Chapter 161: The Most Painful Torture, the Mountain of Corpses and Blood in Front of Whitebeard!

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Marin Fando’s battlefield.

The infighting between the Whitebeard Pirates continues. Every minute and every second is constantly dying with a living life. The number of survivors of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment was also rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye in such a fight. As the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, as the strongest man in the world once admired by everyone, Whitebeard Edward Newgate, at this moment, he could only lie on the ground weakly, watching everything happening in front of him, watching his beloved sons continue to fall, but he could not do anything.

This feeling made Whitebeard’s heart twist like a knife. With the slow passage of time, Whitebeard even couldn’t bear to look at the cruel scene in front of him again, and closed his eyes forcefully.

I didn’t want to see a crew member die in front of me again. However, even if he closed his eyes, the terrible screams of the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were still incessant. Like a piercing sound, it kept burrowing into Whitebeard’s ears.

Bloody wounds were torn through his heart. In such a situation, Whitebeard’s heart is only endless pain, despair and regret. Not even anger.

He didn’t hate Locks for being so cruel to himself, nor did he hate that so many of his crew would really betray themselves for their lives, even at the cost of fighting for their lives against their former partners!

At this moment, Whitebeard hated only himself!

Why did you hate yourself for betraying Locks in the first place?! It was precisely because of his original betrayal that he and his white-bearded pirate group would end up where they are now.

On the other hand, the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama, who did not betray Locks in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, have now become the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan under Locks’s command.

Thinking of this, endless remorse poured through Whitebeard’s heart. But he also knew that it was too late to regret it at this time!

Even if he knelt down and pleaded with Locks at this moment, it would be absolutely impossible to get any forgiveness.

As he had laid down in his own captain’s rules, betrayal was the most unforgivable sin!

Therefore, Whitebeard did not expect to be forgiven. Now he just wants to end his evil life sooner.

Don’t suffer the immense pain of the moment anymore. But apparently, Locks wouldn’t just let him get his wish.

The screams of the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment from the battlefield not far away were still heard.

··· Ask for flowers…


Let the whitebeard’s mind keep being pounded again and again. Under this scream, Whitebeard only felt that time passed incomparably slowly.

And his pain and despair are also in this process as if they have been magnified countless times! That is, in the process of enduring such a painful torture, time does not know how long it has passed.

Finally, the screams from not far away gradually disappeared. Peace and tranquility seemed to have been restored to the battlefield. It wasn’t until all the sounds disappeared that Whitebeard slowly opened his eyes again. With all the strength of his body, he lifted his head and looked ahead of him. At just one glance, Whitebeard was completely stunned by the sight in front of him! Not far in front of him at this moment, there was a mountain of blood-red corpses formed by countless corpses!

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates who had previously fought were basically all dead. More than 10,000 corpses were thus presented in front of Whitebeard!

And in front of the blood-red corpse mountain, there was also a figure, holding a large slender knife, trembling and walking majestically in the direction where the white beard was! It was Scuyard Great!.

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