Chapter 166: Hatred for Whitebeard, Completely Cold Heart!

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Skuyad uttered this to Whitebeard in a fierce and ironic tone.

He wasn’t too shocked and outraged that Locks had suddenly stopped him from killing Whitebeard. Nor did he despair because Locks suddenly rebelled and actually put his life and death decision in the hands of Whitebeard. In fact, after the fierce infighting before, Skuyad had already left his life and death behind. Whether he could survive or not was no longer important in his eyes now. The only thing he had in mind now was to tear down Whitebeard’s mask of hypocrisy and make Whitebeard pay a terrible price for everything he had ever done! And all this, he believed, even if he couldn’t do it himself, Locks would do it all. So Skuyard didn’t feel any irritation at Locks’s move. On the contrary, I feel some anticipation.

Expect Whitebeard to be torn off the mask of hypocrisy that he has long been in the face of the choices he faces!

He had to make Whitebeard suffer more! With this in mind, Skuyad also continued to look at Whitebeard with extremely fierce and ironic eyes. The other side.

Among the surviving bystanders of the Whitebeard Pirates. After hearing these words from Locks, the expression on the faces of the crowd instantly became extremely frightened! Originally, they thought that as long as Skuyad killed Whitebeard, these people would be able to survive even if they did nothing. Seeing that Skuyad’s long knife was about to fall, and seeing that the white-bearded man’s head was about to fall to the ground, Locks suddenly called out to stop all this.

This made them see that the chance to survive was suddenly gone. And in the end, the right to decide whether they could survive or not was handed over to Whitebeard by Locks! In an instant, an ominous premonition arose in the hearts of everyone. After all, in the infighting just now, although these people did not directly participate in the infighting, they did not come forward to stop it.

Perhaps in Whitebeard’s view, their actions are no different from betrayal? What’s more, according to Skuyad’s previous statement, Whitebeard had planned to give up these people in exchange for Ace’s life. At this moment, facing the choice of saving Ace or saving them,

··· Ask for flowers…

Everyone always felt that Whitebeard might choose the former!

They might…

The one destined to be abandoned by Whitebeard. Thinking of this, the resentment against Whitebeard in the hearts of the people could not help but deepen a few points.

“Damn! Unexpectedly, our right to decide life and death actually fell into the hands of Whitebeard! ”

“In Whitebeard’s mind, Ace’s status and importance are obviously much higher than ours!”

“Otherwise, he wouldn’t have planned to use our lives to save Ace beforehand!”

“Now, I’m afraid we’re really going to be killed by Whitebeard!”

“Damn Whitebeard!”


In the crowd, there was a faint voice of complaint to Whitebeard. And these voices also all came into Whitebeard’s ears word for word. Hearing these sons who had been so truly loved by themselves, they had now completely regarded themselves as enemies. Whitebeard also couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart.

With his already unrelenting eyes, he wandered back and forth over Ace, Skuyad, and the rest of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

After a long struggle, a decision was finally made.

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