Chapter 154: Discouraged! Revenge for betrayal with betrayal!

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Marin Fando’s battlefield.

The place where the surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirates are located. The atmosphere suddenly became a little subtle at this moment. After listening to everything Skuyad had said, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates fell silent.

Many people’s faces were filled with the same anger as Skuad’s.

And even those pirates who had originally stood firmly on the side of Whitebeard and spoke for Whitebeard had a little embarrassment on their faces at this moment.

Obviously, what Scuyard said had a great impact on them. They looked at Skuad’s incredulous expression, and it didn’t look like they were talking nonsense.

So much so that everyone couldn’t help but wonder, could it be that what Skuyad said about this…

All true?!

Did Whitebeard really want to use their pirate regiment as a chip from the beginning to exchange Ace’s life?!

Could it be that in the eyes of the white-bearded father, the lives of so many of them were not comparable to the lives of one Ace? Thinking of this, the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were a little confused for a while. After a long silence, someone finally spoke in a very low voice, “Skuad, are you sure what you say is true?” ”

“Is it true that Daddy he… Have you really abandoned and betrayed us? ”

Faced with such a question, Skuyard snorted coldly.

“That’s right!”

“Actually, I didn’t believe it at first, but then I looked at it carefully.”

“In this war, naval fire never aimed at the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates.”

“The only people who have been bombarded by that fierce artillery fire are the pirates of our white-bearded pirate regiment!”

“And, you can think about it.”

“The Yellow Ape of the Navy and the Great General of the Green Pheasant, when they fought Marco and Joz, actually had very obvious signs of releasing water!”

“Although Marco and Joz are very strong, you and I should know that their strength has not reached the point where they can stand up to the admiral for so long.”

“However, the truth is that Marco and Joz fought with the yellow ape and the green pheasant for so long, but they didn’t do anything at all, and they weren’t even injured!”

“Isn’t that enough to prove everything I’ve said before?”

Scuyard said conclusively.


After hearing what he said, the other pirates were also caught up in the memory. After carefully recalling the details of the beginning of the war, they had to admit that Skuyad was right!

Before, they didn’t care about this, but now that they had heard everything Skuad had said, and then looked back at some of the previous details, it was hard for them not to believe that the Navy had indeed released water on the members of Whitebeard’s direct Pirate Regiment and the captains of the Fan Team! The only people who were really injured or even sacrificed were the pirates under the command of these white regiments! And that means that they are, as Scuyard put it, just a bargaining chip that Whitebeard trades with the Navy! Thinking about it, everyone’s expression has changed! There is anger,

There is disappointment, there is sadness, there is disbelief…

A variety of emotions are mixed together, making the atmosphere on the field extremely subtle. Then the crowd looked at the whitebeard in the distance with a strange look, and there seemed to be a little hatred in their eyes.

“I really never imagined that the white-bearded father I had always loved had never regarded us as real family members at all!”

“In the end, we are just some chess pieces that can be discarded at any time!”

“Compared to those guys under the Whitebeard Pirates, we’re nothing!”

“Whitebeard’s approach is undoubtedly a naked betrayal for us!”

“If that’s the case, then we don’t seem to need to continue to insist on something, right?”

The surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirates looked in the direction where Whitebeard was and murmured in an incredibly gloomy tone.

“Just kill Whitebeard and we’ll be alive, right?”


“Then do it!!!”

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