Chapter 127: Five-Headed Black Dragon! The self-detonation of the king Uranos!

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Marin Fando.

Im stood in front of the four five-old stars and scanned the crowd on the battlefield with a cold gaze. Then, in an emotionless voice, he slowly said to the soldiers who knelt down to him: “Let’s all get up.” ”

“I came to Marin Fando today to put an end to this farce myself.”

“You useless guys, just back off.”

The icy sound instantly spread throughout Marin Fando.

So that the faces of everyone present could not help but change. Little did they know that Im would call them “useless guys” as soon as he opened his mouth. What arrogance and blindness is this?!

I simply didn’t take them seriously! Regardless of the thought again, it seems not surprising that with Im’s strength and status, it would be said like this. But even so, the hearts of the people were still very unhappy. After all, no matter what, these soldiers have always been fighting on the front line of the battlefield. From the beginning of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, to the subsequent alliance of several Pirate Regiments, and then to the current army of mixed races, no matter what kind of enemy they faced, these soldiers never flinched. It’s been a bloody battle.

However, at this moment, Im’s words directly define them as “useless guys”? So, what are the bloody battles before them? What have the sacrifices of so many of their comrades-in-arms become?

At this moment, these soldiers of the naval headquarters and the world’s main government all had a dissatisfaction, anger and resentment in their hearts, but the person in front of them was Im, the king of the world, and they dared not speak out. Even if you are angry and dissatisfied, you can’t just show it directly. We can only silently bury all this in our hearts. At the same time, he slowly stood up from the ground and retreated from the battlefield according to Im’s orders. Although they did not show anything, the atmosphere on the battlefield still inevitably became somewhat gloomy. It was as if there was a dark cloud that hung over everyone’s heart.


After the Navy and the soldiers of the world’s main government have retreated. Im slowly turned his head again and set his eyes on the Golden Lion and the others.

“You’re the so-called army of hybrids, aren’t you?”

“The energy in your guys is really weird.”

“It can be seen that the guy who gave you the bloodline of the Dragon Clan does have some superior means.”

“But even then, you can never be my opponent.”

“If you don’t want to die too soon, just call your captain out!”

Im looked at the Golden Lion and the others and said coldly.

The tone is full of murderous intent and confidence.

It seemed that he did not seem to take the Golden Lion and the others in his eyes. In the face of Im’s provocation, the Golden Lion and the others did not show the slightest fear. Several people looked directly at Im without showing weakness and sneered, “Oh, it’s just an old Wang Eight who has lived a little longer, and he dares to speak so arrogantly.” ”

“If you want to meet our captain, it depends on whether you have the strength or not!”

Looking at them, it seemed that they were ready to have a fight with Im, the king of the world. Seeing this, Im’s face showed a look of disdain.

“Want to fight me?”

“A few of you, I’m afraid you don’t deserve it yet!”

With that, Im suddenly raised his head and glanced at Uranos, the king hovering above Malin Fando. In the previous battle, this black dragon, which was an ancient weapon, seemed to have been frightened by something, and it had been hovering high in the air and motionless.

Only to see Im coldly look at the Heavenly King Uranos at this moment, and then he said sharply, “When are you going to be stunned when are you going to be there?” ”

“Since you’re so useless, then replace you!”

As the words fell, Im raised his hand sharply.

A white energy was unleashed on Uranos, hovering high in the sky.

In an instant, the white energy penetrated into the huge body of Uranos. Followed by!

Uranos, who had been hovering motionless in the air, suddenly let out a terrible roar! The huge body is also constantly twisting rapidly in the air.

It looked very painful.

Such a scene made everyone in the audience wonder. None of them knew why Im did it.

Could it be that it was because of the previous inaction of Uranos, so he wanted to kill it? And in the midst of everyone’s doubtful and puzzled gaze.

The change above the sky also occurred abruptly. Constantly roaring and writhing, Uranos’s huge body suddenly exploded at this moment!


A deafening explosion also followed, resounding throughout the battlefield… But the strange thing is that the explosion of Uranos’s body did not produce any energy impact. Its huge body suddenly disappeared as the explosion spread. In the air where it was originally located, five huge black eggs appeared. That’s a dragon egg!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

One of the three ancient weapons, the Heavenly King Uranos’s foot soft foot was so suddenly exploded? And five dragon eggs left?

For a moment, everyone was confused about what Im was trying to do. The next moment, they were once again calmed by a scene high in the sky. I saw that the five huge black dragon eggs suspended in the air, the eggshell on its surface actually began to crack at a speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, there were cracks like spider webs all over it. Followed by!

All the eggshells were completely broken.

Five juvenile black dragons then emerged from within. Flap its wings and hover in the air.

Moreover, under the horrified gaze of everyone, the figure of these five black dragons actually began to grow in the wind! At an extremely exaggerated speed, it is constantly getting bigger! In a few moments, the original five-headed black dragon cubs had all grown to the same size as Uranos! 5.9 is even getting bigger!

The momentum also became more frightening than Uranos. A moment later, five huge and terrifying black dragons hovered over Malin Fando! The sky shrouded the entire Marin Fando in shadow.

After doing all this, Im’s face also showed a cold smile.

“Uranos, the king of heaven, is just a pet of mine.”

“Disobedient pets should be replaced in time.”

“These five black dragons all possess more powerful forces than Uranos.”

“Let them play with you so-called Dragon Clan monarchs and the White King first!”

As he spoke, Im also threw an extremely defiant look at the Golden Lion and the others.

“I’d like to see if you dragon clan hybrids are more powerful, or if my black dragon is superior!”

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