Chapter 165: Reverence and Surrender to Locks! Tear off the mask of whitebeard hypocrisy!

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As Locks’s voice fell.

Whether it is the battlefield of Marin Fando or in front of the live screen around the world, everyone invariably inhales a cool breath! A loud uproar ensued.

“Sizzle! Did I hear you correctly?! ”

“Whitebeard should personally choose whether to give up the other crew to save Ace alone, or to abandon Ace for the sake of the other crew!”

“This move of Locks is also too fierce, right?!”

“Such a choice is definitely a difficult thing for Whitebeard to accept!”

“Whichever side he chooses means giving up the lives of the crew on the other side himself!”

“There’s no difference between this and having White 613 Beard kill his own crew with his own hands!”

“On one side is the captain of his own team, on the other side is the many crew members under his command, and it seems wrong to give up on either side.”

“I was wondering, could Locks have a more brutal way of revenge than having Whitebeard’s men kill him with their own hands?”

“Now it seems that I am still too naïve!”

“Locks’s revenge on Whitebeard is simply cruel to the extreme!”

“I reckon Whitebeard must have regretted dying by now, regretting why he betrayed Locks in the first place.”

“Yes, look at the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama who did not betray Locks, they were the same as Whitebeard, they used to be the same cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment, but now their situation with Whitebeard is already very different!”

“Betraying Locks is definitely the stupidest decision Whitebeard has ever made in his life!”

“I’m curious now, how will Whitebeard make a final decision in the face of such a choice?”

“Giving up thousands of crew members to save Firefist Ace, or giving up Firefist Ace to save thousands of crew members?”


The crowd engaged in an incomparably heated discussion about Locks’s earlier remarks. At the same time of discussion, the awe of Locks in the hearts of the people also became thicker and deeper. In previous battles, they not only learned the invincible strength of Locks. And through Locks’s revenge on Whitebeard, they also deeply appreciate the fierceness of each other’s methods! At this moment, the crowd had no doubt that anyone who dared to oppose Locks would absolutely end up worse than death!

This made everyone feel extremely afraid of Locks, and they could no longer have any resistance to Locks. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Locks gives an order now, the vast majority of people present will immediately kneel down and surrender.

And be incredibly loyal to Locks! In the face of absolute power, they can only choose to surrender!


The other side.

After hearing what Locks said.

The expressions on the faces of Ace, Skuyad, and the only survivors of the Whitebeard Pirates on this battlefield also changed suddenly!

Everyone’s face was miserable, it was much uglier than eating a bite of Xiang! How could they not have imagined that now their life and death had been handed over to Whitebeard by Locks! Ace looked at Whitebeard silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

The closest to Whitebeard, Skuyad, stood stunned. With trembling hands, he withdrew the long knife that had originally looked at the whitebeard.

A pair of blushing eyes stared viciously at the whitebeard. Then he smiled sarcastically and said, “Oh, Whitebeard, make a choice!” ”

“Just let us see what kind of true face is hidden under your mask of hypocrisy!”

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