Chapter 152: Hypocritical Whitebeard, Skuyad’s Accusation!

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“After all, Daddy, he is not as good to us as he thinks…”

In the crowd of the surviving Whitebeard Pirates, a weak voice suddenly came out.

And such a sentence also instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

The pirates, who stood firmly on the side of the whitebeard, suddenly looked at the speaker with angry eyes and angrily rebuked with displeasure: “Scuad! What do you mean?! ”

“That’s it! What is called Daddy is actually not as good to us as we think?! ”

“How does Daddy usually treat us, don’t you have any points in your heart???”

“After your pirate group was destroyed by the Roger Pirate Regiment, it was Daddy who accepted you and let you join the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, which is why you have your current Great Vortex Spider Pirate Regiment!”

“You actually jumped out at such a time to say bad things about Daddy, what is the difference between this and the white-eyed wolf?”

“I look at you guy because he is afraid of death that he will say such a thing!”

“Skuyad, I really misread you!”


The condemnation of the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates kept pouring into the previous speaker. And that person is none other than the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the Great Vortex Spider Pirate Regiment, Skuyad!

At this moment, Skuyad, wearing a spider blindfold, is surrounded by a group of members of the Whitebeard Pirates. In the face of the condemnation from these partners, his expression was also not good.

But Scuyard doesn’t seem to have any intention of changing his position. He forcibly calmed his mind, then looked at the partners around him who were condemning him, and continued to speak slowly: “Don’t you really think that Daddy will treat us as real family members and treat us equally?” ”

Skuyad looked around at the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment and threw out such a question.

And his question obviously caused the dissatisfaction of everyone in an instant.

“Scuad! You guy is indeed a white-eyed wolf! ”

“You’ve been under Daddy’s wing for so many years, and you’re still able to ask such a question?!”

“How does Daddy usually treat us, don’t you know it in your heart???”


Obviously, the crowd was extremely unhappy with Scuad’s question. They couldn’t help but refute him.

However, when Skuyad heard this, a sneering smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he continued in a somewhat angry and cold tone: “Oh, that’s just that we were all deceived by the appearance of the whitebeard!” ”

“What do you mean to treat us like family?”

“But in fact, in his eyes, we are just his pawns, cannon fodder!”

As Skuyad spoke, his emotions also became a little excited.

“On the surface, Whitebeard said that all of us members of the Pirate Regiment were sons and family members.”

“But really?!”

“Just to save Ace, he will not hesitate to take the lives of all the crew members of our entire Whitebeard Pirate Regiment!”

“Ace is a family member, his life is a life, so isn’t the life of our crew counted?!”

“Moreover, Daddy has been hiding from us before and not telling us about Ace’s origins!”

“You all know that my grudge with Roger’s Pirates will never end!”

“And now, just to save Roger’s son, Whitebeard is actually going to sacrifice all the Great Vortex Spider Pirates that I have so hard to create!”

“You say, does Whitebeard really treat us as real family members in this way?!”

Scuyard kept talking, his body shaking with emotion.

The tone is also full of anger and unwillingness.

The captain of the 1.5 Great Vortex Spider Pirate Regiment took a deep breath and continued, “And, not only that! ”

“I learned from the mouth of the Red Dog at the beginning of this war…”

“Whitebeard, his original plan was to hand over all of our pirate regiments to the navy in exchange for the full retreat of Ace and all the captains of the squad!”

“We… It’s all Whitebeard’s bargaining chips for trading with the Navy! ”

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