Chapter 131: All the members are shocked! The Dark King Returns to Earth!!!

Kneel for subscription.

“That’s it?!”

“Finally give up?”

Looking at the figure that flew out of the captain’s room from the Flying Sky, Im’s eyes instantly froze.

His eyes narrowed slightly, two cold glows flashed in his eyes, and the expression on his face also returned to coldness. Under his gaze, he saw the mysterious figure flying out of the captain’s room of the Feikong and floating high above the Feikong.

And what makes people feel a little strange is that the figure did not float out of thin air.

Beneath him, there was a dark throne!

At this moment, the mysterious figure was sitting on the dark throne. It looks full of endless imperial majesty.

When Im tried his best to see the face of the mysterious figure, he found that the man’s face was still wearing a dark mask. The mask appears to be composed of dark dragon scales, with countless dense lines on it. And if you look closely, you will find that those dense lines are intertwined, forming a vicious dragon face!

It looks horrible and frightening.

But it also has a kind of king’s presence like the world!

“Ahem! Do they still have to wear masks when they appear? ”

Seeing that the mysterious man’s face was still hidden under the mask, Im couldn’t help but snort coldly. There seems to be a hint of anger in the tone… Meanwhile.

The moment when the mysterious masked man sitting on the dark throne appeared. The warriors of the Hybrid Race Army located on the battlefield of Malin Fando all turned around at the same time and bowed down in the direction where the mysterious figure was located!

Even Luffy, Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, and White Star are no exception. And their kneeling movements were so uniform that even the entire Malin Fando people could only hear an incomparably loud kneeling sound. Clean and neat, without any extra sound.

Immediately afterward, another incomparably uniform cry sounded on the battlefield of Malin Fando.

“Captain Man!”

The call of the army of mixed races brushing together resounded through the clouds.

Everyone around them was also frightened by their overwhelming momentum. Looking in the direction of the kneeling of the half-race army, the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the World Palace, as well as the pirates of the Whitebeard, Red-haired and other pirate groups, also saw the mysterious figure sitting on the hanging dark throne one after another! Immediately afterward, a burst of exclamation erupted from the crowd!

“Look! There was a personal!!! ”

“Sleeper! It’s true! When did he appear? I didn’t even notice it! ”

“I saw that it had just flown out of the pirate ship’s central captain’s room!”

“Central Captain’s Room?” So that guy is the leader of the Hybrid?! ”

“Let me see what that guy looks like, who the hell is that?!”

“Sizzle! How can you still wear a dark mask? ”

“Wouldn’t it still be impossible to see his face clearly?”

“Although I can’t see his face clearly, somehow, just sitting there makes me feel the urge to kneel!”

“Me too! The breath on his body was almost like an emperor in the world! ”

“King’s Landing Emperor? Sleeper! I suddenly remembered something! ”

“Do you remember the prophecy that Lady Charlie of Fishman Island made before that?!”

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted loudly.

And his exclamation also immediately attracted the attention and interest of the people around him.

A group of people immediately said, “The prophecy of Lady Charlie of Fishman Island?” ”

“I remember! It was a prophecy from Fishman Island about a week ago, and I heard that Lady Charlie, who made it, had never made a mistake! ”

“The content of that prophecy seems to be… The Dark King returns to the earth, and the Overlord of the Sea wakes up! ”

“Naval Headquarters, the House of the World, the Whitebeard Pirates… Everything will be destroyed! ”

“That’s right, that’s what the prophecy was about, and I remember that the World Economic News Agency reported it at the time!”

“When I saw this prophecy at that time, I just thought it was ridiculous.”

“After all, it is absolutely a fantasy to want these giants such as the Navy Headquarters, the World Headquarters, and the Whitebeard Pirates to be destroyed at the same time!”

“Before that, no other force had such terrible strength and means.”

“But now, after seeing the strength of the Hybrid Army, I am a little shaken!”

··· Ask for flowers…

“With the strength of the army of mixed races, it may really be possible to do what was prophesied.”

“And in the first few sentences of the prophecy, the dark king returns to the earth, and the overlord of the sea wakes up and returns…”

“Look at the mysterious figure that suddenly appeared, sitting on the dark throne, dressed in black, and wearing a dark mask on his face!”

“Does it correspond to the dark king mentioned in the prophecy?!”

On the battlefield of Malin Fando, a group of people looked at the mysterious figure floating above the Flying Sky and discussed it with great excitement and horror.

At the end of the discussion, the crowd also came to an astonishing inference.

“Do you say…”

“Lady Charlie’s prophecies are all true?!”

“The Dark King who has returned to earth is the leader of the army of the Hybrid Race in front of him?!”

“And the world’s main government, the naval headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment and other forces will be destroyed in his hands?!!!”

Thinking of this, everyone only felt a chill rise in their hearts.

An emotion called fear also hit the heart instantly.

When the crowd looked above the Flying Sky again, the mysterious figure sitting on the dark throne, the color of fear in their eyes could not be hidden.

And what can’t be hidden is their curiosity about the identity of this mysterious person! At this moment, they could already be sure that the dark king, the overlord of the sea, and the terrifying existence that would destroy the naval headquarters, the main palace of the world, and the white-bearded pirate regiment mentioned in Lady Charlie’s prophecy were the mysterious people in front of them!

But who is the real identity of the other party? It is still unknown.

However, everyone also had a vague sense of foreboding, and this answer would not be revealed long after. With such a mood, everyone’s eyes fell on the mysterious figure. And under the gaze of everyone, the dark throne that had been quietly floating over the Flying Sky suddenly began to move!

Carrying this mysterious being that everyone was extremely afraid and curious, he slowly flew towards the battlefield of Malin Fando!

The Dark King… Returning to the human world!.

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