Chapter 134: The former overlord of the sea has returned to the sea with an even more terrifying attitude!

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While constantly thinking in his heart, Whitebeard was also fiercely frightened by his own conjecture.

If the mysterious man in the mask was really Locks, then this was definitely the last thing Whitebeard wanted to see.

For Whitebeard, no matter how powerful the enemy is, even if he is so strong that he does not even have the ability to resist a little, there will not be a little fear in his heart.

After becoming the Four Emperors for so many years, as the strongest man in the world among the previous population, this bit of courage and courage and white beard still existed. But alone…

In the face of the former sea overlord Locks, Whitebeard will feel an irrepressible fear from the depths of his soul! The cause of this fear is unclear and unclear.

When Whitebeard was still a cadre in the Rox Pirates, this feeling was quite obvious.

Unlike the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama and others worship Locks. Whitebeard has only a deep fear of Locks! It is precisely because of this that Whitebeard will so easily choose to betray Locks at the instigation and threat of the later world government.

Now, when he saw the mysterious man sitting on the dark throne wearing a dark mask, Whitebeard felt a chill for no reason.

This also made him feel more and more that the mysterious man in front of him might really be the resurrected Locks! And in this way, everything seems to be in line with the prophecy of Lady Charlie of Fishman Island. The Dark King returns to the earth, and the Overlord of the Sea wakes up.

The Naval Headquarters, the World Palace, and the Whitebeard Pirates… Everything will be destroyed!!!

Doesn’t the so-called Dark King correspond to the mysterious man sitting on the dark throne in front of him, dressed in black and wearing a black mask? And the overlord of the sea is the name that Locks once had.

Doesn’t the awakening and return of the Sea Overlord mean the return of Locks?

As for the Navy Headquarters, the World Palace, and the Whitebeard Pirates, everything will be destroyed. This is actually very easy to understand.

In the original Battle of the Valley of the Gods, these forces were all involved in the siege and suppression of Locks and the Locks Pirate Regiment led by him! If Locks is really resurrected, then he will inevitably seek revenge on these forces!

It is also very possible to destroy all these forces! Thinking of this, Whitebeard only felt that all the prophecies could match everything in front of him. The only thing that needs to be verified next is whether the mysterious man at the front of the mixed race army is Locks?!

Whitebeard’s side.

It’s red-haired Shanks as well as Reilly, Jabba and others. Karp is also not far away.

At this moment, the redhead and the others were keenly aware of the ever-changing look on the white-bearded face. It looks very strange and unusual.

So Shanks took the lead and asked, “Whitebeard, are you all right?” ”

“Did the injury happen again?”

“Your face is very pale and you look very bad.”

Hearing Shanks’s question, some pirates around him also turned their eyes to him. Marco said anxiously and worriedly, “Daddy, what’s wrong with you?” ”

“Is the injury happening again?”

“I’ll treat you again!”

With that, Marco raised his hand directly.

A cluster of blue-blue flames instantly burst out of his palm. It is an immortal bird with healing functions.

But not to mention Marko to make a move. Whitebeard shook his head with some difficulty, and then said in a deep voice, “No, Marco.” ”

“I know my injuries very well and there is no need for treatment.”

“Also, my state is not because of the injury…”

At this point, Whitebeard suddenly paused.

Then he took his eyes off Marko’s body and fell on Reilly, Jabba and the others on the side. At the same time, he also glanced at Karp not far away.

Then he continued to ask, “Reilly, Jabba, and… Karp! ”

“Do you think that the guy with the mask… Much like a person? ”

Whitebeard’s state at the moment was somewhat weak, so his questioning voice was not loud.

But Reilly and the others could clearly hear what Whitebeard was saying.

Hearing this, Reilly and Jabba first looked at the figure of the mysterious man wearing a mask in the distance with a puzzled look. Then he turned his head to look at Whitebeard and slowly shook his head.

“I don’t see anything at the moment.”

“What’s wrong, Newgate?” Do you see the identity of that guy? ”

Reilly and Jabba both asked with some doubt.

Because in the original Battle of the Valley of the Gods, Reilly and Jabba were both responsible for fighting against the other cadres of the Locks Pirates. Not much contact with Locks.

They Roger Pirates, and Roger alone had more dealings with Locks. So at the moment, Reilly and Jabba didn’t see anything.

For a moment, it was impossible to see the shadow of Locks from the mysterious figure wearing the mask. Instead, Karp, after hearing Whitebeard’s question, cast a thoughtful look at the figure on the dark throne. Then he looked at Whitebeard with a worried look on his face and said in a deep voice, “Whitebeard, do you want to say…”

“That guy’s figure resembles Locks?”

As soon as Kapu said this, Whitebeard’s eyes narrowed suddenly. Then he nodded vigorously.

“Sure enough…”

“It seems that I am not the only one who feels this way.”

Seeing Whitebeard’s reaction, Karp said to himself in a bit of a trance. Like Whitebeard, in fact, long before the mysterious figure appeared, Cap guessed that the leader of the hybrid army might be Locks! That terrifying sea overlord may have really been resurrected! And re-entered the sea with an even more terrifying gesture!

This idea had been born as early as the first time he had fought Roger in Advance City. Later, after returning to the naval headquarters and learning about Lady Charlie of Fishman Island from the mouth of the Sengoku Kingdom, the idea became more and more intense.

Until the outbreak of this war on the top, Karp has always had an ominous premonition.

And this ominous premonition reached a peak after the official appearance of the mysterious figure. From the body of the mysterious figure, Kapu seemed to really see the terrifying appearance of the original sea overlord! Originally, he thought that this was just an illusion of his own. Maybe it was because of the matter between Ace and Luffy, which made his mood a little chaotic now, and he couldn’t help but think about it. At the moment, however, Karp was surprised to find that he was not the only one who felt this way.

Even Whitebeard thought the same thing! At this moment, Karp’s heart was also more certain of this shaking. The leader of the Hybrid…

Maybe it’s really Locks!

The former overlord of the sea may have really been resurrected!

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