Chapter 126: The Final Showdown! The much-anticipated outcome [kneeling for subscription].

Marin Fando’s battlefield.

In front of the four old stars gathered together. Suddenly!

A crack in space suddenly appeared in everyone’s sight. In that crack in space is an endless turbulence of emptiness.

Violent and chaotic. Immediately afterward, a tall figure slowly appeared in the void turbulence of the crack. Then step out!

Out of that crack in space.

His feet were on the land of Marin Fando. After he walked out, the terrifying crack in the space slowly disappeared. It’s as if it never existed.

And the tall figure that came out of the crack in space had already landed firmly on the battlefield of Malin Fando! It was an incomparably tall and slender man, with frightening white skin and an unusual morbidity. He wears a crisp white robe and a crown on his head studded with countless gemstones. He looked gloomy and looked cold.

It gives a very uncomfortable feeling. And from his body, there was also a very powerful aura faintly emanating from him. The mere hint of this faint breath was enough to envelop the entire Malin Fando, so that everyone present could feel a strong sense of oppression!

“Meet Lord Im!”

“Greetings to Lord Im to Marin Fando!”

The moment the tall white-robed man appeared, the four five-old stars behind him instantly bowed down to each other. With his head bowed, he cried out in great devotion and respect.

No doubt.

In front of him, the mysterious man who suddenly stepped out of the crack in space and landed on Marin Fando.

It is one of the founders of the legendary world government, the king of the world above the whole sea – Im! Im’s arrival and the action reactions of the Five Old Stars and others.

Undoubtedly, there was another uproar on the battlefield of Malin Fando. Whether it was the naval headquarters, the soldiers of the World Palace, or the pirates and the prisoners who escaped from the sixth underground floor of the Advance City, they all turned their eyes to the location of Im and the Five Old Stars at this moment, staring at each other with wide eyes and death.

“Look! The five old stars actually knelt down towards that guy! ”

“Oh my God, what the hell is that guy?!”

“The mere fact that he can make the Five Old Stars kneel is enough to show the dignity of his identity!”

“Not only that, but did you notice the way he just appeared?” It was actually a direct tearing space out of it! ”

“Tearing up space! What kind of strength does it take to do such a strange thing?! ”

“There is no doubt that this guy named Im must be stronger than ever!”

“No wonder the five old stars just called each other for help.”

“It seems that the Navy Headquarters and the World Government can win the game, and hopefully all on this guy named Im!”

On the battlefield, fierce discussions continued to be heard.

The four five-old stars who had been kneeling behind Im had heard these chattering noises. There was clearly a look of displeasure on his face.

Subsequently, I saw that several of the five old stars all looked up angrily.

With an incomparably grim look, he swept around the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the Great Army of the World Palace. Then he shouted angrily, “You fools! ”

“This one in front of you is one of the founders of the world’s main government!”

“The real master of the world’s main house!”

“Lord Im, the king of the world above the whole sea!”

“You guys, don’t you want to kneel down when you see Lord Im?!”

“If you talk more, your life will not be guaranteed!”

The screams of the four five old stars instantly spread throughout the battlefield.

After hearing what they said, the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government were also shocked.

“What?! Lord Im is actually one of the founders of the world’s main government! ”

“The main palace of the world has a history of more than 800 years!”

“Then the age of this Lord Im… I can’t believe it! ”

“The true master of the world, the king of the world above the sea…”

“Oh my God, this is horrible!”


In a cry of surprise, the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government did not dare to be slack off in the slightest. Hurriedly all of them knelt down in the direction where Im was.

After all, such a terrifying being that even the Five Old Stars had to bow down to, and these little minions did not dare to have any disrespect.

··· Ask for flowers…

And while the soldiers were kneeling.

The faces of the pirates and the prisoners also showed an incomparably strong shock.

“I didn’t expect that the World Palace actually hid such a terrifying existence!”

“How unfathomable will the strength of a guy who has lived for more than eight hundred years be?”

“Can his appearance really defeat the army of hybrid races and turn the tide?”

“If he really has the strength to do all this, then isn’t it us who will suffer next?”

“But if he can’t defeat the Hybrid Army, then it seems that we will eventually lose at the hands of the Hybrid Race.”

“Whatever the outcome, it seems to be bad for us.”

“This is a terrible situation…”


The mood of the pirates and the prisoners of the Advancing City at this moment can be described as extremely bad. Im’s arrival was not a good thing for them.

Although on the surface they are on the same front as the navy and the world’s government for the time being. But if the army of hybrids really loses, then the next to suffer will undoubtedly be these people. And if the army of hybrids is not defeated, they will still be among the forces that have suffered. Their current situation is a dilemma.

It’s incredibly bad.



Live screens around the world.

Those who had been watching the battle nervously after learning of Im’s identity were also in an overwhelming shock.

How could they not have imagined that one of the founders of the world’s main government more than 800 years ago was still alive! And it also descended on the battlefield of Marin Fando!

Soon, the reporters of the World Economic News Agency sent this news that was enough to alarm the whole world back to the headquarters. And print and issue an urgent special issue at a very fast speed.

It won’t be long before the name of Im, King of the World, will surely enter the sight of everyone in this sea! The crowd became more and more curious about how the war would end with the advent and appearance of Im. Can Im, the king of the world, who has lived for more than eight hundred years, really turn the tide and defeat the overwhelming army of hybrid races? The ultimate winner of this war…

Who the hell will it be eight?.

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