Chapter 144: All Eyes on You! Take off the mask! Fear of Locks!

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Marin Fando’s battlefield.

Just as Rox slowly reached out and prepared to remove the mask he was wearing on his face.

The realm of the Spirit of Speech and Soul, which had originally pervaded the entire battlefield of Malin Fando, also suddenly disappeared at this moment. And this is naturally Locks’s intention.

The moment the realm of royal power disappeared, everyone in the field suddenly felt that the terrifying gravitational force from the center of the earth suddenly disappeared! Everyone’s body can’t help but be relieved.

They all felt a sense of relief. But!

Although the realm of the Spirit King’s power had disappeared, these people who had fallen to their knees did not immediately rise from the ground. It’s not because they don’t want to.

But because they can’t!

When Locks unleashed the terrifying power of the Spirit of Words earlier, the crowd in the arena was not only physically attracted by the powerful gravity and fell to their knees. Even the speed at which blood flowed through their bodies became extremely slow under the influence of that gravity.

Moreover, most of the blood in the human body was attracted by the previous terrible gravity. At this moment, they were all accumulated in their lower bodies.

Therefore, even if the realm of royal power has been lifted, they still have no way to stand up for a while and a half. It takes a long time to slow down.

In this case, they can only reluctantly raise their heads and look forward. The faces that were raised up were all filled with horror and fear.

Previously, due to the terrible gravity of the royal realm, they could not even make half a sound.

It was impossible to express the horror in their hearts at that moment. Now that the realm of royal power had dissipated, although the people could not yet get up from the ground, it was still possible to simply look up and speak. Thus, after being removed by Locks in the realm of royal power.

The originally dead silence of the field also broke out again with a loud exclamation and discussion.

“Horror!!! Too scary!!! ”

“What the hell just happened?” I just felt that in that moment, the gravity I was subjected to suddenly increased by more than tens of times! ”

“Yes, I also felt the terrible gravity of the previous one, and my body simply fell to my knees uncontrollably!”

“Even now, that terrible gravity has disappeared, but my body still can’t stand up!”

“Don’t talk about us, don’t you see?” Even Lord Im, the Five Old Stars, the Marshal of the Warring States, the Great General, and the Whitebeard all fell to their knees just like us! ”

“This means that even those powerful beings are completely unable to resist the terrible gravity just now.”

“Could it be that all this was done by the mysterious leader of the Hybrid Race Army?”

“How terrible is that guy’s strength?!”

“That leader of the Hybrid Army gave me the feeling of being an omnipotent god!”

“Originally, I thought that after fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, Lord Im might have a chance to compete with the other side.”

“But now… There is no doubt that there is no one in this world who is the opponent of the leader of the Hybrid Army! ”

“I don’t even doubt at all that if he wanted to, he could wipe out all of us here in an instant!”

“In the face of such an enemy, it is really impossible for people to have the slightest idea of resistance, it is really desperate!”

“I don’t have the luxury of expecting any turn for the better in this war now!”

“The victory of the Hybrid Race Army is inevitable, and I only hope to be able to see the true face of the leader of the Hybrid Race Army before being obliterated by the other side!”

“I really want to know who the true identity of the mysterious leader of the Hybrid Race Army really is!”

In the crowd, a series of noisy exclamations and discussions erupted. But when they raised their heads with difficulty and looked ahead, they were suddenly stunned again.

The original noisy voice suddenly disappeared again. Because they see…

Directly in front of them, the figure sitting on the dark throne was slowly reaching for the black mask on his face! Looking at the other person’s appearance and behavior, everyone reacted at once. Obviously!

The leader of this army of hybrids is about to take off his mask!

For a moment, everyone’s breathing couldn’t help but stop! Even the heartbeat seemed to stop at this moment.

The reason is none other than him.

It is only because in the current situation that everyone knows very well that the outcome of this war has long been predetermined. No matter how hard they struggled, they would never be able to win the Hybrid Race Army, and it would be impossible to win the leader of the Hybrid Race Army that was comparable to the gods!

Therefore, the people of today have long given up the idea of continuing to resist the battle. They have long since lost hope in this war.

And as the crowd had said before, they were now only concerned with the last thing.

That’s it…

The true identity of this mysterious army of hybrids!

After seeing the great strength of this leader of the hybrid race, whether it was the navy or the world government, whether it was the pirates or the fugitives of the Advance City, they were now extremely eager to know who this mysterious leader of the hybrid army really was.

I want to know why the other side is declaring war on all the forces present at the same time, such as the Navy Headquarters, the World Headquarters, and the Whitebeard Pirates. Meanwhile.

The other side. Above the battlefield, the Five Old Stars, Sengoku, Karp, Whitebeard, Reilly and others all looked up with difficulty. Staring intently at the figure in the front sitting on the dark throne.

Staring dead at the other person’s hand reaching for the mask, and the face that will be revealed when the mask is removed!

At this moment, everyone was subconsciously holding their breath. I didn’t even dare to blink my eyes.

“Who the hell is this guy?”

“Is he really Locks, as I thought, who should have died in the Valley of the Gods thirty-six years ago?!”

Looking at the scene in front of them, Sengoku, Kapu and Whitebeard couldn’t help but think like this in their hearts. Although the mysterious leader of the hybrid army had not yet taken off his mask, somehow, they had automatically overlapped the figure in front of them with the original Locks match in their minds! At the same time, there is endless fear and despair in their hearts!

It was a fear of the mysterious leader of the Hybrid Race in front of him, and the Sea Overlord Locks, who was likely to have returned from the resurrection! For a time, the hearts of the people in the field could be described as five tastes and mixed feelings. There is curiosity, there is anticipation.

There is fear and there is despair.

And it is in the midst of such a lot of attention. In front of everyone, Locks, who was sitting on the dark throne, had also touched his hand to the dark mask on his face. Then, it was slowly removed!!!。

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