Chapter 157: Turning Against Your Eyes! That’s the price of betrayal!

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“As long as we kill Whitebeard, we can live, right?”

“Although my heart is still a little too careless, it seems that I can only do this!”

“Whitebeard didn’t think of us as family members from the beginning!”

“If he sees us as trading chips to save Ace, why can’t we use him as chips to survive?”

“Just do it!!!”


Where the Whitebeard Pirates are located.

The pirates who slowly walked out with their weapons were talking to themselves incessantly. It seems that he wants to persuade himself in this way and make himself more determined to kill Whitebeard in exchange for a chance to live! And it was in this kind of self-persuasion and self-talk that the eyes of the thousands of members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment became more and more fierce. The steps they have taken are also becoming more and more determined.

However, next to them, there were more than 10,000 pirates who were still hesitating. They obviously hadn’t made a decision so quickly whether they should still be on the side of Whitebeard’s father, or like everyone else, choose to betray Whitebeard in exchange for their chance to live. Many pirates are still struggling, unable to make a decision.

And there was a small number of pirates, even after listening to what Scuad had said, they still chose to stand firmly on Whitebeard’s side. They still choose to believe in Whitebeard, unwilling to accept the fact that Whitebeard will betray and betray them. Therefore, these determined pirates couldn’t help but get anxious when they saw that thousands of other pirates were actually going to do something to Whitebeard.

“Hey! Are you all crazy?! ”

“Do you really want to do something to Daddy?!”

“I don’t believe that Daddy will betray us like this, there must be some other hidden plot in this!”

“We can’t make up our minds in such a hurry!”

“You guys, stop!”


In an anxious cry, the pirates, who were firmly on the side of the whitebeard, also moved. Trying to stop the companions who want to do something to Whitebeard.

However, their shouts were only exchanged for some cold answers.

“Oh, it’s all this time, is there anything else to say?”

“What Scuyard just said is basically a matter of ironclad certainty.”

“Those of us who, in the final analysis, are just the outcasts of the white-bearded.”

“Don’t rush to make up your mind? In this situation, do you think we still have time to think slowly? ”

“If we don’t kill Whitebeard, then it’s us who will be killed!”

“Didn’t you see the fate of our partners before?”

“Want us to continue this boring emotional game with you?” Sorry, we don’t accompany you! ”

“Now I just want to live on my own!”

“If you want to stop us, you’re our enemy!”

“We are never soft-hearted!!!”


The thousands of members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, who had already strengthened their thoughts, answered the partners who blocked them in a cold tone…

Between the words, there is already a sword rattling. In order to survive, even if they had to kill their former father Whitebeard with their own hands, even if they wanted to turn against their former partners in front of them, they would not hesitate to!!!

For a moment, the atmosphere on the field also dropped to the freezing point in an instant. The pirates who are firmly on the side of Whitebeard, with 2.1 and those pirates who are willing to kill Whitebeard for their lives, seem to be ready to go to war at any time!

Not far away, Whitebeard fell weakly to the ground, struggling to look up at everything in front of him, an old face that was already a lifeless expression.

At this moment, in his heart, he was also suffering from unprecedented and indescribable pain! This feeling was a thousand times worse than killing him directly! And this!

is the price of betrayal!

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