Chapter 114: Their so-called captain is Locks?!

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“We are the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan under the captain of the ship!”

“At the moment! We are leading an army of hybrids to officially present to all the forces present…”

“Declaration of War!!!”

The voices of the Golden Lion and the others resounded like a bell, resounding throughout Malin Fando. Reverberate over the battlefield for a long time.

Everyone present could clearly hear their shout. And the moment the voice fell, everyone in the field was instantly boiling!

“What?! I heard that right??? ”

“Golden lions, they say they will declare war on all the forces we are present???”

“Crazy! No matter how strong their strength is, they absolutely cannot have the ability to fight all the forces we are present alone, right? ”

“Whitebeard alone, red-haired Shanks have the size of two Four Emperors Pirate Regiment on their side, and so many legendary criminals who have escaped from the advance city.”

“And on the side of our navy and the main palace of the world, although Lieutenant General Kapu and Teacher Zefa have both defected, there are still three generals, the Warring States Marshal, the Marshal of the Steel Bone Air and the Five Old Stars sitting in the seat!”

“Golden Lion, they want to fight so many of us at the same time, isn’t it a little too arrogant?”


For a time, the crowd expressed some doubts about the declaration of war by the Golden Lion and others. Although the other side has a golden lion, Kaido and Big Mama are strong.

At the same time, he also gathered the powerful people like Roger, Zefa and Straw Hat Luffy, who somehow suddenly defected. But the crowd still did not feel that the other side had the strength to declare war on all the forces present at the same time.

If the other side is going to fight a single side of the navy or the pirate camp, the crowd may still be able to believe that the golden lion has the strength to win. But……

Declaring war on all forces at the same time is really ridiculous anyway! You must know that at this moment, almost all the top forces on this sea, except for the revolutionary army, have gathered in Malin Fando! The Golden Lion’s approach is basically equivalent to saying that they want to challenge the top forces in the entire sea with their own strength!

It is no wonder that the people present were so shocked and incredulous after hearing such a shout. And just when the crowd was shocked by the cries of the Golden Lion and others to declare war on all the forces.

Others keenly found some key clues from the other person’s previous words.

“Wait! Have you heard, Golden Lion, what they just said…”

“What are the four of them the four monarchs under the captain’s command?”

“Does this mean that they are as strong as golden lions, but they are actually just under the command of others?!”

“Sizzle! How is this possible??? ”

“Is there anyone who can make the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama willing to be loyal?”

“If there really is such a person, why have we never heard of it before?”

“To say that I can make the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama loyal, I can only think of one Locks.”

“You mean that the former sea overlord Locks D. Gibbek? ”

“That’s right! It is said that the Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, and even Whitebeard were all former members of the Locks Pirates. ”

“But isn’t Locks already dead?” I heard that it was Vice Admiral Kapu who personally defeated him, and it is precisely because of this that Vice Admiral Kapu will be named a naval hero. ”

“After Locks’s death, the Locks Pirates also fell apart, so why are these guys coming together again?”

“Besides Locks, who else has the ability to bring so many powerful people under his command?”


For a time, everyone was interested in the identity of the so-called captain of the Golden Lion and other populations. At the same time, some people have made their own guesses.

“You say, since even Roger the One Piece, who had already been executed, has been resurrected, is there a possibility…”

“Locks is also resurrected!”

“Maybe it’s the resurrected Locks who brought the Golden Lion back together!”

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately aroused the approval of many people.

Because in their opinion, it is indeed very likely. Except for Locks, they really couldn’t imagine that anyone else could have such a terrifying appeal and cohesion, and be able to gather the four emperor-level strong people such as Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama under their command! But for such speculation, there are still many people who have raised a lot of questions.

“But if the Golden Lion is really Locks by the captain they are talking about, then why didn’t Whitebeard return to the other side?”

“Yes! Wasn’t Whitebeard, like the Golden Lions, once a member of the Locks Pirates? ”

“Moreover, when Zefa was fighting with Whitebeard before, he was not ambiguous in his hand, and directly cut off one of Whitebeard’s arms.”

“Now Zefa has stood with the Golden Lion and the others, indicating that he is also the captain of the Golden Lion as they say.”

“If the mysterious captain is really Locks, why is it against Whitebeard, a former subordinate?”

“In addition, I heard that Roger and Locks were also hostile before, so why did he suddenly turn to the other side?”

“And it seems that even Reilly, Jabba, and other members of the Roger Pirate are very shocked by this, is there anything wrong with Roger’s resurrection?”


In the sound of speculation and discussion, the doubts and curiosity in the hearts of the people also became more and more intense. At this moment, they are all impatient to know, who is the captain of the ship said by the Golden Lion and other people?!

Although many people suspect that it may be Locks, no one can be sure whether it is true or false until the truth of the truth is really revealed, until the mysterious captain does not really show up.

Of course, when curious about the identity of the mysterious captain. The crowd couldn’t help but be a little worried about the next battle.

Although most people feel that the actions of all the forces present at the declaration of war by the army of hybrids are too rampant. But it is undeniable that the strength of the other side is indeed very strong!

Even if the other side is a little reluctant to fight against all the forces present at the same time, these people will definitely have a bitter battle next! The scale of this next war will even far exceed that of before! Become truly unprecedented!

And don’t think that everyone knows that no matter what the final outcome of this war is, the forces on this sea and the pattern of the whole world will surely usher in an unprecedented reshuffle!

Thinking of this, the mood of the crowd also became serious and solemn.



After hearing the declaration of war from the Golden Lion and others, the five old stars reacted at the first time like everyone present. After a brief period of shock and doubt, the expressions of the five supreme leaders of the world’s government became cold.

“Do you declare war on all the forces present?”

“What a big breath!”

“How many years has no one dared to be so arrogant in front of the main government of our world?”

“It seems necessary for them to feel the horror of our world again!”

“If they want to fight, let’s fight!”

The five old stars said in a deep voice. The next moment, a fierce and powerful momentum burst out from the bodies of these five elderly people and shot straight into the sky!!!

On the other side, the pirate camp side.

Whitebeard, Shanks, and Kapu are also serious.

“I don’t know exactly what they did to Roger, Zefa and Luffy, but no matter what, we have to take them back!”

“Be sure to get them back to normal!”

“Since the other side has declared war on all forces, it seems that we have no possibility of backing down.”

“If that’s the case, let’s fight!”

When the words fell, several people’s bodies also emitted powerful breath and high war spirit! An unprecedented war is about to break out!!!。

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