Chapter 149: Whitebeard’s Despair and Regret! The price of betrayal!

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Marin Fando’s battlefield.

Sitting on the Dark Throne, Locks slowly withdrew the killing intent he had released. The crowd on the court was relieved.

Can’t help but have a feeling of the rest of your life.

As for the Five Old Stars, Warring States, Kapu, Whitebeard, and the people and horses of the Roger Pirate Regiment, although the terrible killing intent that originally enveloped them had disappeared, their physical strength had long been completely exhausted under the action of that terrible killing intention, and the whole person had fallen into a state of extreme weakness. It was as if the blood in his body had been drained, and he couldn’t move at all.

He could only maintain the posture of lying on the ground and could not stand up at all.

The only thing they could do was to use up the last shred of strength left in their bodies and look up hard to see what was going on around them.

After Locks had recovered the unleashed killing intent from his body. Then he slowly raised one of his hands.

He gestured to the army of hybrids behind him.

The army of hybrids, who were absolutely respectful and loyal to Locks, also instantly understood Locks’s orders and meanings. Immediately, the army of hybrid races that had been kneeling down neatly towards Locks suddenly stood up in unison. The action is crisp and clean.

It even brought a burst of air like a thunderous wind. After the army of hybrids got up in unison, a small group of people and horses came out of the army. Then, under the curious gaze of the crowd.

This hybrid squad was also very quick to move. Armed with all kinds of weapons, they rushed to a certain place on the battlefield at great speed. However, to the surprise of everyone.

Their target was not any of the Five Old Stars, Sengoku, Kapu, Whitebeard and others. It’s the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment who are gathering at this moment!

Seeing this scene, Whitebeard’s face changed instantly.


“What does that guy from Locks want to do?!”

“Don’t do anything to my lovely sons!!!”

Whitebeard fell to the ground and struggled to look up at the scene on the battlefield. Roared in an almost hysterical voice.

However, at this moment, just by looking up, he was already about to exhaust all his strength. Even such hysterical shouts are not very loud. Moreover, even if his voice is loud enough.

There was no deterrent to this hybrid squad either. They were not at all afraid of the strongest man in the world.


The Hybrids rushed at great speed in the direction where the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were. Soon, it was already rushing into the crowd of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Without any pauses or hesitations. Nor is there any nonsense.

The members of this hybrid squad directly swung their weapons in their hands and launched various attacks against the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, who were still confused at the moment. Most of the members of this hybrid squad were from the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment and the Big Mama Pirate Regiment, and even before they metamorphosed into the Hybrid Race, their strength was comparable to that of the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, who were also members of the Four Emperors Pirate Regiment. And now, after fusing the Dragon Clan’s bloodline and transforming into a hybrid species, their strength has taken a qualitative leap and their combat effectiveness has increased greatly.

In addition, at this moment, the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, like everyone else on the field, had already fallen into despair after feeling the terrifying power of Locks and the Hybrid Army. The desire and the thought of fighting were completely lost.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the Whitebeard Pirates could not be the opponent of this hybrid squad at all. The members of the Hybrid Squad began a killing spree like wolves in a flock!

Even team captains like Marko the Undead Bird, Diamond Joz, and Foil Bista had no ability to resist in front of this hybrid squad.

After a little struggle, he quickly lost the battle.

For a moment, screams echoed through the crowd of the Whitebeard Pirates. And along with that, there was the bloody red blood that kept splattering out! It can be said that the Whitebeard Pirates are completely slaughtered at this moment!

Such a scene is also the people who can see it and can’t help but tremble in their hearts. In just a few moments, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment had been slaughtered by almost half of the people! This number can be said to be quite frightening. Even in the previous fierce and long-running war, the number of dead and wounded in the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment was far from the current number! There is no doubt that what the Whitebeard Pirates are suffering at this moment is a truly unprecedented disaster! Not far away.

The white-bearded man who was lying on the ground looked up at all this with difficulty, and his eyes were already covered with blood at this moment!

Watching his dear sons fall into pools of blood one by one, dying under the ruthless swords of the Half-Blood Squad, Whitebeard’s heart was filled with endless anger, grief, and… Despair!!!

The moment he saw the Half-Blood Squad rushing towards the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, he had already guessed what the other party wanted to do.

Apparently, Locks wasn’t content to just kill himself to end his revenge. Instead, he planned to torture himself who had betrayed the Rox Pirates before taking revenge! And the way to torture yourself is to be in front of your own face, in front of your own eyes, the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment who will regard themselves as the most important treasure… Kill them all!!!

Whitebeard is different from ordinary pirates, he has no interest in the wealth, fame and fortune that other pirates are frantically pursuing. The only thing Whitebeard cherishes is his family!

It was these members of the Whitebeard Pirates he called their sons! And now, his most cherished family members are being ruthlessly slaughtered by the Hybrid Race Squad under Locks. Such revenge is much more torturous than killing Whitebeard directly. In fact, for a strong person like Whitebeard, killing him directly does not make him feel much fear and pain. A strong person like him could have calmly faced and accepted his own death long ago. But that doesn’t mean they can accept the death of others.

Watching the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment continue to fall and die, Whitebeard only felt that his heart was dripping blood.

He had never had a moment of despair like he had now. There has never been a moment of regret like this.

Regret why did you betray Locks in the first place? It was precisely because of his own betrayal that the Whitebeard Pirate Group would usher in such a catastrophe as it is now! Looking at this scene in front of him, listening to the terrible screams of the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, tears could not stop flowing from Whitebeard’s bloodshot eyes. At this moment, Whitebeard finally understood…

How stupid was his act of betraying Locks! And the price of betraying Locks is so terrible!!!。

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