Chapter 124: Omnipotent! Almost divine power?

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The four five old stars glanced at each other.

A common consensus has been reached in our hearts. That’s it…

Please Lord Im to help!

After seeing the strength of the army of hybrids.

After understanding the absolutely inferior situation of the current battle, the last hope that the five old stars could think of to win this war was the existence of the legend that had been sleeping between the flowers of Mary Joya in the Holy Land and had not played a hand for hundreds of years! King of the World – Im!

Even for the Five Stars, Im is the supreme being in the world! Although on the surface, the Five Old Stars are the supreme rulers of the world’s main government. But only the five of them knew that the only one who really had the power to control the world was actually the one who sat on the void throne between the flowers from beginning to end! It’s just that most of the time, Im is actually in a deep sleep, leaving the affairs of the world’s main palace to the five old stars who are extremely loyal to him. Only when there are some very important matters, even the five old stars can not make a decision on their own,

They would then travel between the flowers to briefly wake Im from his slumber, asking for instructions and orders.

Of course, even for these very important events, Im only needs to give one order. The rest of the matter was left to the five old stars to handle. Since the five old stars of this generation took office, they had never seen Lord Im personally take action.

However, this did not affect the reverence and admiration of the five old stars for Im’s strength. Because……

The reason why the Five Old Stars were able to have a strength far beyond that of the Four Emperors and the Great General, in fact, all of this was given by Im!

It was Im who relied on his extraordinary means to make the Five Old Stars have the strength to surpass the Four Emperors and Generals. Only then can we steadily suppress all kinds of turmoil on this sea and maintain the dominance of the world’s main government!

In the hearts of the Five Old Stars, even if they hadn’t really seen Lord Im shoot, they had no doubt that Lord Im was the most powerful being in the world!

He is the omnipotent king of the world, almost possessing the power of the gods! So, in such a desperate moment.

The five old stars all thought of asking Im for help!

“It seems that Lord Im can only be awakened from his slumber once again.”

“Although it is a bit embarrassing, it is really something that cannot be forced on oneself.”

“Today’s farce can only be solved by Lord Im’s own intervention!”

“As long as Lord Im strikes, whether it is the army of hybrids or the mysterious captain behind them, they will all fall at the feet of Lord Im!”

“This farce has progressed now, and it is time to put an end to it completely!”

“As long as Lord Im is there, the dominance of our world’s government will never be shaken!”

“After Lord Im’s hand, the people on this sea will once again feel the mighty power of our world’s government!”

“Well… It’s time to put an end to all this! ”

The four five old stars muttered to themselves, and their eyes flashed with a look of great determination and enthusiasm. Immediately afterward, the four five-old stars all retreated towards the rear in unison.

No more entanglement with the Golden Lion and others.

Instead, they quickly left the battlefield and gathered together. Seeing the situation, the Golden Lion and the others did not continue to pursue. Instead, he allowed these five old stars to carry out such a move. The Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, and others looked at the five old stars with a playful smile on their faces. Full of meaning.

Around the battlefield.

Everyone also noticed the movements of the other four five old stars.

Seeing that several of the five old stars had gathered together one after another without their respective opponents, everyone couldn’t help but feel curious and confused about this.

“Look! The five old stars all got out of battle and gathered together! ”

“What’s going on? Aren’t they going to keep fighting? ”

“In the previous battles with the Golden Lion and the other four monarchs of the Dragon Clan, the Five Elder Stars were all at a very serious disadvantage.”

“If you continue to fight like this, I’m afraid that the final result will also be the misery of the five old stars!”

“Perhaps, the Five Elder Stars, they are just aware of this matter, so they are ready to take some other actions?”

“But the strength of the army of hybrids is so strong, especially the Straw Hat Boy and the Golden Lion, they are unstoppable!”

“In addition, Lord St. Ferdinand of the Five Old Stars has now been controlled by the Straw Hat Boy with the Dragon Clan’s bloodline.”

“The remaining four Five Elder Stars, is there really a way to reverse such a situation?”

“Why do I feel that there is some hope…”


In the midst of the chatter of the surrounding crowd. The four five-year-old stars gathered together stood in a row.

Subsequently, I saw one of the five old stars slowly pull out a dark telephone bug from the pocket of his suit!

“Fortunately, the phone bug used to wake up and contact Lord Im was not placed on the Ferdinand guy.”

St. William held the black telephone bug in his hand and couldn’t help but sigh.

At the side, St. Nicholas also nodded slowly, “Yes, now Ferdinand is controlled by the Dragon Clan’s bloodline.” ”

“If the phone bug used to wake up and contact Lord Im is on him, it would be a bit difficult.”

After a little sighing.

St. William looked at the three five-year-old stars next to him. Then he solemnly pressed the phone worm in his hand!

“Bru Bru Blu –”

Immediately afterward, a ringing of telephone bugs followed. Hearing this telephone bug ringing, the expressions on the faces of the four five old stars became visibly tense. After all, the next thing they want to talk to is the king of the world, Yi Im, who overrides the whole sea! The people around them also noticed the actions of the Five Elder Stars at this moment.

After seeing the five old stars get out of battle and gather together, they actually did not adopt any new way of fighting, but actually took out a telephone worm to dial it.

For a moment, the crowd became more curious and puzzled.

“If I read that correctly… Five old stars are they on the phone? ”

“That’s right! I heard the phone bug ringing! ”

“It’s a little inconceivable that the five old stars would call at such a time?!”

“Who will they call to? Is there any powerful helper in the world that has never been seen? ”

“When you look at the expressions on the faces of the five old stars, they seem to be very nervous!”

“In this world, there are still people who make the Five Old Stars show such an expression?”

“Who the hell is on the other end of the phone bug?”


With strong curiosity and doubt, everyone focused their attention on several five-old stars and the telephone bug in their hands.

And it is under such a lot of attention. After several rings, the phone worm was finally connected!

An incomparably cold and ethereal voice came out of the telephone worm!

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