Chapter 140: The Power of the Demon, The Secret of the Red Earth Continent [Kneeling for Subscription].

Under the nervous gaze of everyone on the field, Im, who was thin and white-robed, was like a remnant, and in an instant, he had come to the mysterious man sitting on the dark throne. Then, without hesitation, he punched the man in the dark mask!

Above the fist, there is a thick white light energy wrapped in it! This rich white light energy is actually the main source of Im’s strength.

The reason why he has a near-immortal life expectancy and the strength to sit firmly on the throne of the king of the world for more than eight hundred years is actually because of this mysterious white light energy.

More than eight hundred years ago, Im was actually just one of the twenty kings who made up the world’s main palace, when these twenty extremely ambitious kings gathered together to create an unprecedentedly powerful organization, the World Palace. And named their race and descendants Draco, claiming to be descendants of the Creator. At the same time, they also exterminated all the Lunaria tribes that originally lived on the Red Earth Continent and had the name of “One of the Gods”.

The base camp of the world’s main government was also moved to Mary Joy, a holy place located on the red earth continent. It occupies the position of these 217 highest points in the world.

At the same time, it also symbolizes the high status of the world’s main government and their Draco. At first, the twenty kings were at peace.

Together, they manage the affairs of the world’s main government, large and small. But as time passed, these kings, who already had great ambitions, naturally began to be dissatisfied with being equal to other kings. And so war broke out again.

Twenty kings began an extremely fierce cannibalism. Everyone wanted to kill the remaining nineteen kings.

Make yourself the king of that unique world! And in the process of such cannibalism, Im, one of the twenty kings, by chance, discovered a terrifying secret inside the Red Earth Continent! Under the holy land of Mary Joy, inside the mountain mass of the Red Clay Continent, there is actually a hidden independent space.

It was a huge cave that led straight to the bottom of the sea, and it was incomparably empty. And inside that cave, in addition to the laterite rocks around it, there was one thing left and one towering tree that was about to die! The huge tree was so big that its rhizome had completely penetrated into the seabed, and its branches were almost at the top of the red earth continent.

The Red Earth Continent was like a huge protective shield that hid this dying giant tree in the middle of the mountain. When Im came to the inside of this mountain by chance and saw the towering tree that was about to die, the shock in his heart was naturally indescribable.

And just when he was deeply shocked by it, a demon that seemed to come from the deepest part of the sea appeared in front of Im. The demon told Im that the towering tree in front of him was the legendary Tree of Demon Fruit!

And this demon is the one who lives in the Tree of Demon Fruit. The once demonic fruit tree was incomparably luxuriant.

However, since the demon fruit that grew on it had all matured and all of it had fallen into the deep sea and scattered around the world, the life force of the demon fruit tree had begun to dry up at a very fast rate. When Im came here, the life of the Demon Fruit Tree was coming to an end. Similarly, once the Demon Fruit Tree dies.

Then the demon born in the Tree of Demon Fruit will also die with it. Therefore, in order to avoid the fate of complete extinction.

The demon gave all his power to Im.

And the condition is that the other party will sacrifice at least a thousand lives to the Demon Fruit Tree every year after that!

In order to maintain the last bit of life of the Demon Fruit Tree.

For such a condition, Im naturally accepted it with great joy.

Gaining the full power of the demon, he defeated and killed the other nineteen kings with an incomparable crushing force, and justifiably became the only ruler of the world’s main palace!

Become the deserved king of the world!

The power of the demons also connects Im’s lifespan with the Tree of Demon Fruit. As long as the Demon Fruit Tree is not completely depleted, then Im is equivalent to having an endless lifespan. Therefore, after becoming the king of the world, Im also honestly sacrificed the lives of a thousand slaves every year according to the agreement with the demon, in order to maintain the last bit of vitality of the Demon Fruit Tree, so that it would not completely dry up and die.

In fact, Im had also tried to sacrifice too many slaves to see if he could revitalize the nearly depleted Demon Fruit Tree. But it turned out to be of no use.

The demon told Im that with the current state of the Demon Fruit Tree, it was already the limit to be able to retain this last bit of vitality. It is absolutely impossible to want dead wood to come back to life in the spring.

After learning this, Im stopped demanding. In any case, as long as a thousand slaves are sacrificed every year, the Tree of Demon Fruit will never die completely.

And he has a life as long as eternal life!..

Take your thoughts back.

Im urged the powerful demonic power in his body and slapped the masked man in front of him fiercely! The power of the demons born in the Tree of Demon Fruit is incomparably powerful.

Even possessing the power of all the demon fruits that come from the Tree of Demon Fruits. All kinds of demon fruit abilities intertwined to form this white light energy today! As soon as Im slapped it, even the space shattered under his palm! The power of this palm was enough to evaporate the entire Malin Fando in an instant, along with a large area of seawater around it! And when such a terrorist attack is all condensed in one point, the attack power and destructive power that it can exert are even more unimaginable. Obviously, Im was planning to make a desperate bet.

I want to try my best to see if I can defeat the mysterious leader of the hybrid army in front of you!

“Go and die!”

“No one in this world can resist the will of Im, the king of my world!”

With an angry roar, Im’s slap also fell violently at the enemy in front of him.

And yet, the next moment!

A transparent shield that surrounds the hurricane air stream is suddenly reappeared. Block this palm of Im’s hand steadily!

And the attack that was enough to destroy the world was actually the moment it hit the hurricane shield, as if it had encountered an invisible bottomless black hole, and it was completely swallowed up!

Nothing left!

Im’s all-out blow was so silently dissipated that it was all dissipated. At this moment, this king of the world with demonic powers… Completely dumbfounded!!!。

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