Chapter 136: Locks’s Revenge, Synonymous with Despair!

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“In order to… Revenge? ”

Hearing the answers of Whitebeard and Karp in unison, Reilly and the others had a little doubt on their faces. Whitebeard and Cat looked at each other again.

I understood that the two of them had reached an agreement once again. He then nodded and continued, “That’s right, just for revenge!” ”

“If everything is really as we think, the mysterious leader of the Hybrid Army, whose true identity is the resurrected Locks.”

“Then, with that guy’s style and character, it is naturally impossible to spare the enemy who surrounded and suppressed him in the Valley of the Gods.”

“Whether it is me who betrayed Locks, or Kapu, Roger, and the Five Old Stars who besieged Locks in the Valley of the Gods, they must be the targets of Locks’s revenge!”

“And perhaps, that guy went to great lengths to bring Roger back to life in order to get revenge on Roger!”

“After all, if Roger is dead, then his revenge on Roger is unnecessary and meaningless.”

“The only way to resurrect the dead Roger and put him on the opposite side of the former crew is true revenge on Roger.”

“Imagine if Roger was controlled by the Locks guy and joined the other side, but still kept his sanity…”

“When he saw with his own eyes that he and his former crew members had become enemies, turned against each other, and killed his former crew members with his own hands, even his own son, he was bound to be in pain, worse than his own death!”

“And this is Locks’s most brutal way of revenge on Roger!”

Whitebeard and Crown both analyzed it seriously.

Both men knew a certain amount about Roger and Locks.

Therefore, after the leader of the hybrid army was likely to be Locks, they also quickly thought of such a possibility.

If the mysterious leader of the hybrid race is really Locks, then with the other party’s previous style and personality, it is indeed very likely to do such a thing!

And at the thought of this, Karp and Whitebeard couldn’t help but shudder again.

“Not only that, but once you accept that the mysterious leader of the hybrid race is the possibility of Locks, then many strange things can be explained.”

“The reason why the Half-Blood Army wanted to control Zefa and let him betray the Navy’s camp may be to get revenge on the Navy headquarters.”

“Also, Luffy is the same…”

“I was curious why when Luffy was in a desperate situation in the Chambord Islands, the Golden Lions, who had no relatives with Luffy, would suddenly come to the rescue from the hands of the Navy.”

“And also gave them the magical Dragon Clan bloodline, which greatly increased the strength of Luffy and his companions!”

“Now that I think about it, in addition to the possibility that Luffy ate the legendary fruit, the human fruit, the esper species, and the Nika form.”

“There’s another reason, I’m afraid it’s coming for me!”

Speaking of which, Karp’s face also became extremely gloomy and serious.

In the original Battle of the Valley of the Gods, he was the main force that joined Roger against Locks. And it was through that battle that he became a naval hero among countless people in the future! After all, the original Battle of the Valley of the Gods, although the number of people who participated in the war was large.

But the shot and existence of the five old stars need to be kept secret.

And the combination of the navy and the pirates is naturally inconvenient for the world to know. Therefore, after the dust settled in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the narrative between the Navy Headquarters and the World Government became that Kapu alone defeated the entire Rox Pirate Regiment and protected the Draco team from the hands of the Rox Pirate Regiment.

It is precisely because of this that Kapu will be a god in the hearts of countless people. Become a naval hero admired by all.

Thinking of this, Kapu’s heart was also very clear, if the mysterious mixed-race leader was really Locks, then the other party could never let go of himself so easily. With the strength that the mysterious man has shown now, in fact, it is a very simple thing for the other party to kill himself for revenge. But Cat felt that if the guy was really Locks, he wouldn’t have allowed himself to die so easily. Then, Luffy will become what he is today.

It is very likely that Locks wants to take revenge on himself through Luffy’s hand. What could be more painful than watching one’s own biological grandson be controlled by someone else and kill oneself by facing one’s own soldiers?

··· Ask for flowers…

This vicious method of revenge is indeed very much like what the terrifying sea overlord Locks can do. Thinking of this, Kapu’s heart couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness.

“If this is the case, then the reason why Luffy has become what he is now, in fact, is all my harm…. Karp thought so somewhat reproachfully. ”

He never imagined that Luffy was actually dragged down by his own reasons. It will become what it is today.

I have completely lost my former self, as if I have changed into a person.

“If Luffy became like this because of me.”

“Then I don’t know… Will the guys in the Hybrid Army take action against Dorag as well? ”

Suddenly, Karp thought of another possibility.

His face became even more ugly and worried.

Since Luffy had already encountered the clutches of the army of mixed races, there was no reason why his own son, Dorag, would be spared. Although Kapu has not yet seen Dorag on this battlefield. But there was always an ominous premonition in his heart.

It always felt like Dorag had already had an accident as well.

His own son and grandson may have suffered misfortunes because of themselves. This made Kapu’s heart feel a little angry and remorseful.

At the same time, there is anger. But he understood that if the leader of the half-race army was really Locks, with the strength that the other party was showing now, even if he was angry, it would be useless. Even as a naval hero, he was completely like a baby without the power of a chicken in front of the other party! There is absolutely no ability to resist at all!

Although the mysterious man had not revealed his true identity until now, the brains and speculations of Karp and Whitebeard and others had already flown to a far, far away. Many possibilities have come to mind.

And with such constant thinking and speculation, an emotion called despair also quietly filled the hearts of Whitebeard and Karp and others. The name Locks for them…

It seems to have become synonymous with despair!

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