Chapter 137: In the face of absolute strength, everything is just a delusion!

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Marin Fando’s battlefield.

Karp and Whitebeard and others are caught in an unprecedented despair and worry because of their own conjectures. Shanks and the others, who had heard their speculations and worries, also had a strong dignified color on their faces. Although they don’t know that much about Locks, they know very well that the existence that can make characters like Whitebeard and Karp feel afraid must not be simple!

It may even be more tricky than the king of the world, Im. The situation in front of them is absolutely terrible for them!..

And at the same time. The other side.

The area where the navy and the great army of the world’s main government are located. At this moment, the Warring States also widened their eyes, looking at the figure sitting on the dark throne at the forefront of the mixed race army with great care and seriousness.

The cold white light above the lenses of his eyes obscured the eyes of the Warring States.

But just by looking at his expression, you can see that the admiral’s mood at the moment is not calm. After half a moment, Sengoku turned his head with difficulty, looked at Lieutenant General Crane, the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters, who was located next to him, and said in a deep voice: “Crane, do you think…”

“That leader of the Hybrid Race army looks a lot like Locks?”

Sengoku slowly expressed the doubts and speculations in his heart.

Hearing his words, the elderly old woman Lieutenant General Crane also had a look of surprise on her face. Then he opened his eyes and looked in the direction where the army of hybrids was.

After looking and observing it very carefully, Tsuru nodded his head in shock and said, “Listening to you say this, it is really like!” ”

“Although the guy was wearing a mask, we couldn’t see his face clearly.”

“But his shape, and the way he feels, is very similar to Locks!”

The crane gave his own affirmative answer.

At the same time, she also looked at the Warring States with a surprised look on her face and asked, “Warring States, what do you mean…”

“You suspect that guy is actually Locks?!”

As an old comrade-in-arms who had been fighting side by side for many years, Tsuru naturally guessed the idea of the Warring States at once. And the Warring States did not hide it, and nodded heavily: “That’s right! ”

“As much as I hate to think about it, that guy is so much like Locks!”

Sengoku said with great certainty.

The Valley of the Gods War, although he did not participate directly in that great war like Kapu. But at that time, he and Tsuru were behind the scenes planning many details about the Battle of the Valley of the Gods. And many plans were made against the Locks Pirates.

Even the actions against Whitebeard, Wang Zhi, and Captain John also included the advice of the two wise generals of the Naval Headquarters, Sengoku and Tsuru. It is precisely for this reason that although Sengoku and Tsuru have not dealt with Locks head-on. But they knew all about Locks and the Rox Pirates. At this moment, seeing the figure at the forefront of the hybrid army, he also subconsciously connected the other party with Locks. Sengoku pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then continued to say in a deep voice, “In fact, long before this war began, there seemed to be all kinds of signs and hints that the Locks guy was likely to have been resurrected.” ”

“Whether it’s the awakening and return of the sea overlord mentioned in the prophecy of Lady Charlie of Fishman Island, or the golden lion who has disappeared for many years suddenly re-appearing in a high-profile manner and gathering with Kaido and Big Mama…”

“All these signs actually point to the possibility of Locks’s resurrection!”

“It’s just that at that time, because I was busy preparing for the public execution of Fire Fist Ace and the fight against the Whitebeard Pirates, I accidentally ignored these details!”

“Now that I think about it, it’s really my omission!”

Sengoku said with some remorse.

Only now did he realize what important information and clues he had missed before! If he had thought of all this earlier, he might have been able to specify a response plan earlier.

Get ready early.

Perhaps this will not be the situation that is the case today.

At least…… They wouldn’t be fooled by the army of hybrids like they are now. Even Lian Zefa was controlled by the other side.

And Karp also betrayed the Navy for various reasons. Sengoku speculated that perhaps Kapu would betray him.

Behind this is the reason why the leader of the hybrid army is secretly fueling the situation! After all, in this whole war, the Warring States have a very strong feeling, and it is clear that there is a pair of invisible hands controlling all the directions of this war! And now, he has already determined…

The invisible hands were none other than the mysterious leader of the Hybrid Race. Maybe it’s Locks!

Hearing Sengoku’s somewhat remorseful words, Tsuru said in relief, “It’s not your fault.” ”

“After all, before Roger appeared, no one would believe that a dead person could actually be resurrected.”

“It’s normal not to take into account the resurrection of Locks.”

“And I think…”

“Even if we can really be aware of all this in advance and prepare for it in advance.”

“In the face of the mighty strength of the Hybrid Army, especially in the face of the nearly invincible means of the Hybrid Army…”

“All the preparations are nothing but delusions!”

The crane said in a deep voice, and a hint of frustration and despair could be clearly heard in his tone. After seeing the army of hybrids and the means of the mysterious man, the crane did not feel that even if they prepared in advance, they would be able to cope with and win. In the face of absolute power, everything else is nothing but delusion. Hearing what Tsuru said, Sengoku also nodded his head without comment.

“Yeah, what if you knew all this in advance?”

“If the leader of that half-race army is really Locks who returned from Resurrection 2.6…”

“Then the next thing this war can bring us is despair!”

In the face of such a situation and situation, it is difficult for even the warring states, as admirals, to remain optimistic. He no longer seemed to see any hope of victory in this war.

The conversation between Sengoku and Tsuru did not deliberately lower his voice. On this noisy battlefield, although this conversation was not heard by the other soldiers.

But it was all falling into the ears of the Five Old Stars and Im and others who had a very strong sense of seeing and hearing domineering! After hearing from the mouths of the Warring States and others, the mysterious leader of the mixed race army was most likely the time of Locks.

The faces of the only four remaining five old stars and Im inevitably appeared a touch of surprise and shock in an instant!

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