Chapter 133: Is That Demon-like Being Really Resurrected?

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The moment when Im’s perception touched Locks.

He obviously felt that his already peaked domineering spirit had suddenly disappeared! It was as if there was an invisible black hole around Locks, devouring all the sights and smells of his protruding domineering spirit without a moment’s hesitation! And this also makes Im unable to perceive anything from Locks’s body.

“How can this be?!”

This situation made Im’s face change dramatically. This was the first time that his domineering spirit had encountered such a failure.

“I don’t believe it!”

“If the attack can’t break through this guy’s defenses, it doesn’t matter, now I can’t even perceive the other party with my sight and smell, this is impossible!”

Im cried out in disbelief in his heart.

Then, he once again released an even more intense and intense smell of domineering aura towards Locks. However, the result is still the same as before.

No matter how powerful the domineering aura he unleashed, it was all swallowed up by the invisible bottomless pit around Locks!


“It’s impossible!”

“This guy… 7….what the hell is a monster?! ”

After several attempts, Im finally gave up the idea of testing Locks’s strength and identity with his domineering power.

At this moment, Im’s face had turned into a piece of livid. Obviously angry.

And in that livid, there is also a touch of paleness. This is a sign of weakness.

In the process of constantly probing just now, Im’s sight and smell domineering spirit was swallowed up a lot by Locks.

In addition, Im had also carried out a useless bombardment of the Dustless Land Junction cast by Locks before. There was also an earlier detonation of the Heavenly King Uranos, creating five black dragons that were more powerful than the Heavenly King Uranos. Such a series of operations makes Im also have a lot of consumption. At this moment, it is inevitable that some of them will be weak.

And this also makes Im’s mood more solemn. In the face of an unfathomable enemy, he has a lot of attrition, and if he really fights, he may not be able to win. What’s more, in addition to the mysterious man wearing the mask, his enemies also had a whole army of mixed races behind the other side!

The strength of the mixed race army is also not to be underestimated. If he wanted to deal with the army of mixed races, his men had no chance of winning at all. He still had to do it himself.

Thinking of this, Imton only felt a mountain of pressure.

It was the first time since he had become the King of the World that he had felt such a great sense of crisis! In his thoughts, Im looked at Locks with an extremely jealous look, and did not choose to attack rashly as before. Instead, he just stood silently where he was.

While recovering their physical strength and domineering, they are also waiting for a suitable time to move!..

And Im’s reaction fell into the eyes of everyone on the field.

The impression and feeling given to the crowd is undoubtedly that Yi Yi is afraid! Seeing the situation, the crowd couldn’t help but sigh.

“It seems that even Im, the king of the world, will inevitably feel jealous after seeing the terrifying strength and means of that mysterious person!”

“You see, Im didn’t take the lead in attacking the Hybrid Army as before, obviously fearing the strength of the other side.”

“To be able to make the king of the world, Im, feel afraid, this mysterious man is really terrible!”

“If this mysterious man fights with Im, I don’t know who will lose and who will win.”

“It’s hard to say, after all, the strength of these two people has surpassed us too much, and it is not at all the level we can reach, and it is completely impossible to make a judgment.”

“I think the leader of the mixed race has a better chance of winning!”

“Didn’t you just see that?” Im’s previous series of wild blast attacks did not hurt the mysterious man at all, and even the other party’s defensive barrier was not broken! ”

“With this alone, the mysterious man is already invincible!”

“What’s more, the army of mixed races led by that mysterious person is not a good stubble, and the strength of the Golden Lion and others is so strong that even the Five Old Stars are not opponents at all.”

“If you look at it in this way, the navy and the world’s government seem to have no chance of winning!”

“Linked to the prophecy of Lady Charlie of Fishman Island, it seems that today we may really usher in the destruction of major forces such as the Navy Headquarters, the World Palace, and the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment…”

“The strength shown by the army of hybrid races is completely enough to replace these forces and dominate the whole world alone!”

“The army of hybrids, and the mysterious man, is terrible!”


Everyone looked at this delicate situation on the field at this moment and whispered.

No matter how they talked about it, they all felt that the chances of winning the army of mixed races seemed to be much greater.

In the face of such a terrifying army of hybrid races, their hearts were left with despair. I didn’t even have the slightest thought of resisting.

Just quietly waiting for the final result to come. The other side.

The area where the Pirate side is located.

The white beard with a broken arm was just like everyone else at the moment, looking at the mysterious figure sitting on the dark throne in the distance with an extremely fearful look. However, what he was thinking in his mind at the moment was different from others.

Whitebeard kept looking at the figure of the mysterious man, and kept muttering in his heart: 527


“It’s so similar”

“Although it is impossible to see his face, his figure…”

“It’s exactly the same as Locks!”

Whitebeard was talking to himself in his heart, and his pupils were constantly constricting and trembling. Long before the mysterious man officially appeared, Whitebeard had already speculated through various indications that the so-called captain of the people such as the Hybrid Army might be Locks, who had died in the Valley of the Gods thirty-six years ago! And now, after seeing this mysterious person appear.

This premonition in Whitebeard’s heart also became more intense. What made Whitebeard even more shocked was that although he could not see the face under the mask of the mysterious man. But the figure sitting on the dark throne was indeed very similar to the figure of Locks! If you don’t look at the face, it feels like the same person to Whitebeard! As a result, the whitebeard is now largely certain. The mysterious man in front of him wearing a dark mask has a ninety-nine percent chance that he is Locks, who should have died! And just thinking about it, Whitebeard felt a chill!

Even his body couldn’t help but tremble!

“Is that demonic being really resurrected?”

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