Chapter 163: Locks’s Stop, A More Cruel Way of Revenge?

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“Go and die! Whitebeard!!! ”

Skuyad swung the long knife in his hand and slashed at the whitebeard who was lying on the ground. The falling blade seemed to announce the countdown to Whitebeard’s death. Seeing this scene, not far away, among the only surviving bystanders of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, many pirates could not help but turn their heads, or closed their eyes, and could not bear to see the next scene that was about to happen.

Can’t bear to see their old dad Whitebeard really die in front of them. But in the same way, in the camp of the bystanders of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, there are also many pirates who see Skuyad swing his sword at Whitebeard, and the look on his face becomes more crazy and excited. Their eyes widened, eager to see the scene of Whitebeard’s death more clearly! And these people, obviously, after so long of ideological struggle, after witnessing the bloody battle between the pirates who betrayed Whitebeard and the pirates who firmly supported Whitebeard, finally defeated the hesitation and hesitation in their hearts, and were full of hatred and anger towards Whitebeard like Skuyard and others, hoping to kill each other in exchange for their own chance to live!

Under the nervous gaze of the crowd.

The long knife in Skuyad’s hand was also getting closer and closer to the back of Whitebeard’s neck. Seeing that the next moment can separate the white-bearded corpse.

In the face of such a situation, even Whitebeard himself closed his eyes helplessly. Already with a dead heart, he had long since lost any desire to continue living. Death is the best relief for him. Therefore, he did not have any intention of resisting or struggling. Of course, even if he wanted to resist and struggle, he didn’t have any chance.


The blood-stained long knife fell mercilessly with the sound of the wind. However!

Just as Skuyad was about to cut off Whitebeard’s head. A low and majestic voice came suddenly.


A short word, but people can not refuse at all.

Hearing this sound, the movement in Skuad’s hands was instantaneous.

The long blood-stained knife stopped only a centimeter from the back of Whitebeard’s neck. Everyone suddenly turned their heads in surprise and horror and looked in the direction where the figure came from.

I looked at the figure sitting on the dark throne! That’s right!

The person who called for a halt was none other than Locks! For Locks’s orders, Scuyard naturally did not dare not listen.

After all, his life was now completely in the hands of the other party. However, Scuad’s heart was very confused.

Knowing that he could kill Whitebeard with his own eyes.

Why would Locks suddenly stop his movements at such a time? The order for him to kill Whitebeard with his own hands was what Locks had personally given earlier! It’s hard to do…

Locks changed his mind again? Is it to say…

Does Locks think 207 just killed Whitebeard or is it too simple? Want to stage more revenge dramas?

At this moment, not only Skuyad, but also everyone present had such doubts in their hearts. And Whitebeard also opened his eyes again and looked at Locks, his face was extremely ugly.

He thought he could finally be relieved. But as it looked now, it was clear that Locks had no intention of letting him go so easily. Maybe there is more terrible torture waiting for him in the future.


What could be more desperate and painful than watching his crew fight each other and his dear sons kill themselves with their own hands?

In this regard, Whitebeard’s heart also felt extremely doubtful and jealous.

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