Chapter 112: Scared to the trembling white beard, the whole audience doubts life!

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The front of the battlefield of Marin Fando.

The Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, and White Star stand side by side. A terrifying and terrifying powerful aura emanated from his body! So that everyone present could not help but shudder.

Even the four emperor-level strong people such as Whitebeard, Redhead, and Kapu also felt a palpitation. The brows of the five old stars also couldn’t help but frown a little at this moment.

Because from the Golden Lion and the others, they felt a sense of threat that they had not faced for a long time! This sense of threat comes from the majesty of breath and strength.

And this means that the strength of the Golden Lion and others is very strong!

Much stronger than the Four Emperors with white beards and red hair, it was enough to pose a threat to the Five Old Stars!

“The strength of these guys seems to be far stronger than we thought.”

“It looks like it’s a little tricky.”

“Golden Lion, I am not too surprised that they have such strength, but the Fishman Island’s Fish Princess White Star actually possesses this terrifying aura suppression?”

“What worries me more is that those guys on Fishman Island look like they’re in the same group as the Golden Lion?”

“When did Fishman Island get mixed up with the pirates?”

“Before that, Fishman Island didn’t have any signs of it.”

“And even if those guys on Fishman Island are in collusion with pirates, they should be with the white-bearded pirates who shelter Fishman Island.”

“How can there be a connection with the Golden Lion, Kaido, these guys who can’t hit the eight rods?”

“It seems that it will be necessary to pry some words out of their mouths later!”


The five old stars looked at the golden lions and others standing side by side in the distance with a cold look. The war intent and killing intent around him are quietly diffused.

The other side.

Everyone on the battlefield couldn’t help but be surprised to see that Bai Xing was actually standing with the Golden Lion and the others.

“Look! The Flying Sky actually landed in the same position as the Fishman Island army! ”

“What’s going on? How do they look like a gang? ”

“How is this possible? When did Fishman Island intersect with the Pirates of the Golden Lion and Kaido? ”

“They have inexplicably united together, which I never expected!”

“Also, the one who landed with the Golden Lion on Marin Fando was not King Neptune of Fishman Island, but the mermaid princess White Star?”

“I originally thought that the mermaid princess would look soft and weak, and would be a girl without the power of a chicken.”

“But the breath and momentum she shows now is not at all inferior to the golden lion, Kaido and Big Mama next to her!”

“I didn’t expect that the mermaid princess of Fishman Island was actually a master with a combat strength comparable to that of the Four Emperors!”

“Could it be that she is the secret weapon that Fishman Island has been secretly cultivating?”

“I’ve heard that the Mermaid Princess has been hiding in the Hardshell Tower all these years and has never come out, maybe she is really secretly cultivating!”

“Is it not true that Fishman Island has long been in collusion with pirates, and then secretly cultivated such a strong person as Princess Mermaid behind the scenes, in order to oppose our navy and the world’s government?”


On the battlefield of Malin Fando, all kinds of chatter and speculation were constantly heard.

The fact that the Fishman Island army is united with the Golden Lion and others is really too strange. Therefore, the speculation of the crowd in the field is becoming more and more outrageous.

There are all kinds of speculations and doubts.

And in the eyes of everyone looking at the golden lion, white star and others, the color of jealousy also became more and more intense. Pirate camp on this side.

Even Ping looked at the scene in front of him with great surprise. The incredible color of his face was palpable.

The voices of discussion and speculation around him continued to reach the ears of Ji Ping. And for those outrageous speculations, as a member of Fishman Island, he naturally knew that none of them were true. What White Star Princess is the secret weapon secretly cultivated by Fishman Island, what Fishman Island has long been secretly colluding with pirates such as Golden Lion and Kaido… All this is nonsense!

It’s just impossible!

As the captain of the Sun Pirate Regiment, Shihei has also been guarding Fishman Island as the Seven Martial Seas.

What was the situation on Fishman Island, he could be said to be the clearest of the crowd. Therefore, he was extremely sure that there was absolutely no possibility of collusion with pirates on Fishman Island before this. As for Princess Baixing, in the impression of Shi Ping, she has always been a little girl who loves to cry and is gentle.

