Chapter 125: Another Chess Piece of Locks! King of the world Im has arrived!

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“I know everything.”

“I’ll take it upon myself to end it all!”

The moment the phone worm is connected.

It is not yet time for the four five old stars to explain the situation to Im.

An incomparably cold voice came from inside the phone worm.

The moment the five old stars heard this sound, they couldn’t help but jerk their spirits! His whole body trembled involuntarily.

There was even an urge to kneel.

After all, this voice came from their Lord Yiyimu!

The bodies of the five old stars were all imprinted with a special imprint by Im using special means. This imprint not only helps the Five Old Stars and others to improve their strength, but also allows them to maintain absolute loyalty and awe for Im.

As long as this mark is there, the Five Elders will never betray Im. Such a role is similar to the Dragon Clan’s bloodline.

However, if you want to truly compare with the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, it is actually still a lot worse.

“Yes! Lord Im! ”

After hearing what the phone worm Neim said, several of the five old stars nodded solemnly in response. At the same time, a look of shock and ecstasy appeared in their eyes.

Lord Im, it’s really going to be shot! Moreover, from what Im had just said, the five old stars could also roughly deduce that the other party should have woken up before they made this call. And I have a comprehensive understanding of the situation of Marin Fando at this moment.

That’s why Im plans to solve all this himself! Thinking of this, the four five old stars are very excited.

Because in their opinion, when Im said these words, the war was actually over!

Once Lord Im, the king of the world, who overrides the whole sea, descends on Marin Fando, then no matter who the enemy is, no matter how powerful the enemy is.

In the end, the winners can only be their world mansion!

At a time when the five old stars are excited about this, the phone bug has long been hung up. Obviously, Im didn’t have any nonsense intentions.

It won’t be long before the King of the World will truly descend on the battlefield of Marin Fando!…..

Meanwhile. Around the battlefield.

Those warriors who had focused all their attention on the Five Elder Stars naturally all heard the content of the call just now.

The performance and reactions of the five old stars have all fallen into their eyes. Hearing such a conversation, seeing such an abnormal reaction of the five old stars, the crowd was once again deeply shocked.

“Hey! Did you all hear that? ”

“Inside that phone bug just now, there seems to be a very cold and majestic voice saying that he will personally solve all this?”

“That’s right! I heard it too! Listening to the meaning of that voice, it seems that you want to solve all the enemies in one breath and end this war completely! ”

“Really fake? The strength of the mixed race army is so strong, our lineup is not an opponent at all, can anyone really solve them in one go? ”

“Listening to the man’s tone seems to be very confident, can it be that he really has such a terrifying power?”

Everyone seemed to have some skeptical attitude about what the voice from the phone worm had said earlier.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the suspiciousness of the crowd. Rather, the strength displayed by the army of hybrids is really too powerful and terrifying. Even with the World Palace, the Navy Headquarters, and several Four Emperors Pirate Regiments, plus a bunch of legendary criminals who escaped from the sixth underground layer of the Advance City, such a lineup still occupied an absolute disadvantage in front of the Hybrid Army.

There is no hope or possibility of winning! After such a long battle, the crowd also felt a deep fear of the strength of the hybrid army. It was hard for them to imagine that anyone in this world would have the strength to defeat such a army of mixed races! Even the five old stars, the supreme ruler of the world’s main government, are all suffering here, will anyone really be able to turn the tide in such a situation? It is difficult not to express deep doubts about this.

However, many people still have a glimmer of hope for this.

“Actually, I don’t think it’s impossible.”

“I saw the five old stars, and after hearing what the man had just said, they couldn’t help but show an ecstatic expression.”

“This explanation shows that in the hearts of the five old stars, this person really has the strength to turn the tide and end this battle.”

“Moreover, judging from the attitude of the five old stars towards this mysterious person, it is extremely respectful and obedient, and even a little afraid!”

“The person who can make the five old stars react this way must not be an idle person!”

“I heard that the Five Old Stars seem to call this mysterious man Lord Im, have you ever heard of this name?”

In the midst of constant conversation and discussion, there were also people who raised questions about such a meeting.

