Chapter 167: Whitebeard’s decision, I choose to save… [Kneel and beg for subscription].

In the face of the choice that Locks threw at him, Whitebeard’s heart was undoubtedly an incomparable struggle.

On the one hand, he worked hard to rescue Ace. On one side are the crew members who have been following them to the sea for many years. Whichever side you choose means giving up the other part of the population. Letting Whitebeard make such a decision was undoubtedly more uncomfortable for him than killing him. Even if he had just died directly under the knife of Skuyad and killed by his dear sons himself, it would have been far better than the situation he was facing now!


No matter how painful and unbearable it was, Whitebeard actually knew in his heart that under the current situation, he had to make a choice. If he makes a choice, he will be able to save the people on the side. But if he doesn’t make a choice, Whitebeard has no doubt that Locks will kill Ace and the rest of the crew! So, he had to choose!

But… Who to choose?

This is basically an unsolvable puzzle. As everyone had said before, Skuyad and the crew of the surviving Whitebeard Pirates had done nothing less than they had betrayed themselves.

Even the crew members who have been standing in the distance and doing nothing are in fact betraying themselves to some extent.

Because they did not intervene to stop the previous infighting, it was obviously equivalent to acquiescing to all this.

Moreover, it also acquiesces to the fact that Whitebeard will be killed. There is absolutely no intention of stopping it. Even if Whitebeard died, they would not feel sad and sad about it. Such actions and decisions are no different from betrayal! As for Ace, because he, like Kapu and the others, was knocked to the ground by Locks’s previous killing intent. There is absolutely no ability to move.

So Ace wasn’t involved in the previous infighting. But Ace’s reaction, the white beard was also all in his eyes. When the Whitebeard Pirates were fighting among themselves, Ace was also a reaction of great pain and struggle, obviously unable to bear to see his former friends now facing each other.

With Whitebeard’s knowledge of Ace, if Ace was among the members of the Whitebeard Pirate at that time, he must have been one of the most staunch members who supported him. Ace could never have betrayed himself.

Thinking of this, Whitebeard’s heart actually had a choice of answers. But he still couldn’t bear it, after all, anyway, if he chose to save only Ace, then it would be equivalent to him giving up thousands of other crew members! Such a decision, he is difficult to say it… Therefore, he also hesitated for a long time. But now, after hearing the whispers of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates just now, and accusing them of their baseless and unreasonable criticism. Whitebeard’s heart also gradually cooled down.

He really did not expect that the crew members and sons he usually treated wholeheartedly would actually regard themselves as an enemy-like existence under the words of others! This made Whitebeard very cold.

But at this moment, he didn’t want to open his mouth to defend himself. Let them go.

Anyway, in this case, no matter how you explain it, it will be pale. Their hearts have been decided, and it is not at all 3.8 that they can change back with their own words. Moreover, the betrayal of these crew members has already arisen, even if they change their minds, what is the use? Thinking of this, Whitebeard couldn’t help but feel a cross in his heart!

It was also finally the decision that had tormented him for a long time. Immediately, he looked at Locks with hollow eyes and slowly opened his mouth in an incomparably weak voice, “I choose…”

“Save Ace!”

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