Chapter 169: The stupid Ace is the damned man!

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Marin Fando’s battlefield.

The surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirates are furious and disappointed by Whitebeard’s decision. Among the crowd of the survivors of the Whitebeard Pirates, there were also incessant voices of indignation and irony. Obviously, these pirates are venting and accusing their dissatisfaction and anger in this way. These survivors were all bystanders in the previous fight between the Whitebeard Pirates. They neither chose to betray Whitebeard directly, nor did they choose to firmly support Whitebeard. This is because in their hearts, they are already a little uncertain about what kind of person Whitebeard really is. But now, in front of everyone in Whitebeard,

When they made the decision to save Ace and abandon them all, they finally saw Whitebeard’s true face completely!

This father, whom they love and support so much in their daily lives, is actually just a hypocritical and good person!

In addition, the other party has also done such a thing as betraying the pirate group to which he belongs. At this moment in the hearts of the people, such a whitebeard does not deserve their respect at all! Now in the hearts of the survivors of the Whitebeard Pirates, there is only endless disappointment, anger and hatred for Whitebeard! If they could do it themselves, they would hate to slash Whitebeard with a thousand knives before they died.


And just as the survivors of the Whitebeard Pirates continue to vent their dissatisfaction. The other side.

Like Kapu and the others, Ace was powerless to fall to the ground, and his face was also full of complicated looks at this moment. Ace’s mood was not calm.

Everything that had happened on this battlefield before, he also saw everything in his eyes.

Whether it is the ruthless slaughter of the Whitebeard Pirates at the beginning by the Half-Blood Squad, or the brutal infighting between the later Whitebeard Pirates, or the difficult choice that Locks throws to Whitebeard… All of this, Ace saw it all.

And when he witnessed these experiences, his inner feelings were the same as Whitebeard’s.

He first watched his former companions brutally killed by the Half-Blood Squad, and even the captains of Marko, Joz, Bista and other squad leaders could not escape the poisonous hands of the Half-Blood Squad. The impact of such a thing on his heart can be imagined.

Later, the Whitebeard Pirates actually began to have an unprecedented infighting under the provocation of Locks’s three words!

After the former friends fell at the hands of the Hybrid Squad, those who had survived so hard actually died at the hands of their own people! Such a thing, Ace is naturally extremely difficult to accept. My heart was also tormented with immense pain.

Moreover, in Ace’s cognition, all that the Whitebeard Pirates suffered was actually caused by him. If he hadn’t listened to the strong persuasion of his father and his friends, he would have had to go alone to hunt down the Blackbeard Titch who killed Saatchi. Maybe this won’t happen at all!

In a sense, Ace feels that he is the culprit in killing his friends!

And this also further verifies a problem that Ace has been thinking about since he was a child. Is it right or wrong for a person like himself, a sinful bloodline like himself, to be born into this world? Now, after seeing that all his friends had died because of himself, Ace also got a very accurate answer in his heart.

People like themselves should not exist in this world!

His existence will only bring misfortune to those around him.

“Sure enough, people like me…..”

“It’s better to be dead!”

This was the strongest thought that came to Ace’s mind after witnessing the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment’s companions continue to fall.

What he never expected was that just after he had come up with such an idea, his father, Whitebeard, was facing an extremely difficult decision. Save him?

Or is it just his buddies?

When he heard about the choice that Locks had thrown at Whitebeard, Ace was stunned.

I just feel that my mind is confused, and I can’t think at all for a while.

And when he had somehow eased up, he heard that his father had actually made a decision. Decided to…

Give up his buddies to save him from such a damned man! For a moment, Ace was completely stupid!.

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