Chapter 142: Locks Speaks! The whole audience bowed down and surrendered!!!

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Marin Fando’s battlefield.

When everyone was wondering and worried about Im’s seemingly risky move.

Im had already absorbed all the dragon blood veins extracted from Saint Ferdinand’s body with great speed! And it has been completely integrated!

With the continuous fusion of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, Im’s breath also began to rise at this moment. His already incomparably powerful momentum became even more terrifying and exuberant. And Im’s originally very slender and slender body actually began to expand rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he became much taller and stronger than before. Even the wide white robe that was originally put on Im’s body was violently broken by the constantly bulging muscles on Im’s body. Immediately after, the crowd saw.

Above Im’s exposed body, there were pieces of dense white dragon scales! There is no doubt that after absorbing the Dragon Clan bloodline extracted from Saint Ferdinand’s body, Im’s strength has undergone an earth-shaking change, with an unprecedented huge increase!

At this moment, the king of the world was also constantly transforming and transforming in the direction of the Dragon Clan Hybrid Race.

“Lord Im’s breath has become so strong!”

“The original Lord Im’s strength was already standing at the peak of this sea, and now after absorbing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline and completing the transformation, what kind of terrifying point will his strength grow?”

“In this way, I wonder if Lord Im will be able to defeat the leader of the Hybrid Army?”

“But my biggest concern is… After fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, will Lord Im become a puppet like other hybrid races? ”

“If that’s the case, then Lord Im’s move is to steal chickens and not to eat rice!”

Looking at the changes that had taken place in Im’s body, the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the World Palace were all saying the same thing in a tone of great concern, and the pirates led by Whitebeard, Redhead, and others, as well as the criminals who had escaped from within the sixth floor of the Advance City, were also watching all this with great nervousness at the moment. Because they all know very well what will happen after Im fuses the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, but it is related to the next direction of this war and the final solution. And even…

It is about the future of this sea of the world! Therefore, everyone is extremely nervous. However, on the side of the mixed race army, after seeing Im’s actions and the changes that had occurred, there was no reaction at all.

There was neither surprise nor worry or uneasiness.

They were so quietly and neatly lined up behind the leader of the mixed-race army without saying a word.


In such an atmosphere.

Im finally completed all the changes after fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline. At this moment, the body of the king of the world was covered with pure white dragon scales. The momentum of the whole body is stronger than ever.

Because the Dragon Clan bloodline extracted from Saint Ferdinand’s body by Im was actually given by Luffy, who had previously transformed into the White King, the hybrid species that Im had transformed into at this moment also belonged to the White King’s vein.

The color of the dragon scales on his body is naturally white.

Feeling the constant gushing power in his body, Im’s eyes shone with excitement.

A smile of satisfaction also appeared on his face.

“Is this the power of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline?”

“It really made me change like a bone!”

“Today, I am more than ten times stronger than before!”

“And it seems… My consciousness is not manipulated and affected! ”

Im said to himself with great excitement.

Then he raised his head again and looked at the figure in front of him sitting on the dark throne. The expression then became cold and fierce.

“Looks like my guess is correct!”

“After fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, my strength has surpassed this guy in front of me.”

“Therefore, I am not under the control of the other side like other hybrids!”

“Now I… is the strongest! ”

“Since that’s the case, let me test the power that this Dragon Clan bloodline brings to me.”

“This war starts now and should be over!”

Im spoke in an incredibly cold tone.

Then, he took a seemingly random step in the direction where the army of hybrids was located! As he took this step, the earth beneath his feet shook. The whole Marin Fando was constantly trembling.

As Im continued to move, even the sea water in a large area of the sea around Malin Fando began to churn continuously. Suddenly above the surface of the sea, a series of fierce winds and waves were set off.

The clouds above the sky also kept rising, condensing into a huge whirlpool. And the center of that vortex was above Im’s head!

A simple step is enough to cause changes in the sky, the earth and the ocean.

So that the whole heaven and earth are discolored… After fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, Im’s strength can be seen from this.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the naval headquarters and the world’s main government on the battlefield could not help but get excited.

“Such a strong strength!”

“It seems that Lord Im has indeed become more terrifying after fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline!”

“And looking at Lord Im’s appearance, it should be uncontrolled!”

“No wonder Lord Im dared to direct that Dragon Clan’s bloodline, it seems that he had already made preparations!”

“In this way, Lord Im should be able to defeat the leader of the Hybrid Army, right?”

“This war seems to be finally coming to an end!”

“…” In the midst of the excitement of the crowd.

Im was also constantly approaching the location of the leader of the hybrid army. At this moment, Im looked confident.

A look of victory in hand. However!

Just when he was still a short distance away from the other party.

The mysterious masked man sitting on the dark throne and not saying a word since his appearance was slowly opening his mouth at this moment!


An incomparably low and majestic voice slowly spat out from the mouth of the mysterious masked man. The sound is not loud, but it is extremely penetrating.

These two words can be heard clearly by all!

And these two words are like a flood bell ringing in everyone’s heart! Suddenly, everyone present couldn’t help but feel excited!

At the same time, Im, who was still confidently walking forward, 0.5 changed his face after hearing the two words coming out of the other person’s mouth!

Immediately afterward, his legs knelt down completely uncontrollably in front of him!

Just two words made the king of the world kneel without any resistance! And that’s not all!

As the voice of the mysterious masked man spread, Im was not the only one kneeling towards him at this moment!

Behind the mysterious masked man, all the members of the mixed race army also knelt down in unison. There are also the naval headquarters, the soldiers of the world’s main palace, and the pirates led by the whitebeard and red-haired people, the criminals who escaped from the sixth underground floor of the advancing city… At this moment, all the people above Malin Fando, regardless of their camp and identity, without exception…

They all bowed down to the figure sitting on the dark throne!!!。

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