Chapter 121: Unprecedented Despair! Dragon Clan bloodline appears!

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“Reintroduce yourself.”

“I am the first generation of the Captain Ship’s command, above the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan…”

“White King!”

Luffy looked at St. Ferdinand, who was being blown to the ground, and slowly opened his mouth. Although the cold voice was not loud, it reverberated for a long time throughout the battlefield of Malin Fando. Everyone on the battlefield heard Luffy’s words clearly. For a moment, the whole place was silent!

Everyone’s eyes widened and widened

“Mouth, looking far away at where Luffy is.”

Looking at Luffy, who was covered with white dragon scales at this moment, somehow, everyone’s hearts invariably gave birth to a strange feeling. At this moment, Luffy is no longer the original straw hat boy Luffy.

It’s the one that the other person says… White King! After a long silence, the crowd in the field erupted again with a series of exclamations.

“Sleeper! What’s the situation??? ”

“Lord St. Ferdinand was slapped by the Straw Hat Boy and flew out???”

“That’s a big pusher!” Do you know how much a big pusher can hurt a five-year-old star? ”

“It’s hard to imagine how strong the Straw Hat Boy, who can slap and seriously injure the Five Old Stars, is now?!”

“Didn’t you hear that?” That guy is not a straw hat boy now, but a white king who is above the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan! ”

“The four great monarchs of the Dragon Clan… If I remember correctly, the Golden Lions introduced themselves when they appeared and said that they were the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan. ”

“That’s right! Doesn’t this mean that the strength of this White King is still above the Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, and Mermaid Princess White Star?! ”

“Who would have thought that just a few days ago, the Straw Hat Boy still had no ability to resist at all when facing the Yellow Ape General!”

“As a result, now, even the Five Old Stars are no longer his opponents at all!”

“Is it all because of the so-called Dragon Clan’s bloodline?” This is incredible! ”

“Honestly, I’m a little touched by this Dragon Clan’s bloodline!”

“If it can help me get stronger, I even want to join the other side’s army of hybrids!”

On the battlefield, there was a lot of discussion among the warring crowds.

After seeing Luffy’s strength increase several times in this war.

Many people could not avoid taking action against the Dragon Clan bloodline that could quickly increase people’s strength. After all, above this sea, strength is king!

There’s no one who doesn’t want to be stronger.

When they saw that pirates like Quinn, who were not originally at the top of their strength, actually had a powerful strength that could match the generals.

When they saw that Luffy’s strength in a war had leaped one after another, and even reached a realm that was enough to crush the Five Old Stars.

It’s really hard for someone to be unimpressed. Dragon Clan’s bloodline!

The attraction of this moment to the crowd is directly to the fullness. Even many of them had already had a thought, if they could give them the Dragon Clan bloodline, it wouldn’t matter if they betrayed the current camp! And the other side.

The Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama after hearing what Luffy had said. All are inevitably skimmed lips.

As if unconvinced, he said to himself, “Phew! This guy is really arrogant! ”

“As soon as he came up, he said that he was a being above the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan!”

“Obviously, it was the last to metamorphose into the first breed, and it was really a little unpleasant!”

The Golden Lion and the others all complained silently.

Of course, they are only saying this.

Although he was a little upset about Luffy, or the arrogant attitude of the White King. But as the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan, they actually knew very well that what the other party said was actually true.

The White King is indeed the first generation of the Dragon Clan to override the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan. It is second only to the existence of the Black King Niederhog!

Although the attitude towards Luffy is a little uncomfortable, it is also a fact.

And they don’t complain in their hearts about why Locks gave Luffy the White King’s place instead of them. For Locks’s decision, the Golden Lion and others are unconditionally obedient and supportive.

There is absolutely no way to disagree!

At a time when the crowd reacted to Luffy’s changes.

St. Ferdinand, who had been slapped by Luffy and flew out, finally slowly got up from the ground at this moment. At this moment, the expression on the face of this five-year-old star can be described as difficult to see the pole.

His face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were bloodstained. Obviously the injury was not light.

At this moment, St. Ferdinand’s heart was also greatly shocked. You know, when he launched the attack just now, he didn’t have the slightest carelessness!

And also used the maximum wheel power of the Six Kings Gun, it can be said that it is really full power.

