Chapter 158: The White Regiment’s Infighting! Betrayal is the most unforgivable sin!

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Marin Fando’s battlefield.

The surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment had now been roughly divided into three camps. One is the camp of “betrayers” instigated by Skuyad to kill Whitebeard in exchange for their own chance of survival. One is the camp of “supporters” who still choose to stand firmly on Whitebeard’s side, even after listening to so much criticism. There is also the camp of “bystanders” who have not yet made up their minds and are still struggling to make a decision. With the differentiation of these three camps, the 20,000 white-bearded pirate survivors who had originally gathered together also very tacitly showed a three-legged posture.

Among them, the atmosphere between the camp of betrayers and the camp of supporters has long since become tense.

The spectator camp 07, like its name, finally chose to stand on the side and watch the game quietly. It seems that those who cannot make a decision seem to want to hand over their fate to the other two factions. If the betrayer camp finally won and succeeded in killing Whitebeard, then even if they did nothing, they could still get a chance to live.

And that way, they will feel a lot less guilty in their hearts.

After all, killing Whitebeard wasn’t their personal hand either. And if it was the champion camp that won in the end, then perhaps they were greeted by sanctions and slaughter from the hybrid squad. In such a situation, they can also accept it.

Anyway, they didn’t have enough determination and courage to attack Whitebeard, so the big deal would end up being a death.

As a result, the spectator camp has been slow to take any action. Just quietly watch the confrontation between the other two camps.


“Scuad! Are you really going to do that? ”

“Do you really have the heart to do something to Daddy?”

In the camp of supporters, a captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment shouted angrily at the betrayal boss such as Skuyad. However, in this regard, Skuyad and others did not waver at all.

“Oh, everyone is a pirate, so don’t say these childish things now?”

“The world is inherently cruel!”

“If you don’t kill Whitebeard, then it’s us who die!”

“If you want to die with the old man with the white beard, just go, but don’t take us along.”

“Anyway, Whitebeard has already regarded us as outcasts and wants to exchange our lives for the lives of Ace and their direct subordinates.”

“Whitebeard can do that, so why can’t we?!”

“If you want to stop us, then don’t blame us!”

“Big deal… Just kill you guys!” ”


The people in the betrayer camp show no weakness.

They all said in an extremely firm and fierce tone. Their position and determination are already clear.

It is absolutely impossible to change because of the words of these advocates on the other side. And hearing what Skuyad and other betrayers said, the expressions on the faces of the pirates in the camp of supporters were also difficult to see. They sighed helplessly, and then said in a deep voice, “Although, we don’t want to fight against you who were once friends with 660.” ”

“But if you really want to betray Daddy and want to take Daddy’s life…”

“Then we can only fight with you to the end!”

“On the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, betrayal is the most unforgivable sin!”

The pirates of the supporter camp said, and then they took up their weapons. Ready to fight.

And the camp of betrayers opposite them was not inferior in terms of momentum. All are shining weapons.

The body and body burst out of the high war spirit stimulated for survival. There was still a bit of madness and anger on their faces.

The infighting between the Whitebeard Pirates surviving pirates… Imminent!!!.

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