For the so-called Lord Im in the mouth of the Five Old Stars, they were also very curious.

What kind of existence would make the five old stars of the highest authority in the world’s main government call him an adult? And also behave so respectfully and reverently?

Doesn’t this mean that the status of this Lord Im is still above the Five Old Stars? For a moment, such a question arose in the hearts of everyone.

Many people also spread their hands in confusion and shook their heads: “I don’t know, I really have never heard of the name Im.” ”

“Even in the records of those history books, it seems that the word Im is never mentioned.”

“What kind of mysterious being is this so-called Lord Im?”


Ordinary Navy soldiers simply don’t have a clue about this. But they don’t know, but that doesn’t mean everyone is unclear.

On this battlefield, there are still many people who know the name Im. Transformed into a golden Buddha, Sengoku who was fighting against his old comrade-in-arms Zefa who had already defected, and after hearing the name Im from the mouths of the Five Old Stars and others, his face suddenly changed!

It became serious and abnormal, even with a hint of panic.


“Did I hear you correctly?! Just had a conversation with the five old stars…”

“Is it Im, King of the World?!”

Sengoku muttered to himself in disbelief.

As an admiral, the Warring States naturally know a lot more secrets than ordinary navies. And the name Im, he had also seen in a very confidential document.

Although there is not much information mentioned in the document.

But the Warring States still remembered some very crucial words. Such as……

The king of the world above the whole sea! One of the original founders of the World House!

With the most powerful power in the world! Wait a minute……

And these many words are all highlighting this thing. That is, Im is strong!

It is strong above everyone!

Judging from the reactions and attitudes of the five old stars just now, the Warring States could also guess that after hearing that Im was going to personally shoot, they obviously felt that they had won the victory.

“I didn’t expect that the legendary King of the World, Im, was still alive…”

Sengoku’s heart felt a little incredible.

After all, it was mentioned in the record of that confidential document. Im was one of the original creators of the world’s main government.

The creation of the world’s main government has been more than 800 years ago! More than eight hundred years later, the king of the world, Im, is not dead!

This is undoubtedly enough to make people very shocked.

Thinking of this, the Warring States could not help but faintly have some curiosity in their hearts.

“I don’t know if the king of the world, Im, will be able to reverse the current situation after the arrival of the king of the world?”

The other side.

Karp, Shanks, Whitebeard and the others were all shocked after hearing the conversation between the Five Old Stars and Im.

With their status and status, it is natural that they have also heard some rumors about Im. It is precisely because of this that they will feel extremely shocked.

A figure from more than eight hundred years ago actually lived to the present??? What kind of monster is this?!

With this alone, Kapu and the others can be sure that Im’s strength can never be weak!

“Could it be that this war will take another unexpected turn for the worse because of Im’s arrival?”

At this moment, the hearts of Kapu and others also invariably gave birth to such a question.

And their mood is both a little expectant and a little worried. After all, they couldn’t be sure whether Im’s arrival was good or bad for these people.

Just when all the people of Malin Fando were reacting differently because of what was about to happen to Im. Far behind the second half of the Great Passage.

New world.

Just over a sea near the Red Clay Continent.

A mighty fleet was coming rapidly from afar. There was a constant high wind blowing above the sea, and it happened to be a tailwind, constantly blowing the sails of these warships, making them move extremely fast! At this moment, headed by a warship on deck.

A middle-aged man in a dark green cloak was standing at the bow of the ship, looking out at the vast sea in front of him and the huge red earth continent looming in the distance, as if he were in deep thought.

He was none other than the leader of the revolutionary army, Ichimochi Ichigo, who had recently set out from Baldigo on the island of White Earth. D. Dorag! Several senior cadres of the revolutionary army were also standing behind Dorag at this moment, with serious and dignified expressions on their faces. They just stood quietly behind Dorag without saying a word.

It looks very different from usual. After a half-silence, a revolutionary soldier suddenly ran from the back of the deck. Coming behind Dorag and several cadres, he reported with a serious expression: “Chief! It was exactly as you expected! ”

“On Marin Fando’s side, the Five Old Stars have already asked Im for help at this moment.”

