Chapter 147: Get Ready… Feeling truly desperate!?

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“Greetings to Lord Locks for the resurrection of thirty-six years and his return to the sea!”

The roar of the army of hybrids echoed for a long time over Malin Fando. And this shout, like a heavy hammer, smashed into everyone’s heart! For a moment, both the people present and the people gathered in front of the live screens around the world could not help but be excited after hearing this cry of the army of mixed races.

The shock in my heart also reached an incomparable level at this moment! There is no doubt that this cry of the army of hybrids is announcing the return of Locks to the whole world! After thirty-six years, this former sea overlord has finally returned to the world’s sight with a more domineering and terrifying attitude!

And the army of hybrid races led by him has the terrifying power to destroy all the forces in this world. No one or force can compete with it anymore!

After this battle, whether it is those who know the legend of Locks, or those who originally know nothing about Locks, all of them have deeply remembered the name Locks once again! Moreover!

In the days to come, this name will surely hang like a sword of Damocles, hanging on everyone’s head at all times!

.*–At the same time.

Just as the army of hybrids let out a deafening cry.

The faces of the four five-year-old stars behind Im were also difficult to see at the pole. In the face of the domineering momentum of the Half-Blood Army, the combined forces of their World Government and Navy Headquarters were particularly small and weak. In such a comparison, there seems to be no chance of victory.

Even those who are as strong as the five old stars are already in a state of helplessness at this moment.

“Damn! It’s really the Locks guy! ”

“That guy obviously died in the Valley of the Gods, so why did he come back to life?!”

“Even if you are resurrected, you still have such a desperate power, which is really a little unpleasant!”

“At this point, we seem to really have nothing to do…”

“Lord Im, what the hell are we going to do now?”

The only four remaining five old stars whispered in an extremely dignified tone. Then, he cast his eyes in anticipation at Im, who was in front of them. After fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, Im was undoubtedly the last hope of the Five Old Stars.

They all looked at Im and asked each other in an almost pleading tone. However, their inquiries went unanswered.

Im, covered in pure white scales, was still on his knees at the moment, bowing his head deeply in the direction where Rox was.

There was no reaction to the eyes of the five old stars and the inquiries they issued.

“Lord Im, what’s wrong with that?”

Seeing Im’s appearance, the five old stars suddenly felt a pang of unhappiness. And when they put all their attention on Im, the expression on their faces changed in an instant!

Because they were surprised to find out…

At this moment, Im’s mouth was constantly screaming something.

Since it had been overshadowed by the cries of the Hybrid Race Army before, the Five Elder Stars had not paid much attention before.

And when they began to listen carefully to the words in Im’s mouth, the four five-old stars were suddenly frightened and half dead.

Because they clearly heard that the words that came out of Im’s mouth were…

“Greetings to Lord Locks for the resurrection of thirty-six years and his return to the sea!”

It was the same cry as the army of hybrids!

At this moment, Im was actually shouting such a sentence.

So even if the five old stars no longer know what really happened to Im, they all understand one thing.

That’s it…

Im, who had fused the blood of the Dragon Clan, just like Saint Ferdinand who had fused the blood of the Dragon Clan before, had completely become a member of the army of hybrid races!

Become a puppet of Locks, completely controlled by the other side! Thinking of this, the faces of the four five-old stars instantly turned miserable.

“How can this be?!”

“Even Lord Im…”

“It seems that even if you are as strong as Lord Im, you still can’t get rid of the control of that dragon bloodline!”

“Now, things are really bad!”

“Even Lord Im has become a puppet of that guy from Locks, so we really don’t have any hope!”

“Perhaps, as prophesied by Lady Charlie of Fishman Island before, destruction is our destiny!”

After realizing that even Im had been completely controlled by the enemy, the last hope that the Five Elders had originally harbored was completely shattered. It was like the last straw that crushed the camel, and the five old stars were completely plunged into despair!

In an instant, the four five old stars seemed to have drained all their strength… Suddenly, he collapsed on the ground.

Completely gave up the idea of wanting to struggle. The other side.

Whitebeard, Karp and the others had heard the roar of the army of hybrids. The face is also like dead ash.

It was only at this moment that they finally accepted the fact that Rox had returned from the resurrection.

At the same time, they also accept the fact that they themselves will face an incomparably terrible nightmare next. Although at the moment Locks has not said anything.

But Whitebeard and Karp and the others had no doubt, afraid that the other side would have to take a few of their former opponents next.

And it seems to be to confirm that Whitebeard and Karp and others think the same. Next moment!

Sitting on the pitch-black throne, Locks suddenly raised his hand slightly. The cry of the army of hybrids came to an abrupt halt in an instant.

Immediately after, Locks’s gaze began to scan the entire battlefield. With the scan of his line of sight, the people in the field instantly held their breath again. Those who were swept away by Locks’s sight felt as if their hearts had jumped to their throats!

They were all extremely nervous and nervous waiting for Locks’s next move. Soon, Locks’s eyes swept across the field, and then landed directly on Whitebeard and Karp. Locks looked at Whitebeard and Kapu and the others, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

“Newgate, Cap, and all of you from Roger’s Pirates…”

“It’s been a long time coming!”

“It seems that in the thirty-six years that I have not been there, you guys have been doing quite well in 5.4.”

Locks spoke slowly in an indifferent tone.

But his words made everyone present shudder!

Whitebeard and Karp and the others suddenly sweated cold sweat from their foreheads.

“Thirty-six years ago, you guys tried so hard to join hands to bury me in that Valley of the Gods.”

“Now that I’m back, I have to “repay” you!” ”

As he spoke, Locks’s eyes suddenly froze!

A terrifying killing intent suddenly emanated from his body.

The temperature throughout Marin Fando dropped a lot even at this moment. Like freezing point!

Feeling this terrifying killing intent, the bodies of all the people in the field began to tremble uncontrollably. Immediately afterward, Locks spoke slowly to Whitebeard and the others again, “You are ready…”

“Feeling truly desperate!?”

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