Chapter 143: The One King Under the King! Locks takes off his mask!!!

Kneel for subscription.


At this moment, on the battlefield of Malin Fando, a uniform collision sound suddenly sounded.

It was the sound of everyone kneeling down in unison, their knees hitting the ground. The sound of countless people kneeling and worshipping all merged together at this moment, converging into a loud sound that penetrated the clouds! Boom!

Just one sound!

Although Malin Fando was present countless people, hundreds of thousands of people, let alone hundreds of thousands.

But the sound of their kneeling was only one. This means that everyone kneels at the same time!

No matter what camp these people belonged to, whether it was the navy, the world government, or the pirates and the fugitives who pushed forward the city, they all fell to their knees without any resistance at this moment. No matter what their status, whether they are the kings of the world, the five old stars, or the admirals of the Admiralty, the generals and the four emperors, and so on… At this moment, all of them lost their so-called dignity and glory, and completely uncontrollably bowed down to the figure sitting on the dark throne! And after a loud bang, an unprecedented dead silence followed! Throughout the battlefield of Marin Fando,

After everyone knelt down at the same time, 07 was no longer sound. All of them knelt on the ground and bowed their heads to the mysterious masked man sitting on the dark throne. The silence was silent.

Or maybe there’s no way to make any noise! They look like countless people worshipping their king! The whole of Malin Fando was suddenly plunged into a strange atmosphere of sacredness, dead silence and solemnity. Meanwhile.

Live screens around the world.

The people who had been gathered in front of the live screen to closely monitor the progress of the war in Malin Fando were also watching everything that happened in Marin Fando at this moment.

Everyone was stunned to see everyone on the battlefield of Malin Fando suddenly bow down to the mysterious leader of the Hybrid Race!

Almost invariably, in front of the live screen on the major islands around the world, those people have issued unprecedented shocking exclamations! The impact of this scene in front of us is far more shocking than all the events and reversals that have occurred in this war before! It also made everyone feel a little unreal.

“Sizzle! Am I not mistaken?! ”

“All the people of Malin Fando, including Im, King of the World, the Five Old Stars, the Marshals of the Warring States, the Three Generals, the Four Emperors, and the great men who escaped from the sixth underground level of the Advance City… They all bowed down to the leader of the half-race army??? ”

“That’s incredible, isn’t it?” I can’t be dreaming, am I?! ”

“No! It’s all real, it’s really happening in Marin Fando! ”

“Isn’t that a little scary?”

“Why did all the people of Malin Fando suddenly bow down to the leader of the mixed race army?”

“It seems that they were suppressed by some powerful force, and at that moment they fell to their knees uncontrollably.”

“Could it be that all this is from the hands of the mysterious leader of the Hybrid Race Army?”

“How terrifying is that guy’s strength to make everyone kneel and surrender?”

“Who is this mysterious leader of the Hybrid Army?”

“Why does he have a power more terrifying than the King of the World?”

“And what is his purpose in provoking this war?”

“After this war, how will the pattern of this world change?”


Looking at the scene that happened in Marin Fando on the live screen, everyone felt deep doubts and worries when they were shocked and amazed by it. But everyone understands that one thing is beyond doubt. That was after this moment, after all the people of Malin Fando had all knelt down to the mysterious leader of the hybrid army, this war that had lasted for a long time, and there was no longer any suspense in the end.

The victorious side must belong to the army of mixed races! Belonging to the mysterious being sitting on the dark throne, like a god!

This moment, in the eyes of all.

The mysterious man sitting on the dark throne may be more worthy of the title of King of the World than Im!.. Marin Fando’s battlefield. At this moment it was still a dead silence. Everyone was still on their knees and bowed their heads deeply toward the figure at the forefront of the half-race army. No one can look up at the other.

Not because they don’t want to, but because they can’t…

Only these people on the battlefield of Malin Fando know what they are suffering and going through at this moment. Just now, just as Im, who had fused the Dragon Clan’s bloodline and greatly increased his strength, walked step by step towards the leader of the Hybrid Race Army. The leader of the mixed race suddenly opened his mouth and spat out the words “kneel”.

At the moment when these two words sounded, everyone on the battlefield of Malin Fando clearly felt that a huge suction force suddenly erupted from under the ground! It was as if gravity had been aggravated countless times at this moment, and the terrifying attraction directly caused everyone present to bow down in unison! Even a strong person like Im, the Five Old Stars, the Warring States and Whitebeard could not resist this terrible gravitational pull. Moreover, according to the strength of each person’s strength, the amount of gravitational action they receive is actually different.

Like the most powerful Im, the gravitational pull is incomparably terrifying. If such gravity were to be applied to other people, it would be more than just falling to their knees uncontrollably. The terrifying gravitational force can even directly squeeze other people’s bodies and explode! Therefore, those who are weaker are actually subjected to a much smaller gravitational effect than other strong people.

It is precisely because of this that the battlefield of Malin Fando will present this shocking scene of all the people kneeling and worshipping now. And the terrifying gravity that everyone has received is actually from the power of the Spirit of Words and Spirits exerted by Locks! This Yan Ling, which has a serial number of 91 in the periodic table, has actually appeared in Quinn’s battle with the Yellow Ape before. At that time, Quinn was relying on the power of the Yan Ling King, and directly threw down the general Huang Ape who was attacking him.

This spirit can increase the gravitational attraction of creatures in his realm by tens or even hundreds of times! And now, when this spirit of words is unleashed through Locks, who has the full power of the Black King.

The power it exerted was naturally unmatched by Quinn!

The scene of all these people bowing down to Locks on the battlefield of Malin Fando is truly worthy of the name of the “kingship” of the spirit!

At this moment, Locks is the only king who reigns in the world! The rest of the people were in front of him and only bowed down and surrendered! Looking at the scene in front of him, Locks, who was sitting on the dark throne, also nodded with satisfaction.

“Then next…”

“It’s time for the show to reach a real climax.”

“Let all the truth be made public!”

Locks looked at the crowd of people kneeling toward him and muttered a deep word. Then, I saw that he slowly raised a hand.

The dark mask that will be worn on his face… I took it off directly!!!。

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