“And, Im.”

“He also said that he would personally descend on Marin Fando and intervene to end this war!”

The revolutionary soldier reported in a loud voice. Hearing this, Dorag nodded softly. He said in a deep voice, “All this is not what I expected.” ”

“Rather… The adult told me! ”

“That great man not only predicted everything in the war of Malin Fando, but also gave our revolutionary army unprecedented new life and strength!”

“With the help of that great man, our revolutionary army will certainly be able to fulfill its long-standing ideals and completely overthrow the rule of the Dracot people and the world’s government!”

Speaking of which, Dorag was a rare emotional agitation.

The tone of his voice and the look in his eyes were adoration of the “great man” he referred to. And several revolutionary army cadres behind him reacted in the same way.

When the Hybrid Army descended on Baldigo, the White Earth Island, the stronghold of the Revolutionary Army, Locks had integrated the Dragon Clan bloodline into the entire body of the Revolutionary Army, making them a member of the Hybrid Army! At this moment, all the members of the revolutionary army had already become another pawn in the hands of Locks under the influence of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline.

Have absolute loyalty, admiration and awe for Locksbo! After some emotion, Dorag finally calmed down.

Then, his expression became serious again.

Looking at the huge red earth continent looming on the sea in the distance, he continued to say in a deep voice, “It seems that Im will soon leave Mary Joya and descend to Marin Fando.” ”

“There is a large army of mixed races on the side of Malin Fando, and there is also that big man sitting in person, so there can be absolutely no problem!”

“And the next Mary Joy, the army of the world’s main house has been sent to Marin Fando, and the Five Old Stars and Im have all left.”

“For us, this holy place of the world’s main capital is as if it were no man’s land!”

“Well… It’s time for our revolutionary army to take the show and have a good fight in Marijoya! ”

“The task that the Lord gave us must also be successfully completed!”

Dorag said, and a glint of essence burst from his eyes that had never been seen before. All over the body burst out with a high sense of war.

Behind him, the same was true of several cadres of the revolutionary army. Immediately afterward, I saw Dorag’s large hand swing forward.

Suddenly, a stronger wind blew on the surface of the sea than before! And, it’s still downwind!

Under such a fierce wind, the fleet of the revolutionary army began to sail at a faster speed towards the red earth continent located on the sea in the distance ahead!

And above that red earth continent is the Holy Land of the World and the Holy Land of the Draco, Malim Joya!

“Next, let’s make a big fuss!”

Just as the fleet of the Revolutionary Army was hurrying towards the Holy Land of Mary Joy.

On the battlefield of the naval headquarters Marin Fando. The fierce battle continued.

Ordinary soldiers were still fighting each other.

The four five old stars who had gathered together were not in a hurry to continue the previous unfinished battle with the Golden Lion and the others. After all, they actually knew very well in their hearts that they were no longer opponents of the Golden Lion and others. There is no need to waste this effort.

It would be better to wait for Lord Im’s arrival.

Waiting for Lord Im to end this battle once and for all in one breath!

“Oh, just let you guys be arrogant for a while!”

“When Lord Im comes, you will experience what true despair is!”

The four five old stars stood in a row and looked at the golden lion and the others and said viciously.

Hearing such a provocation, the Golden Lion and others were not angry.

It didn’t seem that he wanted to continue fighting with the Five Old Stars. Just standing where he was, with a slightly playful smile on his face.

“Oh? Is it? ”

“Then I really want to see if the so-called Im you are really so strong!”

In the tone, there is also a bit of disdain and provocation.

Seeing the situation, several of the five old stars also laughed angrily: “Oh! A bunch of guys who don’t know if they’re alive or dead! ”

“If you don’t want to die too badly, I urge you to call out your captain as soon as possible!”

“Otherwise, when the time comes, the mysterious guy will probably not even have the opportunity to show up!”

The five old stars shouted very arrogantly. And that’s when it happened.


The space in front of the four Five Elder Stars was suddenly torn apart without warning. Immediately afterward, a tall figure slowly stepped out of the crack in the space! A powerful and incomparable atmosphere of terror enveloped the whole audience at this moment!!!。

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