Chapter 128: The Official Unveiling of the Five First Generation Species! Invincible!

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Over Marin Fando.

Five black dragons with five terrifying heads greater than the king of heaven, Uranos, hovered in the sky. The shadows that covered the sky and the sun fell, bringing a sense of oppression to the people in the field that was almost suffocating.

Many people looked up at the five terrifying figures above that were like the incarnation of the demon god, and they were all frightened and couldn’t help but secretly swallow their spit.

Even his legs couldn’t help but tremble.

“Oh my God! Isn’t that incredible?! ”

“Uranos, one of the three ancient weapons, actually blew himself up?”

“And after it blew itself up, it actually left five dragon eggs and hatched five more terrifying black dragons?!”

“Is it true that all this was the handiwork of Lord Im?”

“Actually, in the event of a show of hands and feet, he easily created a full five beings that were even more terrifying than the Heavenly King Uranos!”

“Didn’t you hear what Lord Im just said?” It is said that the king of heaven, Uranos, is just a pet of his! ”

“It’s really worthy of the king of the world, Im, so the terrifying ancient weapon is actually just 07 his pet!”

“Now these five newborn black dragons are even more powerful than the Heavenly King Uranos!”

“With the participation of five black dragons, maybe the situation in this war may really be reversed!”

“Next, it depends on how the golden lions react.”


On the battlefield, everyone’s mood at this moment was a little nervous. They were all waiting for the next big war to break out.

Want to see if Im can really end this battle once and for all, as he says!.

The other side.

Luffy, the Golden Lion and the others after hearing the provocation from Im. But he still didn’t show any fear.

They looked up at the five-headed black dragon hovering in the sky, and there was even a hint of disdain in their indifferent looks.

“Just this kind of insignificant thing, also worthy of being called a black dragon?”

“This is simply an insult to our dragon clan, to the army of hybrids, and to the captain of the ship!”

“Since you are so ignorant of the height of the sky, then let us show it ourselves…”

“What is the real Dragon Clan?”

When the words fell, I saw the figures of Luffy and the others float up sharply and fly towards the sky above Malin Fando.

Soon they came to a height that was level with the five-headed black dragon. Immediately afterward, under the close gaze of the people on the battlefield below.

The bodies of Luffy, Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, and White Star began to change abruptly! The original body swelled rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it changed into the form of a five-headed dragon. His body was covered with hard dragon scales.

A bunch of wide, heavy wings grew on the back. Behind him is a long dragon tail.

Their appearance was even more powerful and domineering than the five-headed black dragon in front of them! Moreover, the dragons changed by the five people, and the color of the dragon scales was different. Luffy, who represents the White King, has the scales of the dragon all over his body. The golden lion representing the king of the sky and the wind, the scales of the dragon are all wind blue. Kaido, who represents the king of the earth and the mountain, has dragon scales symbolizing a heavy brownish yellow. The Great Mother, who incarnated as the King of Bronze and Fire, was a fiery red like a blazing flame. As for the white star, who is the king of the sea and water, the color of the dragon that changes naturally symbolizes the blue of the sea. Five dragons of different colors hovered over the sky at the same time.

With an incomparably terrifying aura, he appeared in front of the five-headed black dragon! At this moment, the people below could clearly feel that the terrifying destructive aura emitted by the previous five-headed black dragon was completely suppressed by the dragon incarnated by Luffy, the Golden Lion and others in this instant! Just from the perception of breath and momentum, a thought arose in the hearts of the people. That is, the dragon transformed by Luffy and the others was much more powerful than those five black dragons!

For a moment, a cry of surprise also came from the crowd on the battlefield below.

“Sizzle! Even the Golden Lion and the Straw Hat Boy transformed into dragons! ”

“What’s going on? Aren’t they supposed to be humans? ”

“Did they eat any animal-based demon fruit?”

“But Golden Lion, Kaido, haven’t they already eaten the other demon fruits?” How could he possess the ability of another Demon Fruit. ”

“Perhaps, their current appearance is actually related to the magical Dragon Clan’s bloodline.”

“Since it is already called the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, it seems impossible to turn people into dragons.”

“Why do I feel that the Golden Lion and others after transforming into dragons seem to have become more terrifying than before?”

“That’s right! I feel that way too! ”

“Is this their true strength?”

“Those five-headed black dragons in front of them, is it really possible to win?”


It was accompanied by exclamations and discussions.

The expression on Im’s face at this moment also became a little surprised for the first time.

He looked at the dragon incarnated by the Golden Lion and others with some curiosity and surprise, and said to himself in a deep voice, “Oh? Can these guys actually transform into dragons? ”

“It’s kind of interesting.”

“Maybe consider turning them all into my pets too.”

As he muttered this, a cold smile flashed in Im’s eyes. Meanwhile.

Marin Fando high above the sky.

Luffy, who transformed into a five-colored dragon, the Golden Lion and the others all exuded an incomparably terrifying 710 momentum. He is the first of the Dragon Clan.

The form at this moment is their strongest state. In such a form, they were able to exert all the power that belonged to the first generation of the Dragon Clan! Without too much nonsense, the next moment, Luffy, who transformed into a dragon, the Golden Lion and the others suddenly moved. Rushing towards the five-headed black dragon in front of him.

Overwhelming momentum! The speed is also surprisingly fast!

In the sight of the people below, they could only see that the sky seemed to be crossed with five straight lines of different colors, like shooting stars across the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon incarnated by Luffy, the Golden Lion and others quickly passed by the five black dragons. No moment’s pause!

And at the moment when they rubbed shoulders with the five-headed black dragon, a powerful and incomparably powerful impact also erupted and swept around! Immediately afterward, under the horrified gaze of everyone.

The five black dragons, who were even more powerful than the Heavenly King Uranos, didn’t even have time to react at all, and the huge body suddenly exploded in the air!!! The five First Generations of the Dragon Clan struck, and in an instant, they easily killed all five black dragons! No effort!

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