Chapter 155: On the day I return to the world, all the rebels should die!

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“Then do it!!!”

At this moment, many surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment had such an idea in their minds. Of course, not everyone thinks so.

There are still many people with strong struggles on their faces. Obviously unable to make up his mind to take a shot at their father, Whitebeard. But Locks didn’t care about that.

As long as a small number of the 20,000 members of the Whitebeard Pirate who survived would change their position, develop hatred and anger towards Whitebeard, and therefore choose to take action against him in order to survive, that would be enough.

Locks’s purpose in doing so was simple, that is, to better take revenge on Whitebeard.

For the whitebeard who had betrayed himself in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the Locks 350 naturally could not end the other party’s life so easily. Death is the easiest and most direct way to get rid of a guy like Whitebeard. If you just kill Whitebeard, it will be too cheap for the other party. At the time of the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, Locks was not surprised by the betrayal of Wang Zhi and John. But Whitebeard’s betrayal alone was somewhat unexpected by Locks at the time. Because with Locks’s knowledge of Whitebeard, the other party should not be a person who would do such a thing as betrayal. However, such a betrayal eventually happened!

Today’s Locks no longer cares what the reason for Whitebeard’s betrayal is, the only thing he has to do now is to make Whitebeard pay for the original betrayal in a hundredfold thousand times the way! As Lu Mingze said in the Dragon Clan, every Ru will be painful, and repay the arrogance!

Ru will repay the trespasses with his eyes! Ru will pay for the betrayal with blood!

On the day I return to the world, all the rebels will die!!! That’s what Locks is doing now.

It was for this reason that Locks would let the Half-Blood Squad have some living mouths of the Whitebeard Pirates. In order to stage a cruel drama in which Whitebeard’s crew betrays Whitebeard and kills each other with their own hands!

Such revenge is the most brutal for Whitebeard. Betrayer, man always betrays!

And Scuad’s move was actually within Locks’s expectations.

Skuyad was the one who made the Hybrids keep alive with the Hybrids. Because Locks knew very well that at the beginning of this war, Skuyad had been seduced by the words of the Red Dog, and had already had a gap in his heart and even a grudge against Whitebeard.

Locks took advantage of this and secretly contributed to it, turning Scuyard into a pawn of his own in a silent way. It helped the betrayal of the white-bearded pirates and the people. In fact, Locks knew very well that even without Scuad’s words, in the face of the temptation to survive, a very small number of the surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirate would choose to betray Whitebeard in exchange for their own chance to live.

But the answer to the betrayal of a very small number of people is self-evident than the betrayal of a large number of people, which one causes more harm to Whitebeard.

Now, look at the scene in front of you.

Locks knew that his purpose had been achieved.

Among the 20,000 members of the Whitebeard Pirate who survived, a large number of them had already wavered in their hearts. Under the conditions previously offered by Locks and the incitement of Scuad’s words, many people are ready to do something to their once beloved white-bearded father! At this moment, Whitebeard did not have any resistance at all, and could only watch as he was betrayed by his dear sons. This is the best torture and revenge for Whitebeard!

Take your thoughts back. The next moment, where the surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were, there were many figures coming out one after another. With his weapon in hand, he began to walk slowly towards where Whitebeard was! There was also a bit of crazy killing intent on his face!!!。

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