Chapter 122: Im, King of the World! Five old stars kneel!

Kneel for subscription.

Marin Fando’s battlefield.

The crowd around them was still horrified that Luffy had just easily blocked St. Ferdinand’s all-out blow.

“What?! Lord St. Ferdinand’s attack was once again easily blocked?! ”

“That’s the biggest wheel of the Six Kings Gun after the return of the paper painting life!”

“The power of that blow is even comparable to the breath of the previous Heavenly King Uranos!”

“But it was such a blow that was swallowed up and dissolved by the guy in the straw hat boy casually raising his hand???”

“The Straw Hat Boy, or the White King!” How terrifying is his strength? ”


At the same time that everyone was shocked by this. They then saw that with a slight wave of Luffy’s hand, he waved out a blood-colored light cluster that appeared out of thin air, causing it to quickly merge into the body of Saint Ferdinand, who was already in a state of immense weakness in front of him, and was sitting paralyzed on the ground! Seeing this scene, the crowd couldn’t help but wonder again.

“Look! What is that? ”

“That cloud of blood-colored energy melted into Saint Ferdinand’s body in an instant!”

“Wouldn’t that be a special attack?” Being able to inflict horrific damage on Lord St. Ferdinand from the body? ”

“I heard what the Straw Hat Boy said just now, that blood-colored energy seems to be the Dragon Clan’s bloodline that has been mentioned many times before!”

“What?! Dragon Clan Bloodline!!! ”

“Is it the Dragon Clan bloodline that can make people’s strength increase by leaps and bounds in a short period of time?!”

“It turns out that the Dragon Clan bloodline looks like this, but why did the Straw Hat Boy integrate the Dragon Clan bloodline into the body of Saint Ferdinand?”

“If that is really the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, then won’t Saint Ferdinand’s strength become stronger after fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline than it is now?”

“The Straw Hat Boy’s approach is undoubtedly cultivating a more powerful enemy for himself!”

“What is he doing this for?”

“Is it not true that he wants to make Saint Ferdinand stronger and then defeat him again to prove his strength?”

“It’s really a bit confusing!”

Seeing that Luffy had actually integrated the Dragon Clan’s bloodline into Saint Ferdinand’s body, everyone showed a strange expression. They couldn’t figure it out.

Obviously, Luffy could completely defeat St. Ferdinand at this moment, and kill him in one breath. Why do you inexplicably help each other fuse the Dragon Clan’s bloodline?

And just when the crowd was puzzled. In front of Luffy, Saint Ferdinand, who had originally collapsed to the ground, after the blood-colored energy was integrated into his body, his body began to change rapidly!

St. Ferdinand’s body had become incomparably dry after using the Ten Times Maximal Wheel Six Kings Gun. In an instant, it was like a balloon was filled with air, and it became full again in an instant. In this process, the injuries left by St. Ferdinand’s body due to the battle with Luffy were also healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

And his originally withered breath suddenly became abundant again at this moment. In just a few moments, it had returned to its previous peak state. And!

St. Ferdinand’s breath did not stop after it had reached its peak.

Instead, it continues to climb upwards! Get stronger and stronger!

There is no doubt that under the influence of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, this five-old star is surpassing and breaking through his former peak! The strength is beginning to grow rapidly!

And such a scene also made the people around the crowd watching the battle can’t help but be in an uproar again.

“Oh my God! Look! ”

“Lord St. Ferdinand’s wounds have healed completely!”

“The side effects left by the Ten Fold Maximal Wheel Six Kings Gun that were cast before have also completely disappeared!”

“The breath of Lord St. Ferdinand seems to have become stronger than before!”

“It seems that the blood-colored energy just now is indeed the true Dragon Clan bloodline!”

“The Dragon Clan bloodline really helped Lord St. Ferdinand’s strength grow rapidly!”

“It’s amazing to be in!”

“But I still don’t understand, what is the purpose of the Straw Hat Boy guy?”

“Isn’t he afraid that Lord St. Ferdinand’s strength will increase and in turn defeat him?”

“No matter what his purpose is, it will be interesting if stealing the chicken does not become a corrosion of rice!”


The crowd looked at Luffy and St. Ferdinand’s location. Waiting for the next progress.

They wanted to see what the outcome of the battle would be for Saint Ferdinand, who had been strengthened by the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, to face Luffy again, who was the White King.

At the same time, they also want to know what Luffy’s purpose is in doing so.


Meanwhile. Red Earth Continent. Holy Land Mary Joa.

The most mysterious forbidden land between flowers.

A slender figure was sitting on the highest void throne. It was pitch black all around, and the endless shadows completely obscured the face of the figure, making it impossible for people to see each other’s faces at all.

Between the flowers, there was originally a dead silence, and no sound came out.

Even the breath of the mysterious man sitting on the Void Throne was not even heard! And yet, in the very next moment! A cry of surprise suddenly came from the shadows of the Void Throne.


“What’s going on?”

“The imprint I had imprinted on Ferdinand’s body had disappeared!”

“That guy… Completely out of my control?! ”

“What the hell happened?”

It was a very cold one, but it could not distinguish between male and female voices. There was also a bit of shock in the tone.

For this being, who was above the Five Elder Stars and truly controlled everything in the world’s main palace, the current situation was definitely beyond expectations.

One of the five old stars actually broke out of his control without warning at this moment!

“Let me see, what are those guys doing now?”

In the shadows of the Void Throne, an icy voice came out again.

Immediately afterward, I saw a white and slender jade hand sticking out from the shadows. Then he stroked lightly in the void in front of him.

Subsequently, the void in front of him rippled like a lake. A moment later, a scene appeared in the ripples. Hao Ran is the Malin Fando at this moment!

In the scene, everything that happened in Malin Fando at this moment is clearly displayed.

