Chapter 150: If you want to live, kill Whitebeard with your own hands!

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“Don’t! No! ”

“Enough! Stop! ”

“Don’t keep doing things to my sons…”

Whitebeard fell to the ground and watched in agony as the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were being slaughtered by the Half-Blood Squad.

For him, this kind of thing is simply a hundred times, a thousand times or even a thousand times more torture than directly killing him! Anger, grief, despair, chagrin, regret…

All kinds of emotions were piled up on Whitebeard’s chest at this moment. But even so, he couldn’t do anything without all the ability to move. I can only watch as this continues to happen.

Even his unwilling and painful roar seemed extremely small and insignificant on this battlefield. Whitebeard’s side, Karp, who fell to the ground like him, and Reilly and the others did not have a good expression at the moment. Although the Whitebeard Pirates who are now being slaughtered have little to do with them, they naturally do not mourn the death of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates like Whitebeard. But!

Karp and the others understood one thing. These 183 things that Whitebeard has experienced now may come to their heads in a moment! No, not maybe.

But…… Sure!

Those enemies in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, Locks was absolutely impossible to let go!

After the other party had solved the traitor Whitebeard first, the terrible vengeance and anger would fall on the heads of these people. Therefore, the hearts of Karp and others at this moment are also full of anxiety.

Because they don’t know, what kind of revenge will Locks take against them? But one thing they knew was that from the point of view of Locks’s revenge on Whitebeard, what they were going to face next could never be as simple as death!…..

The slaughter of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates by the Half-Blood Squad continues. It was a near-crushing battle.

After a while, the land where the members of the Whitebearded Pirate Regiment were located was completely stained with blood and turned into a dazzling and frightening red color. And the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment also died in this short period of time, only half of the original number of people died! You know, at the beginning of this war, when the fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates first appeared, their number was almost exactly about 100,000! After experiencing the previous successive wars,

Coupled with the slaughter of the hybrid squad now, this number has become an incomparably tragic 20,000 people. Such casualties are not insignificant.

Such a scene also made the people in the audience look shocked. I couldn’t help but shudder for it.

However, just when the number of survivors of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment was still about 20,000 or so, the Hybrid Squad suddenly stopped killing and retreated to the side.

All that remained was the battlefield full of shocking corpses, and the remaining 20,000 white-bearded pirate crew members who were already scarred and dead-hearted. The members of the Hybrid Squad did not continue to attack them, but stood quietly and did not move.

Their actions undoubtedly aroused the doubts of the people in the field.

Everyone looked at the half-race squad with puzzled eyes, then at Locks, who was not far away, and began to talk in a very low voice.

“What’s going on? Why did that half-race squad suddenly stop? ”

“Shouldn’t they supposedly slaughter all the members of the Whitebeard Pirate in order to make Whitebeard feel unprecedented pain for the purpose of revenge?”

“Such a revenge method is indeed quite cruel, but it seems that it is not too much to use against traitors like Whitebeard.”

“But the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment obviously still have ten or twenty thousand left, so how did this mixed-race squad suddenly stop?”

“With their strength, it will obviously take only a little more effort to kill them all.”

“Is there anything else Locks has to do next?”

“Anyway, I don’t think Locks would just let Whitebeard go.”


The crowd was whispering about the situation in front of them. Of course.

Even if their voices were low, they would never have escaped Locks’s ears. All these words were heard in Locks’s ears. Sitting on the pitch-black throne, he smiled slightly, and then swept his playful gaze towards the surviving 20,000 members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment. Just by being swept away by Locks’s eyes, many surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirate were directly paralyzed by the fright. At the same time, an ominous premonition arose in the hearts of the people.

And in this atmosphere, Locks finally slowly opened his mouth again.

“Actually, I’m not a murderous person.”

“I’m not very interested in taking your lives either.”

“That’s better, it’s better to…”

“How about I give you a chance to live?”

Locks said slowly with a cold smile on his face.

And his words undoubtedly made the hearts of the people present even more puzzled. Are you kidding?!

You say you’re not a murderous person?!

Just a little while, but tens of thousands of members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment have died at the hands of your Hybrid Squad! You call this not killing???

Obviously, it was impossible for the crowd to believe Locks’s words. Compared with this, everyone is more curious, what is the chance of survival that Locks said to be alive? When they heard these words, the eyes of many members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, who had already been frightened, instantly lit up. A look of excitement appeared on his frightened face.

After all, even the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are not all prepared and conscious to face death calmly. Many of them are still unwilling to accept their own deaths.

Now that they heard that they could still have a chance to live, these people naturally couldn’t help but get excited. But more people, after hearing Locks’s words, the ominous premonition in their hearts became more and more intense. They couldn’t believe that Locks would be so kind.

There must be some conspiracy behind this! Whitebeard thought the same thing.

He looked at Locks with a look of great concern and jealousy, but his heart was constantly beating drums. I don’t know what kind of horror will be faced next.

It was at this time that everyone was constantly thinking about it, and Locks smiled again and continued, “If you want to live, it is actually very simple. ”

“As long as you…”

“Just kill Whitebeard with your own hands!”

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