Chapter 162: Die! Whitebeard!!!

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Whitebeard was not far in front of him.

Covered in blood, Skuyad held a slender knife in his hand, trembling and walking majestically toward the location where the white beard was. There was also a cruel smile on his face that was almost crazy.

He was the only pirate who had stood at the end of the infighting battle just now. The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates, whether they betrayed Whitebeard or firmly supported Whitebeard, had already died in the bloody infighting that had preceded it. Only Skuyad survived, but he was already in a state of serious injury.

But this still could not stop him from moving forward.

Skuyad had already killed Red Eye in the previous big battle. At this moment, he can even say that he has lost all his sanity and calm, and only one thought and idea is left in his mind. That is…

Kill Whitebeard! Unconsciously, Skuad’s heart had been completely occupied by this thought. It was this thought that sustained Skuyad from the fierce and brutal infighting he had just had. And at this moment, dragging the already seriously injured body, with killing intent, holding a weapon and walking towards Whitebeard step by step!

“Whitebeard, get ready…”


Scuad’s eyes were scarlet as he looked at the whitebeard, and a frantic bloody smile appeared on his face. Although he was already seriously injured at this moment, the whitebeard who was lying on the ground had long since lost any ability to resist. It’s all just a prey to be slaughtered.

As long as Skuyad still has the strength to wield the long knife in his hand, it is enough to easily end the life of this once world’s strongest man in an instant! –….

Around the battlefield.

The crowd stared wide-eyed at Skuyad, who was walking step by step toward the white-bearded. Then he looked at the whitebeard who was lying on the ground with a dead gray face.

It seems that the next scene can already be anticipated. And most people’s reaction to this is very indifferent. After all, most of the people left on the field today are the soldiers of the Navy Headquarters and the World Palace. They are not a position like the pirates like Whitebeard.

Whitebeard’s death would not have any negative impact on them at all. What’s more, after learning that Whitebeard had actually betrayed Locks in the Valley of the Gods War, the people’s feelings and impressions of Whitebeard as a traitor were even worse… They looked at the torture and pain that Whitebeard was suffering at this moment, and only felt that these were the betrayals of the other party that they deserved. Dead deserve it!

Therefore, most people are extremely indifferent to the situation that Whitebeard is facing at this moment.

Even, there are many people who wish that the white beard died early!

And it was in the midst of this reaction from the crowd.

Skuyad had also come to Whitebeard with a slender knife in hand.

Whitebeard’s surroundings of Cap, Reilly, Shanks, and the others were also as powerless as he was at the moment. So there was no one who could stop Skuad.

No one in Yegen 1.8 was able to save Whitebeard, who was about to die. I saw Skuyad standing in front of Whitebeard, clutching the slender knife tightly in his hand, and a pair of blushing eyes staring dead at Whitebeard who was lying on the ground. Then, without too much nonsense, he directly swung the blood-stained long knife.

Aim at the back of Whitebeard’s neck and slash it hard!

“Die! Whitebeard!!! ”

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