However, it was in that situation that he was actually slapped by Luffy and flew out with a slap!

This made St. Ferdinand, who had always been extremely confident in his own strength, have some doubts about life. And, in that instant just now.

In the face of Luffy’s slap, St. Ferdinand’s heart even gave birth to the illusion that he was a small ant.

And what he was facing was a huge elephant!

Except when confronted by Lord Im, the King of the World, who sat on the throne of the void between flowers, St. Ferdinand had never felt so small for a moment!

“What kind of monster has this guy become?”

“Cough cough–”

St. Ferdinand coughed in pain a few times and looked at Luffy in front of him with incomparably fierce eyes.

“Existence above the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan… The White King? ”

“What exactly is the Dragon Clan you are talking about?”

“And who is the mysterious captain you call him?”

St. Ferdinand asked in a deep voice.

On the other side, after hearing his words, Luffy still responded with a cold look, “Since you want to know what the Dragon Clan’s bloodline is…”

“Then it would be up to you to feel it for yourself!”

With that, Luffy took another step out.

Walk slowly toward where St. Ferdinand is. Seeing this, St. Ferdinand was also a great enemy.

The figure silently took a few steps back. Through the fight just now, he actually understood that he was not Luffy’s opponent at all. If he continues to fight head-on, then he will undoubtedly lose!

You have to find some other way to win unexpectedly! As the figure silently retreated, St. Ferdinand was constantly thinking about how to deal with it in his heart. However, Luffy did not care about this.

He still did not hurry to move towards St. Ferdinand, even if he had not yet made a shot, but he already had a strong sense of oppression!

The crowd watching the battle around them was even a little breathless. Not to mention St. Ferdinand, who confronted this oppressive feeling. Under such a sense of oppression, St. Ferdinand even felt that his brain thinking speed was greatly affected and inhibited!

“No way! Can’t go on like this anymore! ”

“You have to find an opportunity to get rid of him!”

With this thought in his heart, St. Ferdinand’s eyes also froze! Immediately after, put your feet on the ground quickly!

The figure disappeared into the distance in an instant. One of the Navy Six Styles, Shave!

As the founder of the Navy Six Styles, St. Ferdinand, each of the Six Styles has reached the pinnacle of perfection. The shaving was cast by him and was infinitely close to the effect of teleportation. In just a moment’s work, St. Ferdinand’s figure reappeared behind Luffy! And when St. Ferdinand’s figure appeared again, his body also changed abruptly at this moment! I saw that his body first began to swell rapidly, becoming larger than before.

The body is like a balloon filled with air. And then those “qi” began to gather frantically above St. Ferdinand’s arms. The originally swollen body also began to contract rapidly and became dry and flat.

Instead, his arms became stronger and stronger than before! One of the six types of the Navy, paper painting!

Paper painting is one of the most overlooked skills in the Navy VI style, but its power is unimaginable to ordinary people. Those who practice paper painting to the pinnacle of perfection can freely control and master every part of the body, and even every cell!

Be able to freely mobilize the strength of the whole body to gather in one place. And at this moment, St. Ferdinand did just that.

He gathered all the strength of his whole body into his arms.

Then they all poured into the pair of fists that were straight and together!

At this moment, the energy of the Six Kings Gun once again converged on St. Ferdinand’s fists. Exude an incomparably terrifying aura of destruction!

“Since none of the previous Six Kings Guns of the largest wheel have any effect on you, let’s try the Ten Times Largest Wheel Six Kings Gun!”

“I don’t believe it, this can’t hurt you!”

As the energy continued to accumulate, St. Ferdinand’s eyes also became incomparably fierce. Through the paper painting of one of the six styles of the Navy, at this moment, he could gather all the strength of his body into his fists! The Six Kings Gun cast in this case was powerful enough to reach ten times the maximum wheel of the Six Kings Gun before! You know, before that, the Five Old Stars were already the peak combat strength of this sea. So a tenfold increase is definitely a terrible number. The power of the Six Kings Gun under the tenfold increase was even comparable to that of the Heavenly King Uranos!

In an instant, this island of Marin Fando under your feet can be blasted to ashes! This is the ultimate power that the five old stars can reach with a desperate bet.