“This is… Marin Fando? ”

“How could these guys of the Five Old Stars suddenly run away to Malin Fando?”

“And it looks like there’s a big war going on here!”

“The warring forces… So much? ”

“What happened to this sea during my sleep?”

Cold voices kept coming from above the Void Throne.

You can hear that in addition to shock, the other party’s tone is obviously a little angry. For some special reasons, the most supreme being in the world had always been in a state of sleep. Now, sensing that the imprint he had imprinted on St. Ferdinand’s body had suddenly disappeared, he had awakened from his slumber.

As soon as I woke up, I found that such a large-scale war had actually been waged in Malin Fando! It’s almost like a ruckus!

How does this mysterious being not angry?

“Who the hell is that?” I dared to take a shot at the world while I was asleep! ”

“What a boldness!”

The icy voice came out again.

The mysterious man sitting on the Void Throne continued to coldly look at the live Marin Fando playing on the ripple screen in front of him.

Although angry, it was not in a hurry to act.

“I’d like to see what kind of moths you can make!”

“I was able to erase the imprint I left on Ferdinand’s body, and this guy’s approach is really good.”

“I’m afraid I’m far above everyone else.”

“But even so, as long as I am here, you don’t want to really turn the sky!”

“Let you guys make a fuss first, and then I’ll make a fuss when it’s enough.”

The mysterious man muttered to himself.

“It’s also time to make the world…”

“Once again I remember the fear of being dominated by Im, the king of my world!”

Between the mysterious flowers, the cold voice reverberated for a long time.

The other side. Marin Fando’s battlefield.

Saint Ferdinand had finally fused all the Dragon Clan’s bloodlines.

His rising breath also stopped at an extremely terrifying level. Now he is obviously much stronger than he was a moment ago!

“Is this what the Dragon Clan’s bloodline does?”

“This constant influx of powerful power is fantastic!”

St. Ferdinand slowly stood up from the ground.

Looking down at his body, he said to himself in some incredulity. At the same time, a smile appeared on his face…

At this moment, it was almost as if he had been reborn! That feeling of unprecedented strength is so wonderful! After feeling his own change, St. Ferdinand then suddenly raised his head, and his eyes looked coldly at Luffy in front of him. Then, viciously speaking, “This Dragon Clan bloodline is really a magical thing!” ”

“I don’t know why you did this, but now I’m more than a star and a half stronger than before!”

“Your strength can no longer pose any threat to me!”

“Next, I will repay you for what you have done to me before.”

“Just wait to pay for your stupidity and arrogance!”

St. Ferdinand said with great confidence. After the fusion of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline and the completion of an unprecedented transformation, St. Ferdinand could feel that his strength had taken a qualitative leap! The powerful sense of strength made him lose himself a little at this moment.

Began to become blindly confident and arrogant.

I felt that even Luffy in front of me was no longer his current opponent.

At the same time, St. Ferdinand’s heart could not help but feel a little amused. Originally, he thought that after he was defeated by Luffy, he was bound to die.

As a result, the other party did not know what medicine he had taken by mistake, and he actually integrated such a magical dragon bloodline into his body. Give yourself the chance to flip again!

Thinking of this, St. Ferdinand only thought that Luffy in front of him was extremely stupid. He even couldn’t wait to fight Luffy again.

Use your own strength after fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline to defeat the other party fiercely!

Let the other party understand how stupid the behavior just now is!

Thinking of this, St. Ferdinand’s face couldn’t help but evoke a cold smile. Then he slowly took a step and flew towards the road.

Around the battlefield.

After seeing such a scene, everyone was immediately lifted to their spirits. They all looked at this side with their eyes wide open.

“Look! Lord St. Ferdinand began to walk towards the Straw Hat Boy! ”

“Listening to Lord St. Ferdinand’s meaning, it seems that after he fused the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, his strength had already taken a qualitative leap!”

“Now he may have enough strength to defeat the Straw Hat guy!”

“It seems that Lord St. Ferdinand is trying to get his previous debts back!”

“I said it before! This move of the Straw Hat Boy is simply lifting a stone and dropping it on his own feet! ”

“Now that Lord St. Ferdinand’s strength has increased greatly, it is not so easy for the Straw Hat Boy to show off his might like before!”

“I don’t know if Lord St. Ferdinand, after his great strength, can defeat the guy in the straw hat?”


Watching St. Ferdinand with the cold killing machine walk towards Luffy step by step, the crowd around him also heard a burst of discussion and speculation again.

And it’s not hard to hear from their words. They also seemed to feel that Luffy’s previous move to give the Dragon Clan bloodline to Saint Ferdinand was asking for food. Under the close attention of everyone.

St. Ferdinand approached Luffy unhurriedly.

The expression on his face was extremely cold. His body exuded an endless anger and murderous rage.

The vengeance that had been slapped by Luffy before, he could still remember it clearly. When did St. Ferdinand, as the supreme ruler of the world, suffer such humiliation?

And in front of so many people! Therefore, at this moment, he was extremely eager to kill Luffy.

And across from him.

Luffy watched as St. Ferdinand walked toward him. But the look was as indifferent as ever.


No mood swings are visible.

He was not half influenced by the discussion around him. I watched as St. Ferdinand got closer and closer to him.

Luffy suddenly said in a deep voice, “Kneel! ”

Just two words, not much sound.

But it rang in St. Ferdinand’s heart like a bell! This moment!

After hearing these words from Luffy’s mouth, St. Ferdinand’s face changed suddenly!

Become incomparably wooden.

The pupils suddenly lost focus, and their eyes were sluggish. It’s like…

Become a delirious puppet! And then, in the astonished eyes of everyone around. With a bang!

St. Ferdinand suddenly fell to his knees in the direction where Luffy was!!!。

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