Chapter 139: Im’s Desperate Gamble! The final showdown!

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“Wait! Dragon Clan?! ”

“I have a bold idea!”

Suddenly, an extremely frightening thought flashed through Im’s mind. It’s like a thunderbolt in the sky!

This made Im’s whole person instantly refreshed. Even his eyes widened sharply at this moment!

“It doesn’t matter if the leader of the half-race army is Locks or not.”

“But one thing is indisputable, and that is…”

“The Dragon Clan bloodline does have the ability to make people stronger quickly, even reborn!”

“That guy’s army of hybrids has undoubtedly proved that.”


“If I can get a copy of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline!”

“Is it also possible to get the same change that will make my strength to a higher level?!”

“With my strength, if I go to the next level, that guy must not be my opponent!”

Im’s eyes were hot, and he thought so in his heart.

Although Im appeared late, he already had a detailed understanding of what had happened before he appeared in the war. Whether it’s the Straw Hat gang’s increased strength, Zepha’s broken arm reborn and becoming stronger than before, or the terrifying strength of the Golden Lion, Kaido and others, and the changes that have taken place in St. Ferdinand, one of the Five Old Stars… Im knew that all these incredible strength increases and changes were actually due to the magical Dragon Clan’s bloodline!

There is no doubt that the Dragon Clan bloodline does indeed have a role that can give others great power. Moreover, such an ascension is far more exaggerated than the demon fruit!

Therefore, after thinking about this, Im, who did not have much confidence in defeating the leader of the Hybrid Race, also put his hopes on the Dragon Clan’s bloodline! If you can get a copy of the Dragon Clan bloodline and absorb the fusion, then your strength will inevitably usher in a qualitative improvement again! For a strong person of his strength, the strength has reached such a realm as his, and any small improvement is actually a qualitative leap! If he could fuse the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, Im was confident that he would be able to win the leader of the Hybrid Race Army!

Thinking of this, the heart of the king of the world could not help but feel a burst of excitement. Because he seems to have finally found a way to break the game.

Maybe he can take this opportunity to solve the leader of the hybrid army and completely end this farce that has been going on for too long!

Im looked at the army of hybrids in front of him, and two rays of essence were projected in his eyes. Obviously, there is some eagerness to try.

But even so, he didn’t act impulsively because of excitement. Because, although the Dragon Clan bloodline does have the effect of making people stronger. But at the same time, it also has a feature that makes Im extremely jealous. That’s it…

People who have fused the blood of the Dragon Clan seem to be controlled by the other party, thus becoming a member of the army of hybrid races and becoming an emotionless puppet. The previous five-year-old star Saint Ferdinand is the best example!

Because of this, Im was eager to fight the idea of the dragon’s blood bloodline. But he still did not dare to act rashly.

Otherwise, if after fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, although his strength had indeed increased, he had become a puppet like Saint Ferdinand, then there really was no chance of winning!

The king of his own world has become a puppet of others? This kind of thing Im didn’t even dare to think about!

“You have to be careful and careful!”

Im thought so in his heart. At the same time, the brain is also running fast.

Think about whether there is any way to remove the side effects of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline. Let yourself gain the role of improving the strength of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline while avoiding being controlled by others.

But…… No matter how much he thought about it, he could never come up with an answer and a solution. This also made Im feel a little anxious.

“Damn! Is there really nothing that can be done? ”

Im said to himself with some irritation.

Then, his heart was crossed, he gritted his teeth, and opened his mouth again: “Forget it! Let’s try our best to fight that guy first! ”

“It’s best if you can win over the other side.”

“And if you can’t win…”

“Then you can only give it a go!”

As he spoke, Im’s eyes froze. A decision has been made in mind.

Subsequently, the king of the world no longer hesitated, and his body directly moved!

Rushing in the direction where the army of hybrids was located. And his target was the mysterious figure sitting on the dark throne!

Im’s move instantly attracted the attention of the audience. Suddenly, a series of exclamations erupted on the field.

“Look! Im moved! ”

“After such a long stalemate, is Im finally unable to sit still?”

“It seems that Lord Im is going to fight with all his strength against the leader of the mixed race army!”

“Do you say that Lord Im has any hope of winning?”

“It’s hard to say! After all, Lord Im had attacked several rounds before, but even the defense of the leader of the Hybrid Army had not been broken. ”

“The leader of the Half-Blood Army is mysterious and unpredictable, and from his appearance to the present, he does not seem to have shown real strength.”

“I don’t know what the result will be when these two people fight?”

“If only Lord Im could shatter the mask on the mysterious man’s face during the battle!”

“That way, we can really see what that guy looks like!”

“I’m really curious, who is this mysterious leader of the Hybrid Army?!”


There were shouts of surprise from the crowd on the battlefield.

At the same time of exclamation, everyone was also staring at Im and Rox, who were about to fight. They understand that no matter what the final outcome of this battle is, no matter who wins or loses in this battle…

After the battle between Im and Rox, this top-up war that has lasted so long will really come to an end!

For a time, everyone’s hearts were full of curiosity and expectation! And in the midst of everyone’s curiosity and expectation, Im’s figure was also moving forward like a phantom, and in the blink of an eye, he had already come to the mysterious person sitting on the dark throne. Immediately afterward, a slap wrapped in incomparably rich white light energy slammed out at the mysterious person in front of him!!!。

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