Chapter 138: Im: I have a bold idea!

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The navy and the front of the world’s main camp.

Except for St. Ferdinand, who had been transformed into a hybrid by Luffy, the other four Five Elders were standing quietly behind Im at this moment. And the five old stars and Im who have a very strong sense of seeing and hearing.

They all clearly heard the conversation between Sengoku and Tsuru not far away. The faces of the four five old stars showed even a look of surprise. Even Im couldn’t help but be stunned.


“Listening to the meaning of the Warring States and the Crane, the mysterious leader of the hybrid army may actually be Locks?”

“How is this possible? Wasn’t that guy killed by us in the Valley of the Gods thirty-six years ago? ”

“I watched as his body sank to the deepest bottom of the sea along with the islands of the Valley of the Gods.”

“Is it true that the Locks guy was inexplicably resurrected from the dead like Roger?”

“Or is it that the Locks guy is not actually dead, and the Valley of the Gods War thirty-six years ago was just a trick that the other side wanted?”

“Have we all been deceived by him, and in the thirty-six years that we thought he was dead, he 07 had actually been planning all this behind his back, and had also obtained the magical power of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline?”

“If the mysterious leader of the Hybrid Army is really Locks, then this is really a well-planned revenge.”

“This kind of thing is really like what a crazy man from Locks would do.”

“I always feel that the situation is not very good!”


After hearing the conversation between Sengoku and the crane, many thoughts immediately popped up in their hearts.

Although the mysterious leader of the hybrid army is Locks’s guess, it sounds more or less outrageous. But since things have developed to this point, since the beginning of this war to the present, the bizarre things witnessed and experienced by the five old stars are no longer one or two things. No matter what bizarre events will happen next, the five old stars will not feel completely impossible.

On this battlefield, everything is possible at this moment!

And the thought that the mysterious leader of the hybrid army might be the resurrected Locks, even the Five Elders also felt a strong sense of foreboding.

And deep concern.

Although thirty-six years had passed since the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the Five Elder Stars had never forgotten the terrifying figure that had single-handedly opposed all of their Five Elder Stars and the alliance of Kap and Roger in the Valley of the Gods! That figure in the hearts of the five old stars was like a demon god descending!

Even though thirty-six years had passed, that demon-god-like figure had never faded from the minds of the Five Old Stars! At this moment, after thinking about the possibility of Locks’s resurrection, the figure of the demon god in their minds became clearer and clearer.

Although it was not yet certain whether the mysterious leader of the Half-Blood Army was really Locks, the Five Elders already felt a chilling feeling just by thinking about it.

An emotion called fear also unconsciously pervaded the hearts of several people. But as the five old stars, they would never allow themselves to be timid in front of so many people.

As a result, the four five old stars all had to endure the trepidation and fear in their hearts. As if in a sigh of relief, he continued to speak in a deep voice, “It doesn’t matter! ”

“Even if the guy with the mask is really Locks resurrected, he can’t be Lord Im’s opponent!”

“That’s right, we have Lord Im on our side now!”

“Lord Im is the most powerful king of the world in the world, and there is absolutely no one who can survive in his hands!”

“What about Locks?” What about the army of hybrids? What’s the use of having that mysterious Dragon Clan bloodline?! ”

“In front of Lord Im, the king of our world, the only thing that awaits them is defeat!”

“Victory will surely belong to Lord Im, to the government of our world!”


The four five-old stars looked at each other and cheered each other up with a somewhat weak tone. It seems to be an attempt to numb himself with such words.

In order to make them forget their fear of Locks. However.

At their forefront.

Im naturally listened to all the conversations of the four five old stars word for word.

After hearing the four five old stars slapping and touting themselves, this originally very conceited world king did not show any pride and arrogance at this moment!

Nor did I feel happy because of the five old stars’ slapping of horses. On the contrary, after listening to this nonsense of praise, Im’s face seemed to have several black lines hanging down from his forehead. The face also became a little gloomy.

At this moment, Im only felt a little irritated and speechless.


You guys!

Can you take a look at the situation on the field before you shoot?! Didn’t you see that I had been attacking for so long, but I hadn’t even been able to break through one of the other side’s defensive shields?

Moreover, my sight and smell domineering were completely unable to perceive the strength of the other party! Whoever drives a little closer to the other person will be mercilessly swallowed up by the invisible black hole around that guy! The previous waves of temptations were almost fooling Lao Tzu and there was no way to take the other side! If I can win the other side, even I don’t have the courage to say it. How dare you old men?!

Under such circumstances, Im, who is the king of the world, has a rare and extremely large mood swing. I couldn’t help but spit fiercely in my heart.

There was no way, it was really the oppression brought to Im by the leader of the mixed race army! Even now, Im still hasn’t figured out a way or means to defeat the other side. 410 This made him very distressed, and his mood became a little irritable.

This is the first time that he has such a psychology and emotion in the face of an enemy. You know, as the king of the world.

In the long years of the past eight hundred years, no one has ever been his opponent!

Even Joey Boy, who was known as the “Liberation Fighter,” was no match for him.

However, now, after more than eight hundred years of long years, his strength should have become more powerful, but he encountered such a hard stubble when he made his first shot after many years!

Such a taste, but it is really not very good.

“This guy’s true identity is likely to be the sea overlord Locks more than thirty years ago, isn’t it?”

“I remember when Locks didn’t even need me to be killed.”

“How did it take just over thirty years for his strength to become so unfathomable?”

Im looked at the army of hybrids in the distance, and the mysterious figure at the forefront of the hybrids. Keep thinking in your mind.

“Is it true that… All because of that mysterious dragon bloodline?! ”

After thinking about it for a moment, Im only thought of this possibility.

The next moment, however, it was as if he had thought of something again. His eyes widened sharply, and there was a gleam of excitement in his eyes!

“Wait! Dragon Clan?! ”

“I have a bold idea!”

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