Chapter 120: The White King! The first generation of the Dragon Clan’s four monarchs!

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“How can that be?!”

“Isn’t his breath gone?”

“How all of a sudden it has appeared again, and it has become stronger than before!”

“This breath actually makes me feel like I can’t help but tremble and surrender!”

At this moment, St. Ferdinand’s eyes widened.

A look of disbelief looked ahead.

The dazzling light of the Six Kings Gun shock wave had not faded at this time. As a result, he was not yet able to see the situation inside.

But his sight and smell of domineering spirit could clearly perceive that there was an extremely powerful and terrifying aura rising from the sky! It is the breath of Luffy, who has disappeared before!

But this breath is very different from before. More powerful.

More ethereal and illusory.

It also made St. Ferdinand feel even more jealous and afraid!

“What the hell is going on?”

“Is this the real power that the Straw Hat Boy is talking about?”

After intense shock and astonishment, St. Ferdinand looked in front of him with a look of jealousy. Waiting for the white light to dissipate.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the battlefield.

Kapu and the others also noticed the change in Luffy’s breath.


“Great! Luffy’s breath has not disappeared! ”

“But why does it feel that Luffy’s breath at this moment is a little strange?”

“It became a little strange to me 477 up…”

Karp, Ace, Shanks, and the others all looked at the white light that wrapped Luffy’s body in death. There was still a look of doubt and worry.

Although Luffy’s breath has not disappeared, this means that Luffy’s life is not in danger for the time being.

But somehow, the breath that Luffy exuded at this moment made these people who were originally very familiar with him feel very strange. For no reason, several people’s hearts were born with a bad premonition.

At the same time.

The Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, and White Star, who were fighting with the Five Old Stars, all turned their heads in unison after feeling the breath emanating from Luffy, and turned their eyes to Luffy’s location.

On the faces of several people, there was a look of sudden enlightenment.

“This breath… I see! ”

“It turns out that the last person the captain said was the straw hat boy.”

“It’s really funny.”

“At this point, all the first generations of the Dragon Clan have arrived!”

The Golden Lion and the others looked in the direction where Luffy was and muttered with interest.


And it was under the close attention of the people.

The white light that surrounded Luffy finally slowly dissipated. The impact of the Six Kings Gun also completely dissipated.

Luffy, who was drowned in it, finally slowly revealed his figure. Luffy in the original Nika form, at this moment, his appearance has changed again. His body was still white, but there was an extra layer of white scales all over his body! That’s dragon scales!

On Luffy’s forehead, a pair of white dragon horns also grew.

Behind him was a pair of white wings and a long white tail!

In this way, it looks somewhat similar to Kaido’s original dragon human form. At this moment, Luffy in this form, even the look in his eyes became. It’s very different! Indifferent!

Looking into St. Ferdinand’s eyes was even like looking at a piece of garbage. Aware of such a sight, St. Ferdinand was also quite unhappy. He frowned and said in a deep voice: Proud!

“What’s going on with this guy’s look?”

“The Nika form in the record has never shown such a look.”

St. Ferdinand’s mood was somewhat dignified.

The changes in Luffy in front of him brought him more unknowns. At the same time, it also brings a stronger sense of crisis!

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the battlefield.

Kapu, Ace, Shanks and the others saw Luffy’s revealing form, and the color of doubt and worry on their faces became more and more intense.

“How did Luffy suddenly become like this?”

“The previous Nika form was due to the Demon Fruit, which is understandable.”

“But how should Luffy explain what he looks like now?”

“Is it because of the influence of that Dragon Clan’s bloodline?”

“At this moment, Luffy gives me the feeling that I have changed into a person!”


Karp and the others said to themselves with some uneasiness.

They wanted to go up and check on Luffy, but they were all entangled in their respective opponents and couldn’t pull out at all. On the battlefield, the naval soldiers and pirates who were engaged in fierce battles also noticed Luffy’s change. For a moment, there was a loud exclamation in the crowd.

“Look! The appearance of the Straw Hat Boy has actually changed again! ”

“I remember he’s changed form once before, right?”

“The previous change in form directly gave him the strength to surpass the Four Emperors and the Great General.”

“And after changing his form this time, I feel that his strength seems to be stronger again!”

“Not only that, but his whole feeling seems to have changed tremendously, almost like a changed person!”

“What the hell is going on here? This guy should not be open, how can there be so many forms? ”

“A few days ago, the Straw Hat Boy was just a little pirate who was cornered by the Yellow Ape Admiral on the Chambord Islands.”

“Is this also because of that Dragon Clan’s bloodline?”

“What exactly is that Dragon Clan bloodline, and why does it have such a magical effect?”

“Who the hell created something like the Dragon Clan’s bloodline?”

“It feels like the existence of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline is even more mysterious and powerful than the Demon Fruit!”

“The captain in the mouth of the army of hybrids simply possesses god-like power!”


In the crowd of the battlefield, a cry of wonder kept coming out. After seeing Luffy’s changes, everyone became more and more curious about the so-called Dragon Clan’s bloodline. At the same time, I want to know more and more.

Who are the captains of the Golden Lion and other populations? Who has such amazing and powerful abilities? It’s like a god!


Hearing the amazement and curiosity from the crowd, St. Ferdinand felt extremely irritable for no reason.

“These idiots! It is simply to grow the morale of others to destroy their own prestige! ”

After a whispered scolding.

St. Ferdinand forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, looked at Luffy in front of him with extremely cold eyes, and said in a deep voice again: “I don’t care what is going on in your form, you must die here today!” ”

“And the Golden Lion guys are the same!”

After saying that, I saw the figure of St. Ferdinand rushing out again. While rushing towards Lu Fei, his fists were also straightened again and closed in front of him.

“Max wheel! Six Kings Gun! ”

With a loud roar, the Six Kings Gun, which was much more powerful than before, was once again blasted out by St. Ferdinand! This time, the five-year-old star can be said to have done his best.

Such a blow, if it is a direct hit, is even enough to directly kill a fourth emperor in a second! However, in the face of such an attack, Luffy in the new form still has no intention of dodging. He looked indifferently at St. Ferdinand who was rushing towards him.

Casually raised one of his palms and gently waved it out!

The next moment, St. Ferdinand’s figure seemed to have been subjected to an invisible shock. Turning directly in the air, it was violently thrown aside.

And in his mouth, he also spat out a mouthful of blood! The breath withered a lot in an instant.

Luffy in the new form, just raised his hand, did not even directly touch the other party, it was a serious injury to a five-old star! For a moment, the whole audience was in an uproar!

In the uproar, Luffy looked indifferently at St. Ferdinand, who had been blown out. In an extremely cold tone, he said, “Reintroduce yourself.” ”

“I am the first generation of the Captain Ship’s command, above the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan..”


“White King!”

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