Chapter 146: Announcing to the World the Return of the King!!!

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“My name…”

“Locks · D. Gibbak! ”

At this moment, the voice of Locks echoed for a long time over the entire Marin Fando. That incomparably loud and majestic words made everyone present even more shocked! The eyes of the crowd suddenly widened at this moment.

Everyone’s face was filled with shock like never before! As Locks’s voice fell, Malin Fando fell into the same dead silence as before. Immediately afterward, an unparalleled burst of exclamation and chaos suddenly spread from the crowd on the battlefield!

“Oh my God! Really fake? ”

“Did I hear you correctly?! The leader of the half-race army said… His name is Locks S. D. Gibbeck?! ”

“Locks · D. Gibbak? Who’s that?! ”

“Silly! You don’t even know that?! ”

“That was the well-deserved sea overlord before the time of the sea thief!”

“When Locks dominated the sea, even Roger was just a newcomer!”

“The original Locks Pirate Regiment, but even the Navy Headquarters and the World Government are afraid of it!”

“You know what? Of the four emperors today, three of them are from the Locks Pirate Regiment! ”

“Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama, they used to be Locks’s men!”

“Not only them, but also the famous Golden Lion, the Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, and Captain John, and other later sea thieves, Pujing are all Locks’s subordinates!”

“With all this alone, you should be able to imagine how terrible Locks really was!”


After Locks reported his home, both the crowd on the battlefield of Malin Fando and the people gathered in front of the live screens around the world had a heated discussion about the name and identity of Locks. After the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the Naval Headquarters and the World Government went to great lengths to erase the existence of Locks and all information about him.

Therefore, many people in this sea today are actually very unfamiliar with the name Locks. But that doesn’t mean that everyone doesn’t know about Locks’s existence.

After all, the original Valley of the Gods War had only been thirty-six years since then. There are many older people, but they have experienced the glorious era when the Locks Pirates alone dominated the sea. They are no strangers to the name Locks.

It’s just that no one has mentioned this name for a long time, so everyone has gradually forgotten it.

And now, when the name Locks has once again entered the public eye. Those people’s memories of Locks were also reawakened.

On this day, the world once again remembered…

The fear of being dominated by the sea overlord Locks!

“But if Locks was so powerful, why did he suddenly disappear for so many years, and even then we didn’t hear anything about him?”

It was at the time of such heated discussion among the people that some curious guys asked their own doubts. Soon after, someone came forward to answer it.

“It is said that thirty-six years ago, Locks led the entire Locks Pirate in the Valley of the Gods to ambush a team of Draco.”

“But in the end, it was successfully repelled by Lieutenant General Kapu, who was escorting the Draco team at that time.”

“Moreover, Locks also fell in that big battle, and the Locks Pirates fell apart.”

“It is precisely because of his performance in that battle that Vice Admiral Karp will be sought after by the world as a naval hero.”

“If all this information is true, then it stands to reason that Locks should have died thirty-six years ago…”

Under the explanations of some insiders, the previous doubts were answered. But the doubts in the hearts of the people have become even more.

“Locks is so strong, can the original lieutenant general Kapu really defeat the other side on his own?”

“For the Battle of the Valley of the Gods that year, there was no detailed intelligence and information flowing out, and I don’t know what the real situation of that war was like?”

“Was Locks really dead in that war?”

“If Locks really died in that great war thirty-six years ago, what about Locks today?”

“Is it true that he was inexplicably resurrected like Roger, who should have been dead?”

“Or….. In fact, Locks didn’t die at all, just disappeared in the shadows to accumulate strength?! ”

“But no matter what the truth is, there is no doubt that now that Locks has returned with an army of mixed races, he must be avenging what happened!”

··· Ask for flowers…

“Those enemies in the Valley of the Gods War, I’m afraid there will be no good end next…”


The chatter in the crowd kept coming out. And the expressions on the faces of the Five Old Stars, Sengoku, Kapu and Whitebeard became more and more difficult to look after hearing these voices.

Because they know very well that the enemy of Locks in the Valley of the Gods War mentioned by the crowd is themselves…

And as everyone on the field said, now Locks led the army of mixed races to descend on Marin Fando in an invincible posture, and even more self-reported to the door, blatantly telling his true identity. Then, with Locks’s fierce style, it was naturally impossible to spare the enemies who had besieged him in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods. Karp, Whitebeard and the others have no doubt that there will be an incomparably terrifying revenge drama waiting for them! In this regard, the hearts of several people are full of fear.

And just when Malin Fando and the whole world are making a lot of noise because of the exposure of Locks’s identity. Behind Locks, the neatly arranged army of hybrid races suddenly let out a cry in the midst of such a chaos.

“Greetings to Lord Locks for the resurrection of thirty-six years and his return to the sea!”

All the members of the Hybrid Race, including Luffy, Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama, White Star, Roger, and Zepha, were now kneeling on the ground and bowing their heads respectfully towards the position where Locks was in front of them.

This sentence was repeated in the loudest, most determined voice.

“Greetings to Lord Locks for the resurrection of thirty-six years and his return to the sea!”


Such shouts kept echoing over Malin Fando. Incomparably clear and shocking fall into the ears of everyone on the field. At the same time, it has also fallen into the ears of people around the world.

The constant loud and firm cry of all the members of the army of hybrids is solemnly declaring to the whole world…..

The Return of the King!! Three!.

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