kings of the earth and mountains and the kings of bronze and fire, one of the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan. Therefore, with the unique perception of the first generation of the Dragon Clan, they quickly sensed the power that belonged to the king of the sea and the water in the white star. What surprised them was that they found that the White Star not only had the power of the Sea and the King of Water, but also the power of Poseidon, the Sea King, belonging to the three ancient weapons. For Kaido and others, this is a windfall.

Withdrawing his gaze from Bai Xing’s body, Kaido and Big Mama still had a hint of doubt on their faces.

“In this way, the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan will be completely complete.”


“In the first generation of the Dragon Clan, in addition to the four dragon kings, the King of Sky and Wind, the King of Earth and Mountain, the King of Bronze and Fire, and the King of Sea and Water, wasn’t there also a White King?”

“The captain said before that the White King already had a suitable candidate, and he had unknowingly integrated the Dragon Clan bloodline that could transform the other party into the White King’s body.”

“I don’t know who the captain said this white king candidate is?”

Heard what Kaido and Big Mom said.

This time, the golden lion also shook his head.

“I also don’t know who the White King is.”

“However, listening to what the captain said before, the other side seems to have already been on this battlefield of Malin Fando.”

“However, the captain did not rush to make him wake up to become the White King, but was waiting for a suitable time.”

“It seems that the time has not yet come as the captain said.”

“We may have to wait a little longer to know the answer.”

Hearing this, Kaido and Big Aunt both nodded slightly.

Didn’t dwell on this matter for long. As for the identity of the White King’s candidate, they were just a little curious.

Since the White King candidate had been personally chosen by Captain Locks, they naturally had no opinion.

For Kaido and the others, all they had to do was to successfully complete the task assigned to them by Captain Locks.

“If that’s the case, let’s start our action.”

··· Ask for flowers…

“Let’s give the final performance for the return of the captain!”

Golden Lion, Kaido and others also stopped gossiping.

The eyes of several people immediately froze!

The Flying Sky under his feet moved closer to Malin Fando at a faster speed.

The other side.

On the sea in front of Malin Fando.

The white star, located on the back of the giant Neptune, glanced up at the Flying Sky above the sky. All of a sudden, I noticed the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama.

“Are they the other three Dragon Kings under Lord Locks?”

Although he did not know the Golden Lion and others, with the unique induction of the ocean and the king of water, the White Star could recognize the identity of the Golden Lion and others at once.

“It seems that they have only arrived not long ago and are preparing to start acting.”

“I woke up at just the right time, and it didn’t delay the implementation of Lord Locks’ plan.”

Bai Xing withdrew his gaze and muttered to himself.

After being transformed by the Black King’s bloodline in Locks, the White Star had already undergone earth-shaking changes. This change is not only in strength and ability, but also in personality.

Today’s White Star is no longer the timid mermaid princess she once was.

Now she is the Sea King and the Water King who is absolutely loyal to Locks! At the same time, Poseidon, the king of the sea who awakened the power of ancient weapons.

Has the terrifying ability to command all sea creatures. Moreover, in the process of transforming into the King of the Sea and Water, White Star also received many memories and information from Locks. Regarding Locks’s revenge plan, White Star also knew almost everything. It was precisely because of this that she would bring the Fishman Island army to Malin Fando as soon as she woke up. Today’s Fishman Island army, as well as these huge sea kings, have been transformed into powerful hybrids under the power of the White Star Ocean and the Water King, and have absolute loyalty to both White Star and Locks!

“Thanks to Lord Locks, I was able to avenge my mother with my own hands.”

“Then it’s time for me to repay Lord Locks.”

“Let me do my best for Lord Locks’s return after thirty-six years!”

Muttering to himself, the white star’s beautiful eyes radiated with an unprecedented brilliance.

Subsequently, under her orders.

Those huge sea kings were carrying the Fishman Island army that had metamorphosed into a hybrid race, and they were rapidly approaching Marin Fando in front!


“Not bad! They’re coming! ”

“The Golden Lions, as well as the army of Fishman Island, are all approaching Malin Fando!”

“Now, the situation in this war is going to become more complicated!”

“The Heavenly King Uranos suddenly disobeyed orders at such a time!”

“What to do? Can only continue to fight? ”


Looking at the approaching Flying Sky and the Fishman Island army, Malin Fando’s battlefield once again let out a cry of surprise. Both the Navy and the Pirate side are becoming highly nervous at the moment.

Because they don’t know which side of these uninvited guests who are constantly approaching Marin Fando in front of them belong to?

But there is no doubt that this war, which was about to be decided to win or lose, is bound to become more complicated with the arrival of these uninvited guests!

The faces of the five old stars at this moment were also quite ugly.

Originally, they were still counting on relying on the power of the Heavenly King Uranos to directly draw an end to this war.

But Uranos somehow didn’t listen to the call at all, as if he had been afraid of something.

There was nothing like an ancient weapon. And this also means that in the face of these uninvited guests, the five old stars can only fight in person again.

As for the final outcome of this war, even the five old stars were not sure at this moment. No way, there are too many things that surprised them!

One after the other, the five old stars who were still full of confidence could not help but beat some drums in their hearts. And under the nervous gaze of the people on the battlefield of Malin Fando.

The Flying Sky and the army of Fishman Island had already arrived in front of Marin Fando from afar! The Flying Sky landed directly from the sky, landing on par with Malin Fando, and mingling with the army of Fishman Island. Such a scene made everyone a little surprised. How does it look like they are in the same group? However, before the crowd could react, four figures sprang out of them.

In the blink of an eye, he was on the battlefield of Malin Fando. It was the Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, and the White Star!

They stood side by side in a row, exuding an incomparably powerful momentum all over their bodies. So that everyone on the battlefield could not help but tremble for it.

Now! The four monarchs of the Dragon Clan!

Officially descending Marin Fan more than!.

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