Chapter 145: Locks… Really resurrected!!!

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This moment!

Marin Fando’s battlefield was once again plunged into a dead silence. There was no sound at all.

Even the sound of the crowd’s breathing was inaudible.

Everyone couldn’t help but widen their eyes and hold their breath.

He looked sheepishly at the mysterious figure sitting on the dark throne in the front. Under the gaze of everyone, the mysterious leader of the hybrid army had removed the dark mask he had originally worn on his face. And, weirdly.

When the dark mask was removed, it turned into pieces of dark dragon scales, directly into the body of the leader of the hybrid army.

It does not remain in the palm of the other person’s hand in the form of a mask. Of course, such a strange scene did not attract everyone’s attention at this moment. At this moment, everyone’s attention was all on the face of this mysterious person who had taken off his mask!

The mysterious face that countless people were curious about, and had been obscured by masks before, was finally completely revealed in everyone’s sight at this moment!

It was the face of a middle-aged man.

The lines on his face are like knives cutting axes. Sharp and angular.

The handsome looks do not have the slightest sense of femininity. Incredibly masculine and handsome.

At the same time, the other party’s eyebrows showed a domineering spirit that overwhelmed the world! Even if the other party does not do any 740 love at this moment, it still gives people a feeling of not being angry and arrogant. It can be said that just from the looks of the people, everyone has already felt in their hearts… The man in front of you is a natural king!

That unparalleled kingly momentum seemed to be innate to the body, and it was completely natural! Just by looking at it like this, many people in the field could not help but have a sense of reverence and surrender to each other. Of course, the reaction of those “big men” at this moment is the opposite.

This side of the pirates’ camp.

Whitebeard, Cap, and Reilly still fell to their knees. Struggling to lift his head and look ahead.

When they saw the face of the head of the half-race army after receiving the mask, the whole person seemed to have encountered a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

It’s all just stunned! And their faces, at this moment, also brushed at a speed visible to the naked eye, became miserable white! Even the bodies of several people who fell to their knees couldn’t help but start trembling!

“It’s him! Sure enough, it was him! ”

“That guy… Really resurrected!!! ”

Whitebeard, Karp and the others murmured in utter shock.

The color of horror and fear under his eyes reached an extreme state at this moment. Although they had already imagined such a possibility in their minds, when such a possibility really became a real picture, undisguised, and undisguised in front of them, Whitebeard and Karp and others still found it a little difficult to accept.

After all, this is the last thing they want to face. For them, no matter who the real identity under the mask of the leader of the half-race army was, it was better than the one in front of them at this moment!

But since the wood had become a boat, and since the truth had all been laid out in front of them nakedly, no matter how reluctant they were, they couldn’t believe it, Whitebeard and Karp and the others still had to accept the fact in front of them! That is…

The former overlord of the seas, the terrifying being that should have fallen in the Valley of the Gods thirty-six years ago, a Locks · D. Gibbak, has really been resurrected!!!

There is no doubt that after seeing the face of the other party remove the mask, Whitebeard and Karp and the others have already confirmed their previous conjectures. In the short period of time, this mixed race army that can crush the four emperors, the navy and the world’s main palace can be created in such a short period of time, and can have a terrifying power that even the king of the world, Im, can not match… The leader of the hybrid army who can do everything beyond everyone’s imagination is none other than the resurrected sea overlord, Locks Lee. D. Gibbak!

The speculations of Whitebeard and Kapu and others, the worst plan they made, finally came true!

“In this world, I’m afraid there is nothing worse than this.”

“Locks… It’s really resurrected! ”

“There is no doubt that the world will be turned upside down by his return!”

“I’m afraid that the lives of a few of us will soon come to an end…”

In the midst of the constant murmuring, Whitebeard, Karp, and Reilly and the others also glanced at each other. Everyone’s face showed a helpless bitter smile.

They knew very well that since Locks had revealed his identity so brightly, it meant that the other party’s revenge plan was probably coming to an end. In this way, the few of them who had besieged each other in the Valley of the Gods naturally could not have any chance of surviving.

The moment Locks took off his mask, several of their lives were already in the countdown. As for such a result, these sea thieves and naval heroes who had absolutely belonged to the big names on this sea before this time could no longer have any intention of resisting.

At this moment in their hearts, in addition to shock and fear, there is only a deep despair… The other side.

The location of the Navy and the World House camp.

Sengoku, Tsuruko, and the Five Old Stars and others saw Locks who had taken off his mask, and the faces of several people also showed a look of unparalleled horror.

After all, although they had also thought of such a possibility before, in fact, from the bottom of their hearts, they were still unwilling to accept such speculation until the truth was really revealed. At this moment, however, this truth was bloodily torn apart and placed before them. At this moment, the shock and fear in the hearts of the Warring States and the Five Old Stars and others also reached a peak. For them, the leader of the mysterious hybrid army with invincible strength is certainly terrifying. But the most terrifying thing is that the leader of this mysterious hybrid army is actually Locks, who should have died!

This sea overlord, who had been framed by them thirty-six years ago and had been killed by a joint siege, was now resurrected in such a more terrifying gesture, and ruthlessly crushed all the forces present. With what Sengoku and the Five Old Stars knew about Locks, they didn’t even have to think about it, they knew what desperate things were going to happen next.

Compared with the reactions of these big people who are more familiar with Locks, in fact, more people on the battlefield of Malin Fando at this moment, even after seeing the appearance of Locks after taking off the mask, still can’t recognize who the other party is.

After all, after the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the Navy Headquarters and the World Government went to great lengths to erase the existence of Locks and all relevant information. Even if some people in the field had learned about Locks through some gossip, they were completely unfamiliar with the appearance of this legendary sea overlord.

So they didn’t recognize Locks’s identity right away.

They were just amazed at the king’s momentum that the other party had revealed. And yet, the next moment!

Locks slowly opened his mouth again and spat out a sentence from his mouth.

And this sentence directly made the originally silent Malin Fando be completely ignited and boiled up again!

“My name.”

“Locks · D. Gibbak! ”

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