Of course, such a terrible move must have its cost. After performing this move, the strength of St. Ferdinand’s whole body will be completely exhausted…

··· Ask for flowers…

Fell into a state of extreme weakness.

At such a time, even an ordinary soldier is enough to kill him.

It is precisely because of this side effect that San Ferdinand has not performed this trick before. But now!

Faced with Luffy, who had transformed into the White King, St. Ferdinand knew that if he did not make a desperate bet, he would not even be able to win half a point in death! So, he went out!

As long as we can win this battle and completely eliminate Luffy, an incomparably huge threat to the world’s government, then no matter what the price is, it will be worth it!

With this in mind, St. Ferdinand roared.

“I don’t care if you’re Luffy the Straw Hat boy or the White King…”

“Give me all to die!”

“Ten times the increase! Max Wheel Six Kings Gun! ”

With this roar, St. Ferdinand’s strongest blow had been completely accumulated! Next moment!

The incomparably surging energy impact is entangled with the armed color and the overlord color domineering spirit that pours everything in! Wrapped in a terrifying breath of destruction!

With an unbeatable, unstoppable trend! Slammed into the opposite Luffy! Such a blow even made the whole Malin Fando begin to shake violently! Even the clouds above the sky were constantly rising, and a huge whirlpool of clouds was formed centered on the sky above the location of St. Ferdinand!

Everyone in the audience noticed this scene and their eyes were all drawn to the past.

“This blow is terrifying!”

“It seems that the guy in St. Ferdinand is really going to do his best!”

“Luffy, can he really block this blow?”

At this moment, Cap, Ace and Shanks and the others couldn’t help but worry about Luffy again. Although Luffy felt a little strange after becoming the White King, they still did not want any accidents to each other.


On the battlefield.

The tenfold increase of the Six Kings Gun slammed into Luffy’s position. Under such an oncoming impact, Luffy, who transformed into the White King, was still calm as usual.

Neither the look nor the mood fluctuated for half a minute. When the shock with the breath of destruction struck him, Luffy slowly raised a hand.

The palm covered with pure white dragon scales opened up, and the palm was directly aimed at the oncoming impact of the Ten Times Increasing Six Kings Gun. The next moment, the Six Kings Gun slammed into Luffy’s palm! This time, however, there was no violent noise as before.

The terrifying shock that was enough to completely destroy the entire Malin Fando in an instant was actually stopped by Luffy with one hand!

Moreover, Luffy’s palm was like a black hole, suddenly emitting a powerful suction force.

It was actually directly engulfed in that terrifying energy shock! There is no leakage or spillage of energy!

Seeing this scene, St. Ferdinand, who was not far away, was completely dumbfounded! This originally incomparably dignified and majestic five-old star was directly frightened out of a ghostly expression. The eyes were bigger than the brass bells.

It was as if the eyeballs were about to pop out!

“It’s impossible!!!”

St. Ferdinand stared dead at Luffy, and a hoarse roar came from his mouth. He couldn’t believe that the tenfold increase of the Six Kings Gun that he had tried his best to increase by ten times had actually caused no damage to Luffy at all!

Even his own attacks were all swallowed up and absorbed by the other side. Such a fact is somewhat difficult for St. Ferdinand to accept.

There are even some doubts about the birth of people.

He rushed madly to Luffy, wanting to give the other party another blow.

However, at this moment, he had fallen into the negative state of the previous attack. The whole body began to dry up rapidly.

The breath became incomparably weaker.

Just two steps out, it was a hesitation at the foot and fell directly to the ground.

“It’s impossible! That’s impossible! ”

“Absolutely impossible…”

St. Ferdinand, who had fallen to the ground, was still talking frantically to himself. There was a bit of despair in his eyes.

The strength Luffy showed at this moment made him feel a deep fear!

He struggled to look up at Luffy, his eyes as if he were looking at a devil.

Under his gaze, Luffy in front of him said coldly again, “Since you are so interested in the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, then next.” ”


“I’ll let you feel its power for yourself!”

As he spoke, he saw Luffy raise his hand slightly.

A cloud of blood-red light appeared out of thin air in front of him. Immediately afterward, Luffy’s mind moved.

The blood-colored light cluster flew at great speed towards St. Ferdinand, who was sitting paralyzed on the ground! In an instant, it has been integrated into the other party’s internal righteousness!

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