Chapter 151: The Shake of the White Tuan! Kill Daddy with your own hands!

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“If you want to live, it’s actually very simple.”

“As long as you…”

“Just kill Whitebeard with your own hands!!!”

Locks’s voice fluttered softly and reverberated above the battlefield.

However, this light and fluttering sound was like a boulder that suddenly pressed into everyone’s heart. Especially the surviving pirates of the Whitebeard and Whitebeard Pirates Regiment, after hearing this sentence spoken by Locks, they were all directly stunned as if they were petrified! How could they not have imagined that the so-called way to survive in Locks’s mouth was to let them kill their father with their own hands?! How cruel this is!

For a moment, everyone’s hearts couldn’t help but be a little hairy. At the same time, many people began to fall into inner struggles.


The other side.

Live screens around the world.

The people who were watching the live broadcast heard what Locks had to say. They all couldn’t help but let out a burst of uproar.

“Sleeper! Locks this trick is fierce enough! ”

“I was still wondering why the Half-Blood Squad suddenly stopped attacking, and there were so many Whitebeard Pirate members left not to kill.”

“It turns out that Locks has other plans!”

“It seems that Locks is not content to take revenge on Whitebeard in this way alone.”

“Asking Whitebeard’s men to kill them with their own hands is a more cruel way of revenge than having Whitebeard watch as all his men die and then be killed by Locks!”

“It seems that Locks really hates Whitebeard, a betrayer, and can actually come up with such a cruel way!”

“I just don’t know, those guys in the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment will take a shot at Whitebeard in order to survive?”

“Doesn’t that mean that there is considerable unity within the Whitebeard Pirates?” And they all call Whitebeard Daddy, if at this time in order to survive and shoot at Whitebeard, it is really the biggest blow to Whitebeard, right? ”

“It is really a great move to let the crew betray Whitebeard in order to retaliate for Whitebeard’s betrayal!”

“I don’t know what kind of revenge drama Locks will stage next?”


The crowd gathered in front of the live screen was talking excitedly. And even they themselves did not realize that, unconsciously, they seemed to have no regard for the outcome of the war. Even for the defeat of the World Government and the Naval Headquarters, they did not feel much sadness and reluctance.

After learning of the disgraceful behavior of the World Main Office and the Naval Headquarters in the Valley of the Gods, the impression of the World Main Government and the Naval Headquarters in the minds of these people has declined to a great extent. And, after seeing the invincible strength of Locks and the Hybrid Army.

These people can’t help but have an idea popping up in their hearts. Perhaps it would not be a bad thing that the sea would be ruled by Locks and the leaders of his army of hybrids.

After all, even under the rule of the world’s government, these ordinary people did not have a good life.

Although in name, the World Government and the Naval Headquarters protected these people from pirates. But in fact, all this was exchanged by the people for the high amount of heavenly gold.

It is equivalent to paying a protection fee.

And those countries and people who cannot afford the high amount of heavenly gold are simply not within the protection of the world’s main government and the naval headquarters. You can only survive and fend for yourself, and you can get worry all day.

There are not a few countries that have been wiped out by pirates because they cannot afford to pay high amounts of heavenly gold. And even the nations and the people who have paid the heavenly gold.

It does not necessarily mean that true peace can be enjoyed. Even a great power like Alabastan had been persecuted by Klockdahl, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King. In addition to the threat of pirates, these ordinary people also had to endure oppression and exploitation from those princes and nobles.

There are also world aristocratic Draco people who completely ignore the law and act arbitrarily. Therefore, even these ordinary people who have paid high amounts of heavenly gold will not have a good life under the rule of the world’s government.

They had already complained bitterly about this world government organization headed by the Draco.

It is precisely for this reason that when they see that the world’s main government is facing the crisis of being destroyed, their hearts are not much touched.

I even think that maybe a different organization will govern the sea, and the situation may be better.

··· Ask for flowers…

With this in mind, the crowd continued to watch the live broadcast in front of them with full concentration. And what they are expecting at the moment is not the outcome of this battle.

It’s about what kind of revenge Locks will take next.


Marin Fando’s battlefield. A dead silence.

After Locks had finished telling the members of the Whitebeard Pirates what to do if they wanted to survive, everyone was silent.

The remaining 20,000 members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment first fell into a brief silence, and then slowly opened their mouths in that trembling voice: “That guy… Crazy, huh?! ”

“He actually wanted us to kill Daddy with our own hands, how could we possibly do such a thing?!”

“That’s right! Even if I were crushed to pieces, I would never have been able to do anything to my father! ”

“Isn’t it just a death?” The big deal is to go down and spend time with the brothers who are already dead! ”

“If you want us to be the kind of white-eyed wolf who betrays his father for his life, it is absolutely impossible!”


Among the crowd of the Whitebeard Pirates, several firm voices came out sporadically.

Obviously, even in the face of the threat of death, they were not willing to betray Whitebeard. But many more people are silent at this moment, not saying a word.

The determined pirates looked at their silent companions and saw the hesitation on their faces. So, I couldn’t help but ask out loud, “Hey! I say you guys! You are still hesitant about this kind of thing?! ”

“What do you mean when you don’t speak?” Is it true that you really want to kill Daddy with your own hands?! ”

“Speak! If you don’t take a stand at this time, doesn’t it mean that you really have such a thought?! ”

“Don’t tell me you really want to do this!”


Under the questioning of those determined pirates, many people have expressed their positions, saying that they absolutely cannot do anything to the white-bearded father.

But there are still a small number of people, silent. The expression and look on his face looked a little struggling.

After half a day, I don’t know who was the first to speak, and said quietly: “If I can live…”

“Actually, it’s not impossible!”

“After all, Dad, he is not as good to us as he thinks… inch”

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