Chapter 129: Im Aims at the Captain’s Room! Locks will appear!

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It was accompanied by a violent explosion.

The five black dragons that hovered above Marin Fando turned into fly ash in an instant. In front of the five dragon clan primordial races who had transformed into full-form dragons, these five black dragons did not have any resistance at all.

Without even reacting at all, they were all killed! Looking at this scene in the sky, all the people on the battlefield of Malin Fando were stunned. After seeing the Golden Lion and others incarnate as the first generation of the Dragon Clan, they actually had a little speculation in their hearts, feeling that even those five black dragons that were more powerful than the Heavenly King Uranos would not be the opponents of the first generation of the Dragon Clan. But how could they not have imagined that the battle between the two would end so quickly and suddenly. Even before many of the people present could react to what had happened, they only saw five rays of light of different colors streaking across the sky, and the five terrifying black dragons exploded! Everything, the end is too sudden!

“Sleeper! That’s too strong, right!!! ”

“What just happened? I didn’t even see their movements at all! ”

“What the hell did they do? How did those five-headed black dragons all be killed in an instant?! ”

“The Straw Hat Boy and the Golden Lion have their strength, which is also too scary, right?!”

“The five-headed black dragon created by Im was all solved like this?”

“From this point of view, Im’s threat to the army of hybrids does not seem to be so strong.”

“Until this moment, the army of hybrid races has maintained an unrivaled momentum!”

“Can anyone really stop them?”


After seeing the terrifying strength of the five first generations of the Dragon Clan, everyone’s hearts couldn’t help but have such a question. And the other side.

The faces of the five old stars behind Im also showed a somewhat surprised look. Obviously, for the five-headed black dragon to be defeated so easily, they were completely unexpected.

“How is this possible?!”

“Those five-headed black dragons created by Lord Im were actually defeated like this?”

“After those guys turned into dragons, their strength seemed to become much stronger!”

“Damn, how could this army of hybrids be so difficult?”

“How much stronger can the so-called Dragon Clan bloodline be?!”

“Who is the captain of the army of hybrids who has been hiding in the shadows?” What unfathomable means does he have? ”

The five old stars said to themselves reluctantly. In front of them, Im, the king of the world, was not as flustered as they were. It still looks calm as usual.

But the surprise that flashed in his eyes also showed that the heart of the king of the world was not as calm as he seemed on the surface.

“Oh, interesting.”

“The strength of your guys is a bit beyond my imagination.”

“But that makes me even more convinced of my desire to turn you into my pet.”

“When the time comes, I will definitely drain the blood from your body.”

“Let me study what this so-called Dragon Clan bloodline really is!”

Im stared coldly at the five dragon clan primitives above the sky and said in a vicious tone. Under his gaze, the dragon incarnated by the Golden Lion and others began to land rapidly from above. At the same time as they fell, their huge dragon body also began to change again. Quickly changed from the dragon form back to the original normal human form. Then it landed firmly on the battlefield of Malin Fando, in front of Im.

Several people looked indifferent as usual, and they were not proud of the blow that destroyed those black dragons. They stood in front of Im and did not continue to make any movements or attacks. In fact, with their strength, if they wanted to kill the previous five black dragons, even if they did not change into the strongest dragon form, it was completely enough. The purpose of what they did was actually to establish a will.

Fight the arrogance of Im’s appearance. That’s all.

At this moment, the Golden Lion and the others did not seem to have any intention of doing anything with Im. Just stand there silently, motionless.

Seeing this, Im’s brow frowned imperceptibly. If the Golden Lion and the others had fought him as soon as they landed, he might have felt that there was nothing but normal.

But at the moment, the other party had no intention of fighting with him at all. This can’t help but make Im feel a little strange.

Don’t understand what the other person’s intentions are. Even, looking at Luffy, Golden Lion and the other five who were blatantly standing not far in front of him, Im suddenly had a feeling that he was being looked down upon!

This made him quite unhappy as the king of the world. Whether it was before or now, he was always the only one who looked down on others, and no matter how strong he was, he had to crawl obediently in front of him. Now a few guys with a mere army of mixed races dared to provoke themselves so much?

For a moment, a wave of anger gradually surged into Im’s heart. However, as the king of the world who has lived for more than eight hundred years.

Im is naturally not the kind of character who will be overwhelmed by anger.

Although there was some anger in his heart, he still looked calm and calm on the surface. His gaze first swept around the golden lion and the others in front of him.

Subsequently, the corners of his mouth evoked a strange smile. In a somewhat playful tone, he said, “It seems that you don’t seem to want to fight me.” ”

“But that’s okay, and I don’t want to waste my work on you guys.”

“As the saying goes, the thief catches the king first.”

“Since you want to end this battle once and for all, let’s just solve the problem of the leader of your mixed race army!”

As he spoke, Im’s eyes turned sharply.

It landed on the Pirate ship of the Flying Sky that had been docked in the sea in front of Malin Fando! To be precise, it landed on the captain’s room located in the middle of the Flying Sky!

“From the moment I came to Marin Fando, I have always been able to feel that there is an incomparably powerful breath in that captain’s room.”

“Come to think of it, it should be the so-called captain of the ship in your mouth, right?”

“I’d like to see who the guy with so many amazing means to create such a mixed-race army is.”

“Now, I’m going to expose this guy who has been hiding behind the scenes pretending to be a ghost in front of everyone!”

A fierce voice fell. The next moment.

Only to see Im raise his hand violently.

A surging white pillar of energy surged straight towards the place where the captain’s room of the Flying Sky was located! If such an energy shock hit, it would be enough to directly shatter the captain’s room and even the entire Flying Sky in an instant! And at that time, the mysterious man who has been hiding in it will have no hiding place!

His true face and identity will also be revealed to everyone!!!。

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