Chapter 168: Endless Hatred, Whitebeard Falls into the Land of No Return!

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“I choose…”

“Save Ace!”

Whitebeard’s faint voice sounded on the battlefield of Marin Fando. Although the sound was faint, it somehow fell very clearly in the ears of everyone in the field. Everyone heard Whitebeard’s decision at this moment.

Suddenly, the faces of the surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley at this moment.

Immediately afterward, everyone’s faces showed a look of great anger and disappointment. 07

“That’s true!”

“We guessed correctly that Whitebeard would have given up on us all to save Ace alone!”

“In this way, what Scuyard said before is not wrong!”

“From the beginning, we have become the outcast of Whitebeard to save Ace!”

“Oh, thanks to the fact that the white-bearded man actually pretended to be kind on weekdays, saying that he treated all of us as sons!”

“Now it seems that this is just his fake performance!”

“How could a man who could betray Locks be sincere with us crew?”

“Ace is the captain of his subordinate team and the son of his best friend Roger the One Piece, and he should be treated differently.”

“We, the crew members without background, are just ordinary men in the eyes of Whitebeard, cannon fodder that can be sacrificed and discarded at any time!”

“Thankfully, through these things today, we have finally seen the true face of Whitebeard!”

“Actually, we have to thank Locks for giving us the opportunity to see Whitebeard.”

“Otherwise, I’m afraid we still think that Whitebeard is an incomparably competent father, right?”

“Although there’s a good chance we’ll be killed by Locks.”

“But even without the advent of Locks and the army of hybrids, we would have been abandoned and sacrificed from the beginning.”

“In any case, there is only one way to die that awaits us.”

“And now, with the intervention of Locks.”

“We can also see the true face of Whitebeard.”

“Otherwise, we may still be grateful to Whitebeard and willingly sacrifice ourselves for each other.”

“Death is unclear!”

“From that point of view, I don’t hate Locks.”

“I thanked him a little.”

“What we really should hate is Whitebeard!!!”


The choice made by Whitebeard is undoubtedly an instant that all these pirates who originally had a somewhat wavering attitude towards Whitebeard were all enraged! At this moment, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment except Ace were extremely disappointed, angry and hateful for Whitebeard 567!

They hated this guy who discarded them as cannon fodder. I can’t wait to slash the other party with a thousand knives!

The love, admiration, adoration, etc. of the previous accumulation of whitebeards, all of which were forgotten, leaving only endless hatred! There is no doubt that Whitebeard’s choice has caused him to completely lose the full trust of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment. He also succeeded in pushing himself into the land of no return! And that’s exactly what Locks wanted!

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