Chapter 153: Trading Chips! White Blob abandoned by Whitebeard!

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“Whitebeard, his original plan was to hand over all of our pirate regiments to the navy in exchange for the full retreat of Ace and all the captains of the squad!”

“We… It’s all Whitebeard’s bargaining chips for trading with the Navy! ”

Skuyad, surrounded by the surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirates, uttered these words with great anger and excitement. After hearing what he said, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates around them were obviously stunned.

Then he looked at Skuyad with a puzzled expression and asked, “Skuyad, what do you mean by that?” ”

“What do we actually call the chips that Daddy actually uses to trade with the Navy?”

“You can’t talk about this kind of thing!”

“Daddy is absolutely impossible to do such a thing!” 07″


The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were clearly still skeptical about what Skuad had said. But judging from their tone and expression, it seems that there has been some shaking in their hearts. Skuyad continued, “In fact, as early as the beginning of this war, I had already encountered the three major generals in the navy, Sakarsky the Red Dog, in the corner of this battlefield! ”

“However, the Red Dog did not do anything to me, but instead told me something.”

“Akatsuki said that in fact, before the war began, Whitebeard had already made an agreement with the Navy headquarters.”

“As long as he brings all the pirate regiments under the command of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment to this battlefield of Malin Fando, let the Navy Headquarters find an opportunity to wipe us all out.”

“Whitebeard and the captains of the team can just take Ace with them!”

“From the beginning, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters never really wanted to fight!”

“This war, in the beginning, was really just a deal to wipe out all the pirates under our white-bearded pirate regiment!”

“It was only because of the sudden addition of forces from all sides that the war began to develop in an uncontrollable direction, until it developed to this point.”

Skuyad looked at his friends around him and said word for word. In fact, he wasn’t lying.

As he said, just as the war was just beginning, Skuyard met the Red Dog in some hidden corner of the battlefield. And the above secrets were told to him by the Red Dog himself.

Although at first Skuyard did not want to believe what the Red Dog said, and did not want to believe that the white-bearded father would abandon them in order to save Ace. However, the fact was that not long after the Red Dog had finished saying this, the Navy began to launch a fierce fire attack on the Pirate crew under Whitebeard. As for the pirates directly under the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, as well as the captains of the Fan Team, they were not attacked at all. Moreover, Skuyad also saw that the two great generals of the Yellow Ape and the Green Pheasant did not use their full strength when facing Marco and Joz.

It’s all about releasing water to fight.

Such a scene makes Skuyad finally have to believe everything that the Red Dog says. And it is precisely because of this that he will feel extremely angry and disappointed with Whitebeard. Be downhearted!

Once he was, how much he trusted Whitebeard’s father. But the result?

It is just a bargaining chip for the other party to trade with the 360 Navy! So Skuyad accepted Akatsuki’s offer.

Prepare to backstab Whitebeard and give Whitebeard a stab from the back in exchange for the safety of their pirate members. However, the situation on the battlefield changed rapidly, and with the sudden addition of more and more forces, Skuyad could not find the opportunity to act against Whitebeard. It can only be delayed until now.

Now, after hearing Locks say that as long as they can kill Whitebeard with their own hands, they can get a chance to live, Skuyard has this idea again. Whitebeard has abandoned them anyway, then… According to Locks, killing Whitebeard with his own hands in exchange for a chance to survive seems to be!!!。

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