Chapter 159: Collapsed Whitebeard, Everything is at my own expense!

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And just as the infighting between the Whitebeard Pirates was about to erupt.

The crowd of people watching the battle around the battlefield, as well as those who were gathering in front of the live broadcast screen at the moment, looked at the scene in front of them and couldn’t help but make a loud argument again.

“Oh, laugh to death, guess what I just heard?”

“Just now, a member of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment said that on the ship of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, betrayal is the most unforgivable sin!”

“Hahaha, what an irony!”

“Saying that betrayal is the most unforgivable evil, but didn’t even the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, Whitebeard himself, betray Locks in the Valley of the Gods War?”

“Betrayal is indeed a very hateful thing, but how can such words come out of the mouth of the Whitebeard Pirates and become so ironic?”

“Whitebeard, this guy, as a betrayer of the Locks Pirates, actually had the good sense to make such a rule on Zisan’s ship?”

“Isn’t this just a thief shouting to catch a thief?” Not convincing at all, just laughing at the death of a person! ”

“Haha, it can’t be said that maybe it is precisely because Whitebeard has betrayed others and understands the fate of the betrayed, so he will be more afraid of being betrayed.”

“To put it simply, is it a thief’s heart?”

“But I seem to have heard that there was a betrayer on Whitebeard’s ship before.”

“It was the newly promoted king of the Seven Martial Seas and a black-bearded Marshall. D. Titch. ”

“I heard that Blackbeard was trying to capture a demon fruit, so he personally killed a captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment’s ship.”

“Moreover, even the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment’s Second Fan Team, Yiyi Fire Fist Ace, who was publicly executed this time, was personally defeated by Blackbeard and sent to the Navy Headquarters.”

“The position of the King of Blackbeard’s Seven Martial Seas was exchanged for Ace.”

“There is no doubt that Blackbeard is definitely the biggest betrayer of the Whitebeard Pirates in history.”

“But what about the results? Aren’t people still alive now? Before that, I also went to push the city to make a big fuss. ”

“Whitebeard doesn’t have any way to do anything with the other side.”

“From this point of view, what betrayal just said is the most unforgivable evil on the board of the Whitebeard Pirates, it is almost like farting!”

“Now that thousands of people have directly betrayed the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, I really want to see what Whitebeard’s final outcome will be!”


At this moment, countless people are engaged in various discussions and speculations about the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment. Unlike at the beginning, the crowd today seems to have forgotten that they are still facing tremendous pressure from Locks and the army of hybrids. Completely put his mind on the infighting of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It’s like waiting to see a good show. And their attitude and tone towards Whitebeard have also undergone a huge change.

Full of irony and disdain.

And this is actually a very normal phenomenon. Because on this sea, no matter which side of the camp or force, in fact, for the betrayer is an incomparable hatred.

Even after some betrayers, it is impossible for them to be accepted by other organizations or forces. And now, when everyone knows that the whitebeard who has always been full of family and love is actually a betrayer, it is natural that their feelings about each other have changed greatly.

Now, they just want to see what will happen to the betrayer of Whitebeard.


The other side of the battlefield. Whitebeard, who had lost all resistance and fell to the ground, looked weakly at the members of the Whitebeard Pirate who were about to fight. Endless despair could not help but arise in my heart.

He wanted to shout to stop the infighting of his crew, but he was desperate to find that at this moment he could not even make a sound. Don’t think about Whitebeard to know, this must be Locks ghost! And the purpose of the other party to do this is to let himself only look at everything that is happening in front of him so weakly, but he can’t stop the responsibility!

At this moment, Whitebeard’s heart was filled with unprecedented fear, despair and remorse!

He began to feel immense regret for his betrayal of Locks in the Valley of the Gods.


“If I hadn’t betrayed Locks, wouldn’t it have happened?”

“Sure enough, all of this now is my own doing!”

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