Chapter 132: The Momentum of Terror, Im’s Fear!

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Under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Sitting on the Dark Throne, Locks’s mind moved, and the Dark Throne suspended out of thin air beneath him began to fly slowly in the direction where the battlefield of Malin Fando was located. And the hurricane protective shield that had previously enveloped the Flying Sky and blocked all of Im’s attacks slowly disappeared. In fact, this hurricane shield is not a strange ability. Many of the hybrids present actually do.

And Golden Lion and Nami and others have also performed. Dust-free land!

This spirit with a serial number of 66 in the periodic table of the spirit of speech can make the liberator form a huge force field centered on himself.

The surface of the force field flows with a high-speed flow of air, making up something similar to an enchantment.

Such an unremarkable spirit, but through the display of Locks, who possessed 100% of the power of the Black King Niederhog, he possessed an incomparably terrifying defensive power!

It can even be said that in today’s world, no one’s attack can break through the Dustless Land defense cast by Locks! That’s right, after completely activating the high concentration of Dragon Clan bloodline hidden in Luffy’s body, and the size of the Hybrid Race Army has been expanded again, Locks’s current Black King template fusion progress has already reached 100% complete! Now he has all the power that belongs to the Black King Niederhog!

And Locks, who possesses such terrifying powers, even if he is the god of this world, is not an exaggeration. After all, in the world view of the Dragon Clan, the Black King Niederhogg was equivalent to the god of that world. Is omnipotent existence!

After possessing this god-like power, Locks had no opponents in the current pirate world. For Locks, being invincible also means losing a lot of the fun of fighting. It is precisely because of this that he has carefully planned the current good play.

Keeping almost the world’s eyes on Marin Fando. Moreover…

All his former enemies were gathered on the battlefield of Malin Fando. In order to let everyone together, witness the final climax of the next good play!

Witness his return and revenge after thirty-six years! It was with this idea and plan in mind that Locks had remained in the captain’s room of the Flying Sky without appearing until then. Just let the army of mixed races act as their pawns, pushing this good drama into wave after wave of climax, attracting enemies who are hiding in the shadows, such as the Five Old Stars and Im and others! Only after everyone else has appeared is when his protagonist really appears and detonates the audience! And now, the timing is right!

Locks sat on the Dark Throne.

Soon came to the battlefield of Marin Fando. Came to the forefront of the army of hybrids.

At this moment, the people of the Hybrid Race Army were still respectfully bowing down in the direction where he was. Locks looked at them and then said in an indifferent tone, “Let’s all get up.” ”

“You’re doing a great job.”

Hearing this, the army of hybrid races stood up from the ground in a neat and uniform manner. And when they heard Locks’s casual praise, their faces were filled with excitement that was hard to hide. Obviously, even if Locks is just a casual compliment, it is a great honor and honor for them! After the army of hybrids got up from the ground, they all stood neatly behind Locks. With Locks personally in charge, the momentum of the Hybrid Race Army was also instantly increased a lot. Extremely high-spirited.

Everyone’s momentum is like a thin rope, and under the sitting and pulling of Locks, these rope-like momentum are all gathered together. The condensation is woven into an incomparably thick “giant rope”!

At this moment, the momentum emitted by the army of hybrid races was like a spear that could pierce the Heavenly Dome! It made everyone in the stadium feel shocked!

Even Im is no exception. This momentum alone is enough to make everyone feel that the army of hybrid races is invincible and invincible!

It’s a subtle feeling, but it’s incredibly real.

The crowd couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s amazing! That mysterious person just appeared in front of the mixed race army, and the entire momentum of the mixed race army changed dramatically in an instant! ”

“After that mysterious man appeared, the army of mixed races was almost like finding the main bone, which was not a feeling at all like before!”

“Yes! This momentum alone made me feel that the army of hybrid races could not be defeated at all! ”

“In the face of such an enemy, I can’t even raise my desire to fight.”

“It also makes me even more curious, who is the real identity of the mysterious man?!”

“Who is it that can possess such a terrible cohesive force and dominance, and also possess such a powerful power and magical means like the Dragon Clan’s bloodline?”

“Why have we never heard of such a number one person on this sea before this?”

“If he existed a long time ago, he shouldn’t have shown his sharp edge until now!”

“This mysterious man… Who the hell is that? ”

Everyone stared dead at the mysterious figure sitting on the dark throne at the front of the army of hybrids… The curiosity about the real identity of the other party has also become stronger and stronger over time.

They desperately want to take off the mask on each other’s faces right away. Carefully verify the true identity of the other party.

But apparently, they also know that this is impossible. The mysterious man’s defenses could not be broken even by Im, the king of the world. Everyone had no doubt that even if everyone on the battlefield rushed towards the mysterious man at the same time, it would be absolutely impossible to touch a hair of the other side.

Unless the mysterious man took the initiative to remove the mask himself, there was no possibility for them to know the true identity of the other party.


The other side of the battlefield. The front of the five old stars.

Im also stared dead at Locks’s figure. At this moment, the expression on the face of the king of the world was not good.

First of all, his own attack could not break through Locks’s defense no matter what. Then it was the appearance of Locks after the momentum of the hybrid army soared. Coupled with the reaction of the crowd around the field.

All of this made Im feel very angry. As the king of the world, he had never faced such a situation. In his mind, he had put Locks at the top of his must-kill list!

“Ahem! Guy pretending to be a ghost! ”

“Let me see how strong you really are!”

Im snorted coldly, then let out his own domineering breath and shrouded his way towards where Locks was.

Im’s domineering spirit had already reached the pinnacle of perfection. Be able to clearly perceive the strength of the opponent.

And the gap between you and yourself. Before he could do it, Im wanted to know exactly how strong Locks really was. 0.9 This is also to ensure that the meeting can successfully kill the opponent!

In fact, if it had been in the past, when Im was fighting with others, he would not have used the power of the other party to perceive the strength of the other party. Because in his view, there is no one in this world who is his opponent at all. There is no need to understand the strength of the opponent at all, no matter what kind of battle can do the second kill. It was with this in mind that when Im faced the Golden Lion and the others before, he did not use the See-Smell Domineering Spirit to perceive their strength. But at this moment, Im solemnly sensed the strength of Locks. This undoubtedly means,

The presence of Locks is already a huge threat to Im!

He is an enemy who needs to be jealous and take seriously. However……

The moment when Im’s sight and smell of domineering sensed the breath of Locks. The face of the king of the world suddenly changed dramatically!

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