Chapter 160: How terrible is the fate of rebelling against Locks!!!

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Just when Whitebeard felt great remorse for this.

Next to him.

Karp, Reilly and the others also fell to the ground weakly. Watch what is happening in front of you.

Their mood at the moment is not relaxed. Locks’s revenge on Whitebeard, they all saw it clearly. There is no doubt that such revenge is definitely enough to make a person completely desperate. Even a character as determined as Whitebeard is now completely in a state of collapse. Even began to regret what he had done.

All of Whitebeard’s psychological defenses, under the repeated torture of Locks, had already been completely breached.

Such a means of revenge is simply to be directly killed thousands of times 50 times more fiercely! And Cat and the others also know very well that after Locks has finished avenging Whitebeard, then the next turn will be them, who were the same enemies as Whitebeard in the Valley of the Gods War! And their fate is not necessarily better than that of Whitebeard.

At this moment, Karp and the others were eager to end themselves early.

Very reluctant to face what was about to happen to them next. But in this case, they simply do not have the strength to do anything else, as if they are completely imprisoned, and they cannot do anything.

Even something like self-termination is just a luxury for Karp and others at this moment. Now their lives are completely out of their hands.

It’s just a doll at the mercy of Locks. On the battlefield where the Whitebeard Pirates were located, as the quarrels between the betrayer camp and the supporter camp became more and more intense, the atmosphere became more and more tense.

Finally, when the atmosphere on the scene reached a freezing point, when the dispute between the two sides had long been filled with the smell of gunpowder. Conflict…… Broke out!!!

The pirates of the two camps, armed with a variety of weapons, did not hesitate to start rushing towards the enemy in front. And decisively launched the attack.

For these former partners and teammates, they did not have the slightest mercy on their subordinates. After all, their winning or losing this battle is related to their next life and death. Or the life and death of Whitebeard.

Everyone was now overwhelmed by anger. Caught in an unprecedented madness.

The chaotic battle is on the verge of breaking out.

The camp of betrayers and the camp of supporters actually present a sense of parity in terms of numbers and strength. And this has led to the fact that this war is particularly fierce and cruel!


“As long as we solve them, we can kill Whitebeard and live!”


“You must not let them hurt Daddy!”




Soon, such crazy roars began to be heard from this piece of the battlefield. Blood was constantly splattered on the battlefield.

The already dry ground was once again soaked in scarlet. Everyone, at this moment, has killed the red eye!

Every minute and every second, there are many members of the Whitebeard Pirates falling. Life goes on and on.

After a while, the original 20,000 survivors of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were only 10,000 left.

And that’s when it includes a camp of bystanders who didn’t go to war. This shows the intensity of the fight within the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment. Moreover, such casualties continue to continue. Neither the supporters nor the betrayers had the intention of stopping. At this moment, those who used to live in harmony, call brothers and brothers, and even like family members, have long become endless enemies!

Their madness also made the people watching the battle around the battlefield, as well as those gathered in front of the live screen, stunned.

Secretly shocked.

At the same time, they also had to admire Locks’s means, just a few simple words, which made the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment fall into such a fierce infighting! At this moment, the crowd once again deeply understood the horror of Locks! My heart is also more and more in awe of the other party.

There is no intention of any resistance to Locks! Because from the matter of the Whitebeard Pirates, they have understood…

How terrible is the fate of disobedience to Locks!!!。

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