Chapter 123: Absolute Disadvantage! I can only ask the adult to help!

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With a loud noise, Saint Ferdinand, who was still walking towards Luffy with a murderous and vicious spirit, suddenly knelt down heavily on his knees in front of Luffy’s position in full view of everyone! And the look on his face also changed from the original cold and fierce to the dull and unradiant, and then changed into a face of respect and obedience.

At this moment, St. Ferdinand knelt in front of Luffy, bowed his head and lowered his eyes, looking extremely humble. It’s like…

He was Luffy’s servant! It was only a moment’s work, and the five old stars who were still clamoring to teach Luffy a lesson one second had become like this in the next second!

Such a scene fell into the eyes of everyone in the field without accident. For a moment, the whole audience was in an uproar!

“Sleeper! What’s the situation??? ”

“How did Lord St. Ferdinand suddenly kneel down to the Straw Hat Boy???”

“That’s Five Old Star 07!” How could a pirate kneel?! ”

“Obviously just now, Lord St. Ferdinand was clamoring to kill the Straw Hat Boy!”

“How in the blink of an eye, he was already kneeling in front of the straw hat boy, and his expression was still so respectful!”

“The look of Lord St. Ferdinand looks almost as if he were bowing down to his master!”

“How is this possible? What the hell happened?! ”

“What the hell did that guy in the straw hat do to Lord St. Ferdinand?!”


The crowd in the arena looked with incredulous expressions in the direction of Luffy and St. Ferdinand. Until now they couldn’t believe what was happening right now.

The supreme ruler of the world’s main government! St. Ferdinand, one of the five old stars!

He actually knelt down in front of so many people??? Moreover, it seems that after Luffy’s order, St. Ferdinand did not hesitate to kneel! For everyone, this is simply a strange thing!…..

The other side.

The other four five old stars who were fighting with the Golden Lion and the others had changed sharply after seeing the scene of St. Ferdinand kneeling down towards Luffy, both shocked and angry.

Immediately afterward, the four five-year-old stars all shouted at St. Ferdinand, “Ferdinand! What are you guys doing?! ”

“As a five-old star, I actually knelt down for a pirate!” Are you crazy?! ”

“Stand up! You are completely dishonoring the face of our world! ”

“Even if we five old stars die on the battlefield, it is absolutely impossible for us to kneel down to the enemy!”

The angry shouts of the five old stars came from not far away.

St. Ferdinand, however, was completely unresponsive to these words. Unheard.

Still kneeling on the ground steadily, his head bowed.

Without a word, there was no other action.

Such a scene also made the other four five-old stars can’t help but frown.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Ferdinand guy, how does it feel like he’s suddenly changed into a person?”

“Logically speaking, our five old stars all have the imprint of Lord Im in their bodies, and it is absolutely impossible to defect.”

“But looking at Ferdinand, he is already a puppet who is loyal to the guy in the straw hat!”

“What the hell did that guy in the straw hat do to Ferdinand?”

“It’s hard to do… Is it because of the previous Dragon Clan’s bloodline?! ”

Thinking of this, the four five old stars suddenly opened their eyes.

“Dragon Clan?! It’s a great possibility! ”

“I’ll just say why that guy in the straw hat suddenly fused the Dragon Clan bloodline for Ferdinand for no reason!”

“Could it be that the Dragon Clan’s bloodline made Ferdinand’s strength soar, and at the same time, his heart was also controlled by the Straw Hat guy?”

“It seems to explain why Zepha, Roger, and the previous navy all suddenly defected and joined the ranks of the Hybrid Army!”

“That must be true!”

“It seems that the abilities possessed by this Dragon Clan bloodline are far more complex than we thought!”

The four five-old stars kept guessing, feeling as if they were getting closer to the truth of the problem.

At the same time, their faces became more and more serious and dignified.

“Now Ferdinand is controlled by the Straw Hat guy with the Dragon Clan’s bloodline.”

“Now, things are getting worse!”

The faces of the four five old stars were covered with clouds of sorrow at this moment. Originally, in this war against the army of mixed races, they were already at a disadvantage. At the beginning, the five old stars thought that they could suppress each other by the number of top combat powers. Thus the war was won.

However, it wasn’t until after the war began that they discovered that there was far more power in the Half-Blood Army than they had imagined. Under the influence of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, those who did not have the original strength of the Four Emperors and the level of generals, such as Quinn, Embers, Katakuri and others, after the war began, they all showed enough strength to resist and even suppress the Four Emperors and Generals! This completely ruined the plan of the Five Stars to win with the number of top combat powers.

Even a few of them were completely powerless in front of the Golden Lion and others. It is no exaggeration to say that from the very beginning of this war, the Five Old Stars were in an absolute disadvantage. Now, Saint Ferdinand, one of the 113 Five Old Stars, was controlled by Luffy with the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, and his position and camp had reversed.

This is undoubtedly worse for the five old stars! Although they were very reluctant to admit it, the hearts of the five old stars were very clear, if they continued like this, they would undoubtedly lose this war! Whether it is the navy or the world’s main government, or the pirates led by Whitebeard, Red-haired Shanks and others, they will all be defeated in the hands of the mixed race army in the end!

The situation is not optimistic!

Thinking of this, several of the five old stars couldn’t help but feel a little desperate.

“No way! It must not go on like this! ”

“No matter what kind of enemy we face, our world’s government absolutely cannot be defeated!”

“It’s about the supremacy we’ve maintained for more than eight hundred years, and the supreme majesty!”

“We absolutely can’t let the bastard army continue to be so arrogant!”

At this moment, the four five old stars except St. Ferdinand glanced at each other. Several people have made a common decision in their hearts.

“Since we cannot win this war by ourselves…”

“Then you can only ask the adult to help!”

“The true king of the world above this sea, Lord Im!”

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