Chapter 141: Unprecedented Despair! Im fuses the Dragon Clan’s bloodline!

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Looking at this strange scene in front of him, Im was completely stunned.

There is endless horror and fear under your eyes!


“It’s impossible!!!”

“Not only did my attack fail to break through this guy’s defenses, it was all devoured?!”

“Just like the domineering spirit I released before, it all disappeared for no reason!”

“It’s impossible! How is this possible?!!! ”

At this moment, Im’s mentality was somewhat broken. Because he found that no matter what kind of attack he had, he couldn’t even break through the other party’s defenses.

Even one’s own attacks will be swallowed up for no reason. Even Im, who possessed demonic powers, was completely helpless in the face of such a strange ability.

With a look of utter horror, he looked at the figure in front of him who was still sitting on the dark throne. From beginning to end, the other party did not even move his fingers!

I’ve been sitting there so quietly.

But it brought Im unprecedented fear and despair!

“This guy…”

“It’s even more terrifying than a demon!”

Looking at the figure wearing the dark dragon mask in front of him, such a thought popped into Im’s mind. At this moment, in his eyes, the guy in front of him was even more terrifying than when he first encountered the demon in the Red Earth Continent! And at this moment, he finally understood one thing.

That’s it…

If you only rely on your current strength, you will not be able to defeat this terrible enemy in front of you! If he continues like this, he will inevitably lose at the hands of the other party! Must get… Find another way! Thinking of this, Im’s eyes also froze.

The figure quickly retreated backwards, and the mind was already determined. I plan to fight as I thought before!

“It seems that we can only put our hopes on the body of that Dragon Clan’s bloodline!”

“Although after fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, I will most likely become a puppet like Ferdinand and them.”


“If my strength after fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline can surpass that of the leader of this Hybrid Race Army, maybe I will be able to get rid of the other party’s control and still maintain my self-awareness!”

“If you don’t do anything anyway, the result is bound to be defeat.”

“If that’s the case, why don’t you just bet on it?”

As he continued to think about it, Im’s expression and eyes became more and more determined. The figure kept retreating, pulling away from Locks. At the same time, he also took his eyes off Locks’s body. Instead, it fell into the crowd of the army of hybrids.

It fell on the body of the five-old star Saint Ferdinand who stood with countless hybrids!

“That’s it!”

Im whispered to himself.

Then the figure disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared, he had come to the army of hybrids, to St. Ferdinand. Immediately afterward, Im reached out a hand to grab St. Ferdinand and snatched him out of the crowd of the Half-Blood Army with great speed. I came to a clearing not far away.

And his action in this way also caused everyone in the field to be confused.

“Look! Lord Im, why didn’t he attack the leader of the half-race army, but instead went and arrested Lord St. Ferdinand? ”

“Could it be that Lord Im wants to restore self-consciousness to Lord St. Ferdinand, who will be controlled?”

“But… Why did Lord Im do this? Is it difficult to have one more opponent? ”

“But even if Lord St. Ferdinand recovered, this side of the world’s main palace still could not be the opponent of the army of mixed races.”

“What is Lord Im’s purpose in doing this?!”


On the battlefield of Malin Fando, a group of people expressed doubts and puzzlements about Im’s actions. And in the midst of all these doubts.

Only to see Im suddenly reach out again, and the white palm of his hand, as if it were a sight, suddenly stabbed into St. Ferdinand’s chest without warning!

It was a hole in St. Ferdinand’s chest and heart straight away! Such a scene undoubtedly made everyone present horrified.

As a result, they don’t understand what Im is trying to do. How did you suddenly start hitting your teammates?

In a clearing not far away.

Im had a cold expression and pulled his palm out of St. Ferdinand’s chest.

··· Ask for flowers…

From beginning to end, St. Ferdinand did not resist at all. With the withdrawal of Im’s palm, St. Ferdinand’s breath of life also began to weaken rapidly. At the same time, everyone could see that a cloud of blood was slowly wafting out of St. Ferdinand’s chest. Floating silently in front of Im.

It was the Dragon Clan bloodline that had been absorbed by Saint Ferdinand before! Today, Im is in his own right.

Directly killed Saint Ferdinand and re-extracted the Dragon Clan blood in his body! Looking at the Dragon Clan bloodline floating in front of him, Im’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a fiery look.

“Is this the Dragon Clan’s bloodline?”

“As long as I absorb it, I can gain more powerful power!”

Im said to himself with some excitement.

Now he has been pushed to the last step, and there is no way back.

Therefore, he did not think about anything else. Without hesitation, he reached out and put his hand into the Dragon Clan’s bloodline.

Start absorbing it all into your body without leaving it all! Seeing Im’s move, there was another exclamation from the surrounding crowd.

“Lord Im, is this crazy?” Actually actively absorbing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline?! ”

“Although the Dragon Clan’s bloodline can indeed make people’s strength increase rapidly, it will also make people control their consciousness and sanity!”

“If Lord Im had absorbed the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, wouldn’t he have become a puppet of the Hybrid Army?”

“Lord Im is completely desperate to do this!”

“But now if you want to stop it, it seems that it is too late!”

“I don’t know what Lord Im will look like after absorbing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline?”

“If even Lord Im had become a member of the army of the Half-Race, then we really wouldn’t have had any hope for this war!”

In a cry of some worry and despair.

Im had already absorbed all the dragon blood that had been extracted from Saint Ferdinand’s body! And then, the next moment!

Im’s already incomparably powerful breath began to rise at a very fast pace!! And!.

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