With this person standing in the row of golden lions and other people in front of them, the figure with incomparably powerful breath is completely judging the two of them! This change was like a world of difference, which made Ji Ping a little stunned.

He even felt as if he were dreaming. Everything in front of me seemed so unreal.

He felt that the Fishman Island armies that appeared in front of him at this moment were completely different from what he remembered!

“What the hell is going on?”

“What happened to Fishman Island during the time I left Fishman Island?”

Shi Ping’s eyes widened and he said to himself with a look of incredulity.

The white-bearded man on the side saw this look of Shi Ping, heard the self-talk in the other person’s mouth, and did not ask anything more.

But the expression on the face of the world’s strongest man with a broken arm was also not good-looking. The battle of the Golden Lion and others is unprecedentedly powerful and somewhat unexpected.

It also gave Whitebeard an extremely bad premonition.

He always felt that what happened next would probably be quite bad. It’s far worse than any previous events…

“Is it true that the Golden Lion is the protagonist that Zefa has been referring to before?”

At this moment, Whitebeard suddenly thought again of what Zefa had said earlier.

Immediately, he immediately turned his eyes to Zefa who was located on the side of the battlefield. Whitebeard could see that the expression on Zefa’s face was very calm at this moment.

The other party’s performance was somewhat incompatible with the surprised crowd around him, and it seemed that there was no surprise at all about the arrival of the Golden Lion and others.

It was as if he had known in advance that the Golden Lion and the others would come… Seeing this scene, Whitebeard couldn’t help but be more determined in his own guess. But at the same time, my heart was also more confused.

“How did the Golden Lion guys unite with Fishman Island?”

“With the Golden Lion, Kaido’s ability to these guys certainly can’t do this.”

“Behind them, there must be a pair of big hands manipulating all this!”

Whitebeard thought so silently.

With what he knew about the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama, it was enough to be strange enough that these three people were able to gather together after so many years of disbanding the Rox Pirate Regiment! It was as if the sun had come out of the west.

On such a basis, the other side can actually unite with the army of Fishman Island, and can also fight side by side with the mermaid princess White Star of Fishman Island? This is even more impossible!

No matter how much he thought about it, Whitebeard felt that this could never be something that Golden Lion and others could do alone. Therefore, he could already be sure at this moment that behind the Golden Lion and the others, there must be a mysterious being manipulating all this! From the beginning of this war to the present, all the incredible things that have happened on this battlefield may all come from the hands of that mysterious man!

“So, who is behind all this?”

Whitebeard muttered to himself.

In fact, he already had a guess and answer to this question in his mind. It’s just that Whitebeard is a little reluctant to face and admit it.


This is the only answer Whitebeard can think of! Except for Locks, Whitebeard couldn’t think of anyone else who could bring the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama together again! Except for Locks, Whitebeard couldn’t have imagined that anyone else could actually bring the entire Fishman Island under his command in a silent way! Whitebeard couldn’t think of anyone other than Locks who possessed such an incredible means! But when all this was put on Locks, Whitebeard inexplicably felt that everything had become reasonable. Everything becomes no longer impossible.

Because in Whitebeard’s cognition, Locks is such an omnipotent man who makes people feel a little scary!

Although the other side had already fallen in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods thirty-six years ago, but now that even Roger had been resurrected, Locks’s resurrection did not seem impossible. And if Locks is really resurrected, then all of this has a reasonable explanation! Locks…

It’s the guy who’s been manipulating this moment behind the scenes! Thinking of this, the back of the whitebeard was instantly soaked with cold sweat. Although this speculation has not yet been confirmed.

But just thinking about this, Whitebeard could feel a sense of fear that he had never felt before! This is his fear of Locks!

If there is anyone in this world who can make the strongest man in the world feel afraid of Whitebeard, it is only Locks!

This fear has accumulated over the past many years.

Moreover, this fear did not dissipate with the death of the original Valley of the Gods vs. Locks. For the past thirty-six years, Whitebeard has often dreamed of Locks in his dreams. Every time I woke up, I was in a cold sweat.

There are palpitations in the heart. To Whitebeard, Locks has become a nightmare-like being. And now, after thinking that Locks is likely to be resurrected and secretly controlling all this behind his back, Whitebeard can’t help but feel afraid of it… Even his body couldn’t help but tremble and tremble.

