Chapter 119: Luffy’s Breath! Fear from the deepest parts of the soul!

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“Let me see my true strength!”

Luffy looked at St. Ferdinand, who appeared behind him, and grinned. Seeing this, St. Ferdinand was suddenly upset.

“Not bad! What kind of moth is this guy going to do?! ”

For Luffy, St. Ferdinand still has some jealousy.

After all, the Nika Fruit, which had not awakened in the past eight hundred years, had actually completed the awakening in the other party’s body. This shows that there must be something special about Luffy’s body.

Moreover, the other party’s body still has that mysterious dragon bloodline. Maybe there was something unexpected that they didn’t know.

Therefore, at such a time, we must not carelessly take the enemy lightly!

“Ahem! I’m not stupid enough to give you that chance! ”

“All threats must be strangled in the cradle!”

St. Ferdinand snorted coldly.

The decision was quickly made in mind. The next moment, I saw the sharp change of the finger gun he had originally stabbed at Luffy!

Both hands clenched their fists at the same time and reached in front of him, and aimed them at Luffy in front of him.

“I’m not interested in your true power, so let’s just die!”

“Six Kings Gun!”

With that, St. Ferdinand aimed at Luffy’s fists, and suddenly and rapidly accumulated an incomparably majestic and terrifying energy. The Navy VI are the moon step that can walk in the air, the foot that can kick out sharp slashes, the shaving that can move at high speed like teleportation, the iron block that can strengthen itself against damage, the finger gun that can penetrate everything like a bullet, and the paper painting that can freely control all parts of the body to attack and dodge! And on top of these six moves, there is actually a Navy Six Style Ultimate Upanishads One Six King Gun!

This is the ultimate killer skill that can only be mastered after practicing all the moves of the Navy Six Styles to a certain extent. Previously, in the Battle of Justice Island, Rob Luci, the strongest person in CP9, had also used this trick on Luffy, causing Luffy extremely terrible damage.

At the moment, St. Ferdinand obviously wants to solve Luffy in one fell swoop with the ultimate meaning of this naval six style. The power of the Six Kings Gun in the hands of St. Ferdinand is naturally incomparable to that of Rob Luci.

The Six Kings Gun unleashed by the creator of the Navy Six Style was so powerful that it could even inflict heavy damage on the strongest creature like Kaido, whose life force and defense were incomparably strong! Of course, this refers only to the previous Kaido.

Today, Kaido possesses the terrifying power of the King of the Earth and Mountain, one of the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan.

And the king of the earth and the mountain, even among the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan, is the one with the strongest vitality and defense. As a result, Kaido’s defense has now reached an unimaginable point.

If St. Ferdinand’s six-king gun were to hit the current Kaido, it would not be possible to break through the opponent’s defense.

“Go and die!”

At the same time as the Six Kings Gun burst out, St. Ferdinand drank in a deep voice. After hearing Luffy’s earlier statement that he wanted to show him real power, St. Ferdinand was clearly planning to kill Luffy with a single blow.

Although he was also curious about what Luffy’s real power was, as one of the five old stars who held the highest power in the world, St. Ferdinand was not stupid.

Naturally, it is impossible to just watch the other party act. Be sure to inflict a heavy blow on Luffy before that!

Or even kill each other directly! With this in mind, an incomparably powerful energy slammed out from above St. Ferdinand’s fists that were together. Slammed straight into the position of Luffy in front of you!

On top of that terrifying energy impact, it was naturally indispensable to the entanglement of the armed color and the domineering color of the overlord. Wherever the Six Kings Gun passed, even space seemed to become distorted.

“Luffy! Be careful! ”

On the battlefield in the distance, Kapu, who was fighting Roger, noticed this scene and couldn’t help but shout with some anxiety. Although Luffy has now betrayed the camp and joined the army of hybrids.

But Karp was still worried about Luffy’s safety.

And want to find a way to get the other person back to normal.

Hearing Kapu’s shouting, Ace and the red-haired people not far away also showed a somewhat worried look. Like Karp, they are equally concerned about Luffy’s safety.

But what makes people feel a little strange is that the members of the Straw Hat gang did not have the slightest worry and anxiety after noticing Luffy’s situation.

They were still fighting the opponent in front of them, looking calm as usual.

It was as if it had been concluded that St. Ferdinand’s attack could not pose any threat to Luffy. And under the watchful eyes of the multitude.

Luffy did not move in the face of this oncoming attack. Just stand where you are and wait for the other party to arrive.

Next moment!

The terrifying energy impact of the Six Kings Gun had already slammed into Luffy’s body!


Suddenly, a deafening blast sounded.

At the same time, a dazzling white light burst out from the bombardment. Wrap Luffy’s entire body in it.

It made it impossible for the crowd to see what was going on inside.


The terrifying energy shock is still raging.

Even the ground beneath his feet began to crack and sink. Looking at this scene, the worried look on the faces of Cap, Ace and Shanks was even worse.

“Luffy he… Won’t it be okay? ”

Several people whispered to themselves with great solemnity.

And then, their faces changed suddenly!

“What’s going on? Luffy’s breath was gone??? ”

“My smell and domineering spirit can no longer feel Luffy’s breath at all!”

“How could this be, Luffy him…”

At the moment when he sensed the disappearance of Luffy’s breath, Kapu and the others were momentarily shocked. Generally speaking, a person’s breath suddenly disappears, and there is another reason…

That’s death! Is it to say…

Was Luffy dead under the blow that St. Ferdinand had just hit???

Thinking of this, Kapu and others are not calm. On the battlefield not far away, St. Ferdinand also sensed that Luffy’s breath had completely disappeared under the impact of his Six Kings Gun. Sensing this, he couldn’t help but laugh with satisfaction.

“Oh, it seems that I was caught off guard.”

“What else do you want me to see the real power, I’m afraid I’m afraid I’m going to be directly bombarded to the point that there’s no scum left?”

“Sun god Nika? That’s it! ”

St. Ferdinand said triumphantly.

The disappearance of Luffy’s breath undoubtedly meant that his attack had worked. Nika, the sun god, has been completely destroyed by him.

Thinking of this, St. Ferdinand’s mood is also very happy. The smile on his face grew brighter.

However! Next moment!

The smile of the five old stars suddenly froze on his face. Because all of a sudden, he once again sensed a breath coming out of the energy impact package of the Six Kings Gun! It was the breath of Luffy, who had disappeared before!

But it’s different. This time……

The breath of the other party has become more powerful and mysterious! Just by seeing and smelling the domineering perception, St. Ferdinand suddenly gave birth to a chilling feeling blowing! Is that!

As if from the deepest fears of the soul!.

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