Chapter 113: The Half-Blood Army, Declaring War on All Forces!!!

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Look at this sudden scene in front of you.

Seeing that Dao suddenly rushed out of his own camp and joined the Golden Lion and other people’s camp.

Everyone present was stunned.

How did the companions who were still fighting with them suddenly turn around and run into the camp of the Golden Lion and the others? And there are even big people like Roger and Zefa in it! Everyone couldn’t believe what was happening right in front of them.

For a time, Marin Fando’s battlefield was once again in chaos.

“What’s going on?? Am I not dreaming? ”

“Ain, Binz, how did they all get to the Golden Lion?”

“And Zepha, Roger, and the Straw Hats!”

“Obviously, the forces of a completely different camp, how could they all suddenly throw themselves into the Golden Lion gang?”

“What the hell did the Golden Lion do???”

“But it just seems that nothing happened!”

“Is it true that from the very beginning, Roger and Zepha have been in the same group as the Golden Lion?”

“But before 07, there was obviously no sign at all!” When exactly did it happen??? ”


In the crowd, a series of shocked and puzzled voices came out.

Sengoku’s face was very ugly as he looked at the naval soldiers who were neatly arranged behind the Golden Lion and the others at this moment. Those were members of the pirate guerrillas under Zefa.

Over the years, Zefa has led them on their voyages throughout the Great Passage, fighting fierce life-and-death battles with the pirates.

It can also be regarded as a group of people who have made great contributions to the Navy. However, at this moment, it was such a group of navies that actually stood behind the pirates!

Standing in the opposite camp of the Navy!

This makes the Warring States somewhat incomprehensible, and also somewhat difficult to accept.

“What the hell is going on that makes them look like this?”

“And Zefa is also, this performance is really too abnormal!”

Muttering solemnly, Sengoku set his sights on Zefa, who was also standing in the camp of the Golden Lion and the others. At this moment, the other party was standing there so quietly, looking cold and indifferent.

It was as if he didn’t care at all about what he had done. This made the Sengoku feel very strange.

In fact, as early as after Zefa returned this time, the Warring States were able to conceal that the other side was somewhat abnormal. Becoming more taciturn than before, there has been a great change in style and personality in some things. It’s like a changed person.

This feeling is especially evident when Zefa took a shot at Whitebeard before and also broke Whitebeard’s arm.

Later, Zefa even fought against the Five Old Stars to prevent the Five Old Stars from killing Whitebeard. This made the Warring States feel even more strange and confused.

Until now, Zefa had been a complete rebel.

Directly turned his head and joined the camp of the Golden Lion gang of pirates. Seeing all this happening, the mood of the Warring States can be imagined.

“Before this return voyage, Zefa they weren’t like that!”

“It must have happened during this return voyage…”

Sengoku thought worriedly, only to feel a headache.

From the beginning to the present, there have been too many unexpected changes and reversals in this war, and even the Warring States with the name of wisdom generals feel that their brains are not enough at the moment. After recalling all the things that had happened before this war, somehow, the Warring States always felt that only someone was behind all this! Sengoku felt that their gang had been being teased by the black hand behind the scenes all along! It’s like a clown on stage!

This also made the Warring States feel a strong sense of crisis.

I always felt that something more terrible was going to happen after that.


Meanwhile. Pirate camp on this side.

Karp, Ace and the others all had a confused expression after seeing that Luffy had suddenly run into the camp of the Golden Lion and the others.

“Luffy! What’s wrong with you? ”

Both Cap and Ace couldn’t help but yell at Luffy. However, at this moment, Luffy was standing in the opposite camp, expressionless and indifferent.

There was no reaction at all to the shouts of Kapu and Ace.

“Luffy’s look, it seems a little strange!”

“How did he get mixed up with the Golden Lion gang?”

Ace said somewhat anxiously.

Kapu on the side also frowned tightly.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Luffy had said to him earlier.

When Cap asked Luffy why their strength had suddenly become so much stronger, Luffy had replied that it was the Golden Lion who had taken them to meet a mysterious man after rescuing them from the Chambord Islands.

The mysterious man allowed Luffy and the others to fuse a special dragon bloodline, and also took them into a strange cultivation space, which led to the rapid improvement of the strength of Luffy and the Straw Hat. But Karp was surprised by this.

Why would a mysterious person who had never met suddenly help Luffy improve his strength for no reason? Moreover, he is also a mysterious person who is called the captain by the golden lion!

Thinking about it now, Kapu felt that the abnormality of Luffy and the others at this moment might be related to the so-called dragon bloodline.

“Could it be that Luffy was manipulated by that mysterious man using the Dragon Clan’s bloodline?”

Karp guessed so in his mind.

“But who is that mysterious man?”

“What is his purpose in controlling Luffy?”

In his heart, while constantly thinking, Kapu’s heart also inexplicably gave birth to a very strong uneasiness! And like him, there were the members of Roger’s Pirates.

“Roger, what’s wrong with that?”

“How did you suddenly run to the Golden Lion’s side?”

“We Roger Pirates and Golden Lions are 340 sworn enemies.”

“Why do I feel that something is wrong with Roger’s appearance?”

“He also completely ignored our shouts.”

“Suddenly, Roger seems to have changed into a person!”


Reilly, Jabba and the others were all anxiously arguing.

Roger’s abnormality was also extremely disturbing to them.


And it was in the midst of such shock and uneasiness on the field.

The Fishman Island army, which was still in the sea in front of Malin Fando, and the pirates on the Flying Sky who were ready to go, all moved in unison.

Landing at Malin Fando at a very fast speed, it was mighty and uniform, and it was neatly arranged behind the Golden Lion and the others! This is a combined army of Flying Pirates, Hundred Beasts Pirates, Big Mama Pirates, and Fishman Island!

Just looking at the scale of this mighty scale gives people a strong sense of oppression!

Plus there are also sudden defections of Roger, Zefa, Luffy and others. Such a team alone would be enough to crush any force present! After all the troops had landed and assembled, the Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, and White Star looked at the crowd at the same time and said in unison, “We are the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan under the captain of the ship!” ”

“At the moment! We are leading an army of hybrids to officially present to all the forces present…”

“Declaration of War!!!”

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