At the very side, Marco and the others were the first to notice his abnormality. Immediately in a tone of concern and concern, he asked, “Father, are you okay?” ”

“Did the injury happen again?”

“I’ll treat you with undead bird Qingyan!”

With that, Marco gestured by raising his hand to wave out a blue flame. It was the blue inflammation of the undead birds.

Derived from Marko’s ability to form an animal, bird, fruit, esper species, and undead bird. Has a powerful healing power.

Able to suppress injuries in Whitebeard’s body in a short period of time. However, due to the dark wounds in Whitebeard’s body have been accumulated for a long time. It is also impossible to be completely cured.

In this way, Marco just hopes to alleviate some of Whitebeard’s pain.

However, just as he was preparing to treat Whitebeard. Whitebeard waved his hand.

Slowly shaking his head and saying in a deep voice, “No.” ”

“No matter how much I treat my body, it will not help.”

“Moreover, even if it can be cured, I am afraid it will have no effect…”

Whitebeard’s last words seemed to be muttering to himself.

Even the voice was trembling slightly.

From his tone, Marco even heard a hint of fear and despair. This made Marco wonder a little.

“Daddy, what’s wrong with that?”

“To say such a thing, this is not like Daddy’s style…”

Marco looked at Whitebeard with great concern.

My heart was full of doubts.

And just when everyone in the stadium was shocked by the landing of the Golden Lion and the others on Marin Fando. Next moment!

What was even more shocking was that it happened again. On the battlefield of Malin Fando, there were many Dao figures who suddenly quickly stepped out of the camp of the navy and the pirate side. Then, before anyone could react, they rushed in the direction where the Golden Lion and the others were!

In the navy, there was a group of naval soldiers led by Ian and Binz. They were all members of the Pirate Guerrilla Squad led by Zefa before! Seeing these people’s actions, Sengoku suddenly shouted anxiously, “Hey! What are you doing?! ”

“Come back!”

At this time, the Warring States also thought that these naval soldiers wanted to attack the Golden Lion and others first. In his opinion, with the strength of these naval soldiers.

Rushing to attack the Golden Lion and others is undoubtedly seeking its own death. However, under his persuasion.

Iron, Binz and others did not react at all. Continue to rush towards the Golden Lion and the others at a very fast speed.

“Damn! Did these guys take the wrong medicine? ”

Seeing the situation, Sengoku scolded in a low voice.

Then I wanted to stop it.

But the next moment, his whole being was directly frozen.

Because he saw that Ain, Binz and the others who rushed to the front had come to the front of the Golden Lion and the others at this moment. However, they did not attack the Golden Lion and the others as the Warring States thought.

Instead, he stood very respectfully behind the other party at 5.2! It’s like…

It is in the general return of the team!

“What’s going on?”

Sengoku frowned, and found that things were not simple. And, not only that!

Meanwhile, on the pirate camp.

Karp, who had already betrayed the navy and was standing with the pirates, was surprised to find out: Luffy, who was still standing next to him, is gone!

Even the gang of pirates with straw hats disappeared from their original locations.

And when Karp noticed the figure of Luffy and the others again, he found that they were already rushing in the direction where the Golden Lion and the others were!

“Luffy! What are you doing?! ”

“Come back soon!!!”

Karp shouted in surprise.

At the same time, the figure rushed forward, trying to stop Luffy. However, before he could take a few steps, he found that Luffy and the others were actually standing behind the Golden Lion and the others like Ian and Binz on the Navy side.

Moreover, in addition to Luffy and the Straw Hats, there were also two figures rushing out from the pirate camp, which also appeared there!

Roger! And Zepha!

Everyone stood neatly behind the Golden Lion and the others, completely unaware of the appearance of fighting each other. When they saw the figures, everyone present was shocked!

Those powerful people who had previously shined on the battlefield actually stood behind the Golden Lion and the others. It’s as if they’re in the same group as each other!

For a moment, everyone in the audience showed a ghostly expression. Full of disbelief!

They just feel that their brains don’t seem to be enough at this moment.

“What the hell is this…”

“What’s